Well apparently it matters more then you think, considering Blizzard did in fact listen to the Sorc/Necro/Druids nerds demanding Barbs damage be slashed into nothing.
It was to call attention to the fact that they declared ‘barb = baseline’ then slashed sorc numbers across the board, as if to suggest that sorc was, in s4, outstripping barb performance.
Cool so why did they slash Barb numbers twice as hard while undoing most of the nerfs Sorc got
Yeah that would be balance with math not emotions.
This is what baseline means.
Baseline means killing Barb while over buffing Sorc because they whined the most? Lmao.
So you have seen damage numbers from s5?
Because we have all seen them from the 4 seasons and the pre season before.
Pretty sure you are overreacting to something you have not even seen yet.
No but the streamers have, and they are all saying not only is Sorc on top but they are AT LEAST as strong as S4 Barb, probably even stronger because they didn’t get a whole lot of time to play around with Sorc.
No. A baseline is just that. It means the remaining items in the system match or limit deviations where possible from this designated perameter.
Im gonna 4hed this as an example: bringing barb down is bad news for everyone, because if the devs hold true to the baseline, it means the ceiling for all classes was lowered.
Barb mains man.
You mean the same streamers who said Barb was fine for 4 seasons now?
Sorry if I am skeptical.
When they release the patch notes and we see the datamined new items, I can tell you if your fears are warranted.
And what people overlook is this is fine as long as the variance in damage is smaller.
They can always readjust the world diffiicutly, but not when the class variance is huge.
Don’t even try, they will not see reason. They probably never played any other class.
No that’s Sorc Mains
LoL. Your entitled temper tantrum is so funny.
Agreed that yeah, totally acceptable.
Every Barb passive will be the worst in the game with these changes. Along with this, every build and the whole class will be too.
finally we can play the game at a reasonable pace hopefully, and not be annoyed by 1shotting tormented bosses, and actually have some fun fighting them compared to the snoozefest when a barb is in group.
So please more tears, w/o even testing the whole package , you are a disgrace to every arpg player who wants actual balance.
Can you do some calculations to tell me how “weak” the barb will be (as we all know, D4 is a math game that can directly calculate the damage expectation through data, cant you?) Will it be weaker than the current Dru lol?
The weakling will only cry for a momentary nerfing, or even just for the illusion they see in their dreams. If Barb in the official version really buried under 6 feet, I will cry with you.
But for now, I’ll just laugh at you .
Even if barbs get a 90% nerf they’re still going to out damage sorcs and druids that had their damage doubled. That’s how bad druid and sorc are right now.
Nah he will just be shouting around the Pit bosses wondering why he cant hear him.