Keep fields of hatred open pvp

They will do balancing over time, obviously. I’m not worried about balancing atm. I want there to be a plentiful of options to PvP, worthwhile, and fun.

I think you misunderstood the meaning and context of: Inferiority complex. Excuse me if I offended you.

I was talking about wild PvP so in all areas even PvE. Which probably won’t be the case on D4, since there’s a specific area for you PvP Boys/Girls.

Why do you want to slow down or even stop the progress of people who simply want PvE? What’s in it for you? Do you feel superior because the PvE player does not know how to play in PvP? It is in this sense that I used the words inferiority complex.

A good hearing very expensive :wink:


You are not forced to PvP, so what exactly are you crying about. Be specific. I would like a full-OPT IN option to PvP in ALL zones. Did you read that correctly? Let me know :slight_smile:

Plenty of counters to a rogue
You’re forgetting that not every single rogue player is skilled either.
I have a sorc build that deletes everything, you think you can cc and use your mobility against me? good luck with that.
Just wait when you run into a necro running a thorn build… you’ll self implode trying to deal with that death blob.

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I’m not crying, I’ve just worried that Blizzard will move the rest of the open world into PvP. If you want an explanation, I’ve been traumatized by wild PvP on some other MMOs.

Well, you have nothing to worry about. It is a “OPTION.” But I’m coming from games like Mortal Online 2. (Full-Loot PvP) I personally love that, it’s a fun challenge every time. It would be nice to have a large company like blizzard to give us just a small taste of that in Diablo. PvP is the only reason my group is playing D4…of course the PVE is a blast so far in this game.

People that fight against pvp areas, that they don’t even have to go to, generally are just really really bad at it and take out their frustrations on the concept and players instead of acknowledging their own lacking abilities. They hate that they suck. So it all must be destroyed. That way they never have to face the truth.


lol PVP will be such a mess you know why ? because parties will be camping these sites !!! This game is heavily depended on items, guilds playing 15-18 hrs a day will floor all these PVP addicts. And the cherry on top. Remember rares can be traded, watch for rmt flooding this games economy and the top guilds are decked out on perfect rares :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:!!! i just can’t wait for that drama to commence. I am already hearing jitters that the bots from Lost Ark are poking into this matter !!! i wouldn’t be surprised when the main incentive of this game will turn to farm rares and sell to the whales so they can curb stomp PVP zones !!!


Pvp is meh, but I don’t mind it when I’m in the mood for it. Opt-in is a good solution in that regard.
Some really garbage takes in this thread though, probably would be better off without it if it’s gonna attract that kind of trash.


There is literally PvE content within the PvP zone, to what extent players have to go in there to do quests and other things is unknown. Forcing players to engage in PvP to complete quests is bad for business and something Blizzard is never going to do.


If I can’t opt out to go there, I won’t go there. If it is mandatory for quests or progression, I will just quit the game forever. If you want to PvP great, opt in for PvP, but don’t punish me because you want to PvP. If you do not have enough PvP targets, then maybe that is the world telling you to go play a different game.


It’s opt in until you go to convert the red shard things at some altar at which point you’re flagged as pvp during the process. It’ll still be a ganker’s paradise I’m sure despite absolutely everyone hating it aside from said gankers.

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What happens if you don’t do that?

As far as I’m aware, you aren’t flagged (unless voluntarily). Once you go to try to turn whatever currency into “reward currency” is when you get flagged whether you want to or not.

Yea, agree 100%

It should stay open PVP… do not kill PVP in this game. D3 died for me years ago because of it’s lack of PVP.

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There needs to be a point in games where you can not engage with content you don’t want to do. Add some real variety to zones and keep this feature, it makes the fields of hatred unique and not just another grindzone.

Honestly probably wouldn’t be that hard for them to implement since everywhere is sharded and they have some PvP systems in place. Just let people swap modes in town like New World and walk out of town and get zoned into a PvP shard.

They may not think it’d be popular enough to bother.

This isn’t how it worked in the last closed beta.

Any flagged player in the PvP zone could attack anyone else in the zone (except party members) at any time whether that other person flagged or not.

Unflagged players are NOT safe at any time in the PvP zone outside of town if a flagged player shows up and attacks you.

Being unflagged is essentially just like not turning on hostile towards other players in D2. Hostile (flagged) players can attack you and you can attack them. Unflagged players just can’t attack each other.

The turn in stones simply activate a brief event to turn in your currency and this alerts the entire zone so if any hostile players want to try to take your currency before it’s too late, they can come over and try.

edit: of course any of that could have changed since closed beta, but that’s how it worked in the last closed beta

Seeing how the pvp promises fell apart in diablo3. I’m very much looking forward to some pvp in d4.


As someone who played EVE Online for years, and did the gambit from Frigate only faction sites up to Supercap & structure-bashing, I have to say that I have gotten to the age where PvP being the only option is just not my thing anymore.

If people want to PvP, let them and give them the space to do so. However, the requirement to do PvP, whether it be because of quests or simply to get from point A to point B, is something that should not happen.


Just remove pvp altogether. Nobody needs that in an rpg where everyone has different gear. We don’t need fun features nerfed or removed because of “not viable for pvp”.