I agree as well here. It is field of hatred… the most dangerous zone in whole of santuary where even the Hero’s get into a mad frenzy killing their brothers and sisters in arms… chopping their ears off in an attempt to create a new String of Ears belt as a trophy…
Non PvPers should just evade the area or was this toggling stuff added because they are too lazy for that? (bad humor sorry). Anyway… tbh it does ruin the immersion for me 4sure… seriously.
How about if you opt in, you go into a world phase with everyone else who opts in, and if you opt out, you go into a separate phase with everyone else who opted out.
That way, the griefers only get to see other griefers and they’ll never have to see someone that they can’t kill.
Both phases should be identical in mob count, drop rates, and density. There can be an additional 5% xp bonus for opting in to encourage participation.
No, just hearing it will be PvP in Diablo makes me puke, it will ALWAYS guarantee whining on the forums on certain items and balancing issues. PVP in a game that is heavily designed around crazy items and builds will just get ruined by Blizz needing to nerf all kinds of items to balance.
PvP should only be a gimmick in Diablo and should not reward anything at all
So basically, you want to take advantage of all the goodies that this pvp zone offers, without pvp-ing. How about no and you stick with your carebear stuff outside of this zone ?
That is kinda besides the point dear fellow Diablo lover. Balance will always be a thing… in any game that has PvP. It might be a bit more challenging in Diablo for the devs but bottom line the balancing is always an issue games where players fight other players. It is never completely perfect. Patch notes for these games are mostly more filled with balance fixed than actual fixes… until at some point it has matured… But then new content comes out… and it starts all over again :D.
What you are talking about are just humans and their ego//pride. All that whining and beeping and humans saying things like: “Look! I am better then you… Haha!”… Over the years i have been learning to ignore that. When theres an option for it, I tend to disable chat for example so i can just concentrate on having fun
Sadly this is in any game that has combat between players. With the toggle stuff that will still happen. People calling you out for not flagging (if you are not invisible… i hope so! :D). Or people that felt their pride crushed and spam the gamechat and or forums for stuff…
Somehow humans lose the goal of having fun playing a game when combatting other players. I feel blessed that I do not suffer from this personally. I do not mind dying over and over in PvP. I like to experiment around what works, what doesnt and learn from my mistakes.
This has got to be a troll post. It just has to be.
Anyway, it always fills me with joy seeing PvP players seethe when they see something not go along with their plans. Seems like poetic justice in a sense. That being said, I feel indifferent about this.
When I read about these “Fields of Hatred”, I imagined some kind of closed off marked area that you can wander into, perhaps the center of the world map that connects the zones. Frankly, so long as it’s not one of those “Must go to” places in order to get the best out of the best gear possible, or get things you simply can’t get normally by doing stuff in the rest of the game (That isn’t PvP specific that is).
If it really is just a place cornered off for people who are interested in, then fine. Let it be there, I’ll just ignore it. Who knows, maybe if I’ll be bored I’ll dip myself into the PvP to see what it’s like, before going back to doing my own thing.
[quote=“Drosul-1640, post:49, topic:6393”]
Yeah remove one of the single most compelling things that would keep players logging in after the first week when all the pve content is beaten and you’re fully geared.[/quote]
Just because you like PvP and think it to be the best thing ever, doesn’t mean that everyone thinks the same.
You think THAT was the reason? Funny, at first I thought it was because the game had weird tuning at the start, and then because it was largely all spectacle and little substance, with you one-shotting eberything and everything being able to one-shot you in high Inferno difficulties.
This is why no one respects PvP players. You all seem to think PvP is the best and most long-lasting content in any game, completely ignoring that soon as there are no players for it, it goes away pretty fast.
The PvE though? The PvE is forever.
Also, just as an off-hand response to the people lamenting as to “Where has gaming gone” because people aren’t so enthusiastic about PvP: Personally, I grew up and realized there is more to gaming than just mindlessly beating on other players. Which is why I went from playing mostly PvP games in my youth to avoiding them, and maybe also wanting to see them be opt-in for games that have noteworthy PvE.
Also, you can blame gaming trends in PvP shifting away from dedicated servers and shifting more into randomized matchmaking. The result being that you no longer meet players who’d regular one specific server so you don’t end up making any kind of “Bond”, instead the thought process is “Why should I care about this random player who I won’t ever meet again? My experience is the only one that matters”.
A fitting dehumanization for an industry that has pretty much lost a lot of its humanity as it grew into a giant.
