Wecome to how sorcs were feeling.
oh come on. Chill already you big cry baby! Just wait for final changes and play them. Than you can cry if there is the case…
So much for the Rule of Cool. Bliz now turns to their tried and true method.
The Rule of Un
I’m just kidding lol. But the nerf barbs meme has been around since the start and it makes me lol.
Personally, I could care less as classes/specs go up and down in the merry-go-round of balancing.
I would not get too worked up over the current changes as they are still subject to change and most likely will again in the expansion.
Pretty sure someone will come up with a crazy build with all these new weapons that give 300% damage. Season 5 is only two months long, and there is going to be a mid-season patch. I understand you are upset about the nerfs. Perhaps wait and see, or take a break in the summer. Drink a cream soda (my favourite drink by the way) by the beach.
WOMP WOMP. see you S5!
There are so many sheep out there. So quick to just blindly follow.
I like this bait thread but it will stir up controversy
The innacuracies come from exploits found later and capitalized on, and things not working as stated. You can’t fault the people who make those lists for that.
Maybe that’s the challenge,work around seasonal nerfs. Personally I think Barb will be just fine with new Legs.
Well said, this will does not only affect one class but has happened and will happen again. They say one thing and do another. Adjustments are fine but sledgehammers and super gratuitous buffs are not the answer.
I will take that bet
I have already argued strongly against giving those big buffs.
Nerf them instead.
They can’t remove Barb from “The Game of Barb”, or it would just be “The Game of”.
NOOOOOOOOOOO, though I haven’t played with Barbarian yet. Just buff all other classes, and since there is bareable any PvP in Diablo IV, whatever overpower Barbarians have is irrelevant.
I want more Coop activities, though.
Not happening in my opinion. In fact given they are keeping the tormented boss stacking debuffs on pit bosses for season 5, I suspect most people will be pushed back into lower pit tiers than they hit in S4 and only the most attentive, focused and agile players will be able to climb more than few pit tiers than they already hit in S4.
Well, considering barbarian last season could archieve 400k xp, the mindless gameplay since launch, the unkillable tankiness, im surprised how it survived in the game for 4 seasons in a row without a huge nerf. I would still preffer every other class to become something in the same level of barb, so we can experience all classes and feel the same challenge, but cry about barbarian uncapped gushing wounds nerf, while all the other classes passives are bound to a cap is a little too much.
Well now barbarians wil actually need to PLAY the game instead of just smash keyboard randomly.
Actually Barbs just won’t be able to play this game at all. Again, just delete the whole class in that case.
I would agree with OP to delete Barb, but unfortunately these “Barbillions” players will just migrate over to the Gorilla Spiritborn. Then Blizz will just favor them over every other class again and do “Gorillions” instead.
Actual balance is our only hope.
Stop whining. Barbarian for all 5 seasons, including season zero, has been tierS, for which a whole mechanics was nerfed, affecting other classes (overpower for example), set a stats cap, changed multiplicative damage to additive damage - because of one class with a HUGE lead over the rest of the classes. Necromancer was also cut from 120% to 50% key shadowblight damage, for absolutely no reason. But here from 100% to 35% and that’s it, I won’t play. With the numbers that gave the barbarian, there should ALL reduce by 90%, which would only bring him closer to the level of power druid. And even after that, he can still remain much stronger than the other classes.