exactly. is a huge nope from me. capital letters and red headlines
you just took your mask out little bunny. go get some lunch of something, you managed to bore me out. and again. big huge Nope to this retard idea
See you in the fields, don’t be too scared.
"Don’t you get tired of not being able to make a point and continue making a fool out of yourself? You have literally one choice, avoid the zone… if I find you in it… I will camp you and you WILL log out and play somewhere else or another game."
And this is the problem people like us want to avoid.
Trash like you… lol
yes say hi to your parents from me little bunny, tell them to make sure you take your daily medication , since you already starting having delusions
it is funny how you assume things about people you don’t even know. i used to pvp since lineage 2 days.
Lineage? It’s not an assumption, you’ve proven to be a man-child who believes the world revolves around himself… so I’ll see you in the fields
and you’ve 'proven to be an idiot. simple as that
There is no longer open PvP for that zone ? What ?
I really hope they revert that back. Don’t want the same situation as in D3 to repeat, where they promised PvP with arenas before release and then completely scraped it just because they didn’t want to bother with balancing.
Also, existing PvP is healthy for the balance of the game, as they need to keep the numbers at bay, not having quadrillions of damage like in D3.
Not even remotely true… you believe that PVPers shouldn’t have a zone for PVP. Simple as that. Avoid the zone and people won’t kill you easily.
give it a rest dude lol. im married you know ! lol
Isn’t the pvp zone off in a corner that doesn’t force you to run through to get somewhere else?
Can’t call it griefing if participation is optional.
as long it is optional im cool with it. would go with my friends from time to time.
Think a bit smaller and dont call it server, let’s call it a… zone. Yeah, a pvp zone.
All we do now is come up with a catchy name like i dont know, the “plains of dislike” or maybe a bit more gritty; Fields of Hatred. That sounds cool right?
People can go there to pvp and collect pvp rewards. Dont want to pvp, stay out of the zone
Lead community manager said it does: https://www.twitch.tv/datmodz/clip/BoxyFancyMeatloafBCouch--8pUD6YXovYG22g7
Streamer: If you pvp in hardcore, do you lose your character?
Lead Community Manager: Yes
That’s taking the streamer at their word though as we saw no actual proof/message.
I believe that if it’s going to be as it was in the closed beta, it’s just fine.
Was something changed from then?
there is a perma death option. do you mean that such feature was meant to apply for the pvp?
Apparently according to the lead community manager.
Why do you feel the need to farm open world in a pvp zone if you have no intention of pvping is the real question. Go do a dungeon. You know, one of the overwhelming supermajority sources of gameplay that aren’t designed and don’t have any pvp whatsoever.
And since you carebears can’t seem to understand it, letting people toggle on/off can cause population problems with the zone when only a fraction of the people are even viable pvp competition and will lead to degenerate practices like mass farming all your pvp currency in the zone with the toggle off, then searching for a group to have everyone mass turn at once so you basically never have to be in the zone for a long period of time, thus equating to a massive handout of pvp rewards to players not actually engaging in any damn pvp.
The fact is YOU CHOOSING NOT TO ENGAGE IN PVP, doesn’t make you suddenly entitled to the pvp zone, any more than a say hardcore player choosing not to engage the world bosses out of fear of easy death is entitled to world boss content.
i ll make it easy for ya to understand. basically i want to play diablo not Eve online