Just remove Barb from the game

You said it exactly… you can’t always foresee these type of builds. You can’t honestly think they intended Sorc to be perma immune. Just because they didn’t see it doesn’t mean it was intended… hence unintended. Same as shatter. They didn’t intend for it to just progressively get more dmg the more enemies it hits and it being uncapped. Hence why they fixed it.

If the devs intended these interactions than they are more bad at their job than I already think. I’m pretty sure you know these type of things are not intended.

Playing what you like isn’t always possible if you want to have fun. Chain lightning Sorc hasn’t been good since beta. I don’t need a guide to tell me that.

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i mean yea, you arent wrong, its just something i dont think we should worry too much about.

personally im happy that they dont change “unintended” things inside a season. people gear their characters, get these builds. let them enjoy it while it lasts.

i mean in the end thats a big pro for me in seasonal games. stuff isnt static.

EDIT: CL might be good in s5 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

you know, minion necro was rather… meeh all the time too (tho, was also able to clear all content). i had my time in s4 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I agree with you on that. I don’t care if something is op. If it is I also think they should leave it, unless it actually breaks the game or something. People invest too much time into something to have it destroyed in a current season patch.

My problem is more so the neglect of everything else. To example what I mean … I don’t care if that build cleared pit 170. What I care about is the other builds clearing 120 at best and most of them probably 60 at best. Other builds don’t necessarily have to compete with something busted but all builds should be at a baseline of within 10% or so of each other when not busted. So if other builds are into 140s and they aren’t busted, then I expect all the other builds to be able to do something at least close to that.

It should go without saying but I mean a well built build with similar gear… not just some weird thrown together crap with bad gear.

Yeah I was stoked for minion necro this season and I also am super super stoked that CL might be good s5. I just want the dev team to keep them this way and do more tweaks to balance instead of chainsaws.


well, thats indeed something that worries me at times. you know, i do defend the need for an eternal realm, but stuff does indeed change quite heavily balance wise from season to season, which of course, doesnt make too much sense when we talk about eternal per definition.

Considering the amount of class balancing that happens after every season, i kinda assume we will face a point where eternal needs a seperate kind of balancing, since this realms only relevance is for people who dont have enough time for a season, and just want to enjoy d4 in their extremely limited time.

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Even on seasonal. Some people just love certain builds or skills they want to play and they want to keep paying them. I don’t expect them to remain the same always but they should always feel good to play. Obviously busted stuff needs fixed between seasons but it shouldnt go from busted to practically unplayable.

This is a barb thread so I want to say that I have no idea how barb will play. Many times people think something will be crap and it ends up being good. I have also seen things expected to be crap actually still be crap though.

I’m just talking balance in general. I expected balance to be in a much better spot by now. In some cases it is. Just need to get the rest there. That’s not going to happen until they start being surgical though.

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i doubt we will see any rough form of “balance” in quite a bit. i mean, d4 got released too early, we can all agree there. stuff got changed heavily, so yea, if at all, itll take quite a bit til we see that happening.

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True that it is heavily playing catch up.

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Lol season 5 basically removed Barbarian. Literally S4 Sorcs key passives do more damage than all of the reworked key passives barb will have in S5.


Can we stop with the “DUH, my class got nerfed just remove it from the game” threads? Sorcs were unbearable enough already but geez, are we going to deal with barbs now too?


The drama queens are out in force today. :crown:


The sky is almost always falling. For at least 1 person, if not more.

I started getting into HC this season, just taking it slow for now. I was gonna roll a Barb in S5 first up, but might go Sorc instead.

Did they cut Rogue’s best Key Passives by over 70% before the patch?


Barbs are understandably upset because this was not what was promised to them and the players.

The Rule of :cool: turns to the Rule of nerf - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

Lmao Barbs are the biggest whiners around. Gushing wounds is still one of the best key passives in the game but somehow they’re unplayable, remove it from the game.


No it’s actually just garbage after this change. Possibly the worst key passive in the game.

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I read the links above and for me personally in my personal opinion, it’s a nothing burger. One key passive I use is nerfed. So it’ll take me longer to kill bosses. Might have to rethink a few rare nodes in my paragon board.

I personally don’t want a cake walk melee character so I don’t care if the meta builds can’t do silly amounts of damage.

Nerf my toon down to a butter knife and I’ll still do melee hack-n-slash.

Except they nerfed all Key Passives. And by nerfed I mean “I genuinely wonder if they are worth the skill point”

Dont worry im sure there will be an exploit or bug or as some people think working as intended interaction that was missed.

Since this can happen anywhere but more pronounced when they are making bigger changes.

Wait til the dust settles, you might be surprised.


You can say that about all classes. There is a reason why I only play the Barb and it has nothing to do with their damage output, good or bad.

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I do not give a damn about classes or class balance so barb can stay and be as OP as they want.