If this part of the zone is dedicated to PVP then I don’t see why it has to be opt-in. If you don’t want to PVP then you don’t go to that part of the zone and PVP. I agree, remove the opt-in. Anyone with a brain cell will just avoid it. I can maybe see opt-in for hardcore characters though.
Huh? I have the feeling you have made some language errors here :D. You are stating here that all PvP players are not respected. When did that happen? There are sooo many PvP games out there… are they all not respected? Naah… There are huge communities everywhere with people liking the trill of challenging fellow gamers…
Or hmm… well reading all of it above… there do seem a lot of people in this particular posting not really liking PvP that is true if that is what you mean here. In that case I agree. Give us PvP people some love too please. Like 98% (just a wild guess) orso is PvE only. Can’t we just have this little thing for us to have some fun crushing eachothers skulls in there? :D.
You all seem to think PvP is the best and most long-lasting content in any game, completely ignoring that soon as there are no players for it, it goes away pretty fast.
. Ofcourse people who find PvP activities the most fun thing to do think that is just… the best! owyeah baby! It is like saying someone who is obsessed with cars blaming them for they are thinking it is the best! hahah.
I am sorry but i am not going change the things I like to do most (for example coop gaming with my girly) for someone else. That would be a really weurd thing to do.
A more literate person probably would have been able to distinguish the difference between saying “A large reason” and “THE reason”.
Then again you seem to have some extremely large mental health issues in general, particularly regarding your fixation on and hatred of pvp and the players that enjoy that activity. You don’t like that aspect of the game? Fine, don’t participate in it if you don’t want to. Just also don’t expect to be gifted access to the pvp zone simply out of a grotesque sense of entitlement. I don’t particularly enjoy the country music, so I (*gasp) don’t hang out in country bars. Nor would I have the audacity to try and force my way into one and then unilaterally try and ban them from playing country music.
As for your apparent hatred of pvp players themselves, well… Other than your feckless whinging, if you really dislike them so much, you could always just you know, kill them in game by pvping.
I’d call it the “Plains of despair” but Fields of Hatred work too. And if just a zone is enough then I’m all for it.
I think it should just have a crap ton of signs with warnings and heads on pikes to let others know what that zone is. Maybe an NPC with a “!” above their head to tell you. And if you die there your head appears on one of the picks for the rest of the season.
It is always fun to see these kinds of responses. Anyone have an issue they feel strongly about? Mental health issues.
Also you seem to have completely overlooked the parts of my comments where I am either neutral about this, or am at least a “Former PvP Enthusiast” and have expressed that if I get bored I’ll check the Fields of Hatred myself.
I wasn’t going to. At least not to any serious level.
I’ve had my moments in PvP where I showed my open contempt towards some players. I remember one time spawn camping someone in WoW for being an annoying fly who kept attacking people outside of a safe area and running into it whenever anyone had an upper hanf over him.
This was During Legion which was… Five years ago, or something like that?
I mean, I am no stranger to PvP, I just don’t like it and I hate the guts of people who think it’s the only gameplay mode worth playing in any game that exists
But that isn’t what they want. They want easy kills, not challenges.
Leave it opt in, if no one wants to PvP, the problem solves itself. No one should be forced into something they do not want to do for someone else’s enjoyment.
How about you stop crying about how other people want to play? Are you the fat kid in the sandbox who wants to try to fight people because they don’t want to build sand castles with you? It is a video game, get over it.
Maybe we should exclude PvP’ers from all the PvE stuff? That would be fair right?
all i know is , the moment they turn Diablo into an open world pvp crappy mmo. is the moment i would personally say goodbye forever and switch to a different game. i have nothing against pvp in fact, i started playing MMO with lineage 2, probably many of you don’t even know what that is, because of your age. diablo was never meant to be a MMO, and the reason i liked diablo, is exactly that. it seems to be they are starting to change something what works in order to experiment something entirely new .
so far pvp is fun untill people gets bored then game dies fast. don’t change what does not need changing. because in most case is for the worse.
i never understood the mentality of some so called hardcore pvp players, in wanting to force others to like what they like. but funny enough, they are like the king midas, only difference is, that instead of turning things they touch into gold, it turns into poop
and they also never satisfied. they start with a nogo zone for pve players, then they get bored and cry for more, then the constant nerf of classes because some are facerolling them in pvp. pve gets screwed, rinse and repeat. then eventually they cry more and demand that the whole servers most be open world pvp, except for towns. history always repeats and this trend never changes.
end result, is a ruined game with empty servers, where noone will ever play, because guess what? the first one to flee the sinking ship are the pvpers