Druid players are quiting their toons because of the rigged crap with tempest roar!

That is not really true.

Viable =/= S-Tier broken build

Example, Necromancer:
Minion Mendeln Build
Bone Spear Build
Infinite Mist Build
Sever Build
Shadowblight Build

Just because some are mega OP does not mean the others are not viable.


If only two builds for a class can clear the top end content, then yes they are the only Viable Endgame Builds.

Your opinion as a gamer that you believe something is “OP” or “broken” doesn’t hold any weight in a discussion regarding drop rates for an item.

Interesting to note how you have 0 examples relating to Druid, the class in question & can only speak on another wholly unrelated class & topic.

Have you tried the build with an alternate helm aspect? Or just roll earth.

What relevance does that have on the topic of users playing upwards of hundreds of hours without seeing a specific item for their class, that isn’t on the list of ultra-rare uniques?

It’s an attempt to deflect & misdirect from the actual topic, while placing the blame & onus for the issue on the impacted users.

They ducked up my making uniques too unique. If a build has to have a unique, with no legendary power alternative, it is a bad build. Plain and simple. If another class can do more or the same with only legendary powers than I am playing another class. Duck getting to end game and being stuck behind an rng wall.

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A solution I saw to this in another topic seemed reasonable given the current situation;
The suggestion was to “add an aspect ‘storm skills are werewolf skills, but decrease dmg by x%’”

That suggestion in particular would maintain the current gameplay loop while allowing the use of a less powerful but still comparable build until the specific build enabling item is obtained!

What difference does saying you’ve played 100s of hours if you didn’t try anything else. It only makes your argument invalid as you really have no idea.

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So again, nothing positive or productive to contribute to the topic?
Only personal attacks, bait & bottom rate trolling?

Thanks for letting me know to mute you since you have no interest in a conversation on the actual topic & are only here to detract from & dismiss the complaints of users legitimately participating in this conversation.
I wish you well & thank you for playing!
EDIT: Shill Confirmed, paid or not :clown_face:

The funny thing is that this thread is actually just a single symptom of the greater issue with itemization in D4 as a whole.

Legendary aspects should be baked into the talent tree, or even better, to make the paragon boards not as brain dead boring as they are.

Uniques can be build defining, but usable across many builds, and even classes. They already did this with a few items, but you can tell it was rushed and sloppy.

Bud, go look at the confirmed loot from certain mobs. Just google it. Certain mob types drop certain types of loot. There is also a higher % modifier on PVP zones, just like NMs. I am not just blowing smoke up your butt. I have better things to do than give you anecdotal evidence.

Did the google search for you:


Guess what mobs there are a lot of in the PVP zone to the west? The ones that drop the Helms…

Personal attacks? Only I’ve been attacked personally.

Edit: added another personal attack in your edit.

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I am very familiar with loot types being tied to specific enemy families.
That doesn’t have any impact on the issue of a specific item not dropping for a large number of users playing a specific class.

Nice attempt at deflection & showing your lack of understanding though!

Tempest Roar drops for Druid, not sure what you are going on about. I have a ton of them.

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Enjoy being an outlier, thank you for your report.
It doesn’t invalidate the dozens of others claiming the opposite.
Sidenote, found another Shill acount :clown_face:

A meandering post with bad grammar and dismissing all criticism from the beginning.

Yes, people don’t want to read it… not because they are dumb, but because you are a bad communicator.

Hate to break it to ya… TR won’t help you beat Uber Lilith… If you assume that’s all that’s holding you back.

Irrelevant to the topic? Check!
Personal Attack claiming opposition is inferior? Check!
Low tier trolling & bait by a bored anonymous internet user? Check!

Please do contribute anything to the actual topic, instead of repeatedly bashing others & trying to deflect, dismiss & detract from legitimate users claims like the bottom tier Troll you are! :clown_face:

Again not a personal attack, it’s a general statement clearly did not even reply to you, but I guess if you find the statement to be true you’d be offended. But that’s you making the assumption.

Please do look up personal, I think it’d be beneficial for you.

Just because you were too polite to click reply before typing your reply, doesn’t mean it wasn’t directed at me.

Also for reference, I never actually said you were personally attacking me in the reply you responded to… Work on your reading comprehension.

Take your sociopathic Shill playbook & abuse someone else, somewhere else if you have literally nothing better to do than bait arguments and abuse users trying to air legitimate complaints here.

If they are paying you for this, you are overpaid.

And more personal attacks. Not sure how anyone could take your complaints seriously. It wasn’t directed towards you… It applied to most people, myself included.

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