We went from remove Druid to remove Barb
The very definition of Barblo 4 with transmogs and skill VFX. Everyone roll the default barb and if you want to dress it as a sorc - buy the transmog and the skill VFXs.
if the nerf still inadequate, blizz please nerf more.
no build should ever do billions-trillions of damage that kills world bosses and Duriel in 1-2 seconds.
So yeah you do want Barb just removed from the game, thanks for supporting my thread
you’re welcome. i always like to pamper you guys.
i believed just 2 weeks ago i saw the similar thread with sorc as the subject.
Barb has two addition two handed weapon slot, I am sure the player able to find the damage Barb need to be on par with other classes. Let’s sit down and take out a paper and pen, do some math and calculate why with 2 extra two handed slots your damage cant match with other class post nerf.
The dev should nerf Barb HP as the extra weapon slots roll with max life also. It is still over power in defense after this nerf.
So when Sorcs are hitting for billions in Season 5, I’m sure you will be cheering on for Blizzard to nerf them just as hard right
not likely, i personally not a fan of billions damage. even any build that does exceed 10mil damage is ridiculous to the context of the game.
That’s just silly, that means you want no one to go past like pit 110?
You can nerf enemies in the Pit as well.
The Pit was an answer to broken scaling, it should not have been like that in the first place.
You know exactly where is this coming from…
Exaggerating the opposite argument to the point it sounds ridicolous so he most likely feels winning and gets the validation. We all had exes like this when she wanted to dodge the rational points.
how smart is it by making a game like astronomers having a conference converting millions of light year into kilometers?
I’m sure, with all these new and reworked uniques coming, barbs will make it again to be viable.
Viable, not dominating.
Oh sweet barb tears. Hmmm tasty…
If they need to remove barb from the game to stop the game revolving and being built around barb, remove barb.
I got a 5 that says barb are still going to have stack of S-tier builds.
Barbs will be fine after putting it through a spreadsheet they are still the number one class.
Rogue’s or Necro are a close second depends on the unique with all the changes to them.
Who knows about the rest I don’t have time to check.
Don’t be drama queens.
Delicious Tears. 20 characters
What’s hilarious is that these nerfs are aimed across the board, they’re not aimed specifically at the OP builds and they offer no alternative paths. For instance, whirlwind by itself deals no damage, it’s only there to proc twisters which are there to proc Berserk Ripping which in turn only works because of Gushing wounds.
Blizzard takes a look at this and just nerfs Gushing wounds into the ground and leaves everything else in the same mess, resulting in whirlwind being garbage because it is fundamentally garbage. Every barb Core skill is still absolute garbage.
Where am I even supposed to go with my barb? Just slap on moonrise, might, rapid and adaptability aspects and spam “insert basic skill” for the entire season?
Maybe I should hope for another buff to twister damage because that’s fun lol!
I came back for Season 4 after quitting during Season 1 because of similar issues, barb skills dealt no damage and where only there to trigger berserk ripping+barber gem.
I get that people who don’t play barb or people who level up a barb to abuse various aspect/tempering/passive interactions based on a 20 min youtube video don’t really comprehend the issues but Blizzard absolutely should.
I wish the shred buffs for druid where more significant because then I could take refuge with the druids.
And you know that because…?
There is no final patch out yet! Also, you look only at the nerfs and not the comparisson between classes. Also, you didn’t get the chance to play the changes in order to start complaining already…
I wanted to play barbarian next season, but I fear it’s going to be like playing a sorc this season.
Time to play sorc! frozen orb go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
(100,000,000 hours of grind time to be competitive)
(10 hours of grind time on a necro to be competitive)