Keep fields of hatred open pvp

You have no idea of which you speak. Diablo 1 was made as a single player they didn’t even know till the last days of development that it would even run on the newly launched bnet service so they added TCP/IP on top again at the end of development. Diablo 2 pvp was by their own words just a mash up again at the end of development. So no Diablo was made as a dungeon crawler adventure game and pvp was always just a side game.


yep very true and sad

I fundamentally disagree with that :smiley:
For PvP zones there just seem to be no loss in giving players the choice.

Obviously you should not get any PvP cosmetic rewards if you didnt opt into the PvP zone. But that should kinda come naturally, since if you didnt opt-in, there would be no players to kill to get those rewards.

Watch out everyone! We got a badass over where who believes himself to be a “True” Gamer!

It reminds me of some weirdo meme about 15 odd years ago seeing people call themselves “True gamers” and then linking their streaming channel to some rando website. Has the same kind of energy.


All that will lead to is people selling carries for real life money to obtain cosmetics. It will also lead to people botting, and afk killing. No good comes of this.


stop liking what I don’t like

I’ll never understand this mentality. Just don’t go to the segregated pvp area if you don’t want to pvp. It’s literally an option. Eliminating options for people who prefer them just because you don’t like them is the most fragile entitled stance one can take in this world.

I’m 100% here for pvp in this game so yeah

yall realize that blizzard games are mostly pvp? look at diablo 2 pvp, over watch pvp, warcraft 3 pvp, hots pvp, wow pvp… they are everywhere, so yes they are planning to add pvp in this game

Just have separate instances for people who opt in or opt out. Problem solved. PVPers are with PVPers and PvEers are with PvEers. Everyone wins.


Diablo 2 is not ‘Mostly PvP’. How can you seriously think this?

People already pointed out WoW PvP is basically dead.

  • Diablo2 was a PVE Game that you could play solo but you could PvP if you opted in for it.
  • Overwatch is advertised PVP only.
  • Warcraft 3 was a PVE Game that you could play solo but you could PvP if you opted in for it.
  • WoW was a PVE Game that you could PvP if you opted in for it.
  • Hots is advertised PVP only.
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Because if we wanted to PvP wed go play Warzone or SCUM. PvPers in any type of RPG are just griefers who get off on trolling people. Turds in other words.


I was under the impression that the ‘opt-in’ portion was i you wanted to go there, you had to opt in to pvp or at the very least if you wanted to participate in the red dust mechanics and rewards, pvp was required.

Fake news here. If there is PVE content PVP should be opt in. PVP should be 100% separate from PVE.

There is a reason no one does PVP. If they want PVP arenas cool - have fun not progressing your character and just killing each other for no value whatsoever.

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I can’t wait until people figure out that those zones are instanced like the world boss and people start zoning in with multibox accounts. I also can’t wait until people start organizing kill trade groups and completely negate the need to PvP. Kill trade groups will be WAY more effective than any PVPer or small group PvP.

The crying will be endless by PvPers that people found a way around the system.

The way to handle cheaters is by banning them. There doesnt really seem to be any other solutions.
The game also could just not have any cosmetic rewards, but for those who care about such things, that likely would be a loss.

This is not accurate comimg from someone who has played the entire diablo franchise starting with the original. It is a PvE game.

If it was never meant to be PvE, why are there enemies/monsters/bosses to kill? Even the name of the entire franchise “Diablo” is the final “enemy” of the original game.


If the area requires them to “Opt-in” for PVP then blizzard needs to make it work like this. If you don’t opt-in for PVP in the area then you cant do the content in the area. This will allow those that want to use the area as a shortcut can and those that actually want PVP and do the content in the PVP ZONE can PVP.

I guarantee nobody will Opt-in for PVP in the area so its just another failed PVP experience on D4 yet promised open PVP in the game. Its not open PVP if you have to rely on people opting in to the PVP.

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It is open PVP, it just means no one wants to do it, and that is a decision the players should make on their own.


If it is a PVP zone it is a decision to go in the zone there should be no Opt -in option.