Jesus you are a special kind of dumb. WoW PvP Servers are OPT IN. They have PVE servers for those who want to only PVE. Maybe they should make a PvP Only server for all 4 of you.
It should be exactly like the PvP servers from WoW yeah. PvP servers in WoW were opt-in.
They had no PvE content you couldnt get otherwise.
Coming from you? Means less than nothing…
Have fun while I run by you opt’ed out, and you sit there holding your epeen with nothing to stroke it on. Do you really think they are going to keep a PVP only zone when 5% of the playerbase PvPs. Nope.
That would only prove you fear me and that will make me feel better, mental victories.
I fear some basement dweller who spends his life wasting away being better at video games… yea… that’s it, that must be it.
Said no one ever…
No, but you do fear me.
This is the type of person who PVP’s folks. Clearly, we should all want to be like this guy.
Holy crap, you need to get out more dude.
Lol, I love when kids get in their feelings over nothing.
Btw, if you aren’t intelligent enough to realize… I’d never see you in that zone if you opt’d out, they’d throw you on another layer… cowards to one layer, actual gamers to the other.
Who is upset, it seems you are the only one crying about an opt out function. I am just impressed mental midgets like you can afford a computer.
Who is upset? You clearly. You keep responding knowing the truth isn’t gonna change…
Ok kiddo, what ever you say. Slapping you on ignore now as people like you can actually make people stupider just by walking in the room. You are an IQ vacuum.
Oh and the constantly personal attacks because you know you can’t bring up an actual reason to why pvp can’t just be pvp, because ironically you wanna talk about IQ.
Which is exactly how it should be done. It would have zero downsides for anyone.
dang I didn’t think that reading a topic like this one would make me want some popcorn lol this is crazy now. I understand both sides of the issue here but it does have to be far for both sides PvE & PvP to get what both players need be it for a quest line or just to farm players. Anyways please no yelling at me for my reply to this topic. Remember this is a game no matter what an yes I have PvP’d on many of games and PvE’d as well. I do know what I would be getting myself in when I go into a PvP zone. I know to pretty much expect to be attacked in a PvP zone.
I will never understand why some people want to force on other people how to play. And don’t want to give other players a choice. More choices, better the game is.
If I am forced to PVP, I will take my money elsewhere not D4, and I am pretty sure I wont be the only one.
Nailed it
I love how the PvP frothers and chest-thumpers insult PvE players by calling them ‘scumbags’ and ‘carebears’.
But the second I called them out on their troglodyte screeching; they dogpiled my post to get auto-mod to remove it.
Fragile ego PKers who want to run gank squads & run away from a fair fight; Those are the type of people whos screech for forced-PvP.
They don’t want to fight other PvPers geared for PvP. They want to bully the new players and lowbies going into the zone for PvE content.
The fact that they scream bloody murder and insults, but report anyone who fires back shows how fragile they are.
Agreed opt in PvP is a terrible design choice. Unless they add a restriction such as “if the area is fields of hatred you cannot get any rewards in the open world of the zone unless you are flagged.”
Let’s PvE players go do dungeons and not have to be worried about being ganked and forces them to PvP if they want to farm a mob in that zone.
If the PVP is only forced on at the extraction sites, all the gankers are just going to sit there waiting for people and make the situation worse. Now, rather than a chance of running into someone while farming, they are going to be sitting there waiting for you at a place you have to go.