The flagging system was frequently misunderstood in closed beta. I didn’t really understand it until I spent some time in the PvP zones myself.
It’s possible they changed it a lot since CB since it seemed more… in development than other areas of the game, but at the time, how it worked was that flagging meant you could attack ANYONE that wasn’t in your party in the PvP zone and ANYONE (except party members) could attack you.
Unflagged players weren’t entirely safe, they just couldn’t attack other unflagged players. Flagged players could gank them though and unflagged players could attack flagged players that came by.
Most will opt out and most that opt-in will only be doing so for whatever incentive they throw in to get people to opt in. If theres no bonus for opting in then even less people will participate.
PvP is going to fall flat and die fast if they let spells have the range that ultrawide monitors is providing people. Ultrawide definitely will need to be nerfed for PvP, my guess would be making the range of spells cast only as far as 1 screen.
My take was that if all the pvp is reduced to “opt in” only then blizzard is demonstrating that they have ZERO faith in the game’s pvp being anything resembling “deccent” enough to make it a real feature… They’re probably hiding it because it’s terrible…
And tbh, after seeing likes like melee rogue’s damage, cc pootential, and number of gap closers last week… I see nothing in the Necro toolkit, for example, that even has a remote chance of countering it in any way, doubtful the wizard can either.
Look at New World to see why that’s a horrid idea that will never happen.
They had to rebalance the entire game, because players were camping the newby spawns and just chain-ganking new players on login. For literally HOURS at a time, players would just sit in the newby area and bash anyone logging in for the first time.
And I doubt many people would opt-in.
And then those that do would start the ‘Nerf every class I don’t play because they are OP. Who cares about PvE; PvP first!’ screaming.
Yeah remove one of the single most compelling things that would keep players logging in after the first week when all the pve content is beaten and you’re fully geared.
The lack of PvP is a large reason D3 had zero longevity. Back in OG D2 there where frequent 3v3 tournaments and the like setup and it was a massive reason that kept people online and in game farming new gear for new potential builds/advantages.
And here’s the ‘PvP lasts longer than PvE every time because I said so’ chest thumping.
Weird. D2 barely has PvP, and has virtually no PvP balance, and has survived for…23 years.
Almost like the idea that ‘PvP is the only thing that saves PvE games’ is complete BS invented by chest-thumpers in an attempt to scare devs into going ‘PvP first’ in non-PvP games.
PvP players pulled this same BS lie with Elden Ring, too.
They screamed that Elden Ring was ‘PvP First’ and the devs needed to bring back solo invasions because ‘The game would die without PvP’ and other insipid excuses and lies to demand a PvE game be made PvP first, get balanced around PvP first, and cater to PvP players first.
And where are you getting this number from?
Oh, right; your mind.
Yet more lies from the chest-thumpers to pretend PvP is more important, because their fragile egos need it.
And yet no one else did. Which is why the developers rebranded it from pure PvP to opt-in with PvE elements.
Because no one but the top of the food chain had any fun, and there are not enough of those types to support a game’s costs.
all through the season actually. Just because someone doesn’t log in every day after seasonal journey is done doesn’t mean they dont play. A lot of people play NS after seasonal journey is over. If the journey was more challenging like POE journey, then people would be sticking around longer. PVP got nothing to do with it. Lost Ark got arena, why don’t you go take a look there how good that is. Hardly anyone queues up for Arena. PVP addicts make up a small portion of the player base. Balancing a game around a small playerbase would make 0 sense towards the majority.
And even then blizzard gave an option so both PVE and PVPer can enjoy. There are large open PVP zones where there will be plenty of people ganking and thirsty for pvp that will drop your ***. All the people crying for PVP will have plenty on their plate. Those who don’t will not bother you in any shape or form. We don’t need open world PVP. Opt in serves the purpose plenty. Or is your version of PVP killing someone that cant fight back ? is that why you want open world pvp ? you dieing for PVP opt in and go to the zone. Hundreds thirsty like you will be sitting for you !!! Duke it out with them. What more do you want ?
The only fragile ego here buddy is you. It’s pathetic really, that you are so desperate to prevent pvp from existing in a game that you willfully ignore both reality and history to fit your narrative. Grow up.
Most people playing a diablo 3 season hit a wall early where the massive diminishing returns on improving your character simply cease to inspire them to keep playing. You can reach that point in literally under 10 hours of time /played. And you see massive participation drop off as a result…
And regarding your blatant lies about Diablo 2’s pvp community… In OG d2, the US East and US West pvp communties where 2 of the largest communities for the entire game. If you don’t know anything about a game’s history, perhaps it’s best you don’t oh so confidently vomit your verbal excrement.
Huh, tonssss of players that actually played that version of PvP LOVED New World. It was a huge deal when they decided to bend the knee to a couple of weak players that cried about, “TOXIC PVP.” You just don’t like PvP or have little experience in it. We get it, move on. Many of us do, and yet that is the sole reason we want to GEAR UP for…to try on other players.
So, is it the option to ‘grief’ others that you are looking for or actual PvP? Opt-in lets you go up against people looking for PvP, FFA PvP is just a ganking paradise with pre-mades or solos running around trying to snipe kills.