Sounds like OP should stick with D2R then. You wont be missed in D4, see ya!
Uhh… It’s also called Doom. >…> I mean you have a literal “Space station” as your base.
See you at launch mate.
Just Bought three copies for myself a close friend and my son . Cant wait to play its going to feel amazing playing Diablo in a world that feels alive with real people.
I will also be buying more copies at launch because i like to play on all platforms .
ps5 /xbox / switch when it comes out / pc at launch i will have bought at least 6 copies of D4
lets go blizzard I am ready
I know this is an older post, but sadly in Beta we couldn’t turn nameplates off, at least I couldn’t find it in settings. Hoping it will be there in full game. Even turning subtitles off in beta didn’t work, but there was a toggle, just didn’t do anything lol.
Yeah i find it incredibly confusing the open world player limit actually worked to my surprise for my play time with beta i was expecting players everywhere like a typical mmo. (so glad it wasn’t i quite lost ark for that reason)
However the most density is in major towns/cities. Which the Devs said was there as basically a social hub and to look at other players cool gear,fair enough but maybe make a sperate instance or something for players that want that expierence, players like me dont’t care what others are wearing,have all chat off cause i am enjoying the story and are not there to socialise. So for me all i get is random people emoting and covering all the gorgeous graphic’s of the town at times… ?? why can’t this be optional like d3?makes zero sense to me but i am all for it for players that want it, so don’t get me wrong.Is it ignorable…yeh…it is mostly,still prefer a Off switch though please like d3.I tried playing with other is d3 for story on launch and they speed ran through the game so i was like nah i want to go slow and immersive.Later on matchmaking for rifts and bounties was fun and i enjoyed that too, but it didn’t interfer with my main characters and loved switching back to a private game when i had enough,I feel if it was possible to impement it would be worth the devs consideration to give the player base the option to tailor the expierence a little, that being all said you all delievered on the no group content like dungeons and stronghold and the open world was not overstuffed and i felt alone as it should be, I trult hope it stays this way through all the difficulty tiers and endgame, Still looking forward to seeing d4 develop and have some fun with it one day.
Eh, you’re the only person who wants to constantly see others in a game that should be single-player.
Diablo is a multiplayer game. It always has been.
I’m ambivalent about it.
I would like to see the first weeks of gaming to see how they handle it.
What I’m most scared about is server performance and queues, in addition to lag on the player side.
I just find it impossible that an online only game that’s not an MMO will be able to handle 1 million + players on day 1. I’m expecting massive lag in main city hubs and hour long queues in first weeks upon release.
Agree with op. This feels like Diablo Immortal. I dont like the mmo-ification of this game. Will play the game to beat it but not sticking around like I did with previous Diablos.
Late response, Doom is 1st person shooter.
I was more referring to top down rpg element games.
So technically “yes, Diablo in space” however that’s applicable if doom was playable as though it were Diablo.
Eh… you may, but my point still stands. ^.^" Demons in space.
Don’t forget to yell “Train to zone!”
You must have played Everquest haha
I still… prefer ganking people at the fel cave in Ultima Online. As soon as they walked in… all us Reds casting, boom dead. LOOT!
now that was the fun days. think the only time i might of been upset at red was when i cast blade storm (the spinning blades spell) and it actually went through a portal to bucs den and well my magic manage to keep it alive for a bit or it glitch but ended up with like 80+ kills before a gm got on and killed it.
FOSURE!! Buccaneers den was always great to have some fun at.
Man… I also remember taming a crap ton of drakes. luring them to a dudes castle (left his front door unlocked) and just released them… >…> Guy had previously ticked me off… soo… revenge… He died alot.
Man it sounds like I missed out on Ultima Online. One of the few MMOs I never played. I was hooked on Everquest for a long time. Had no time for other things lol. Not that I am complaining about that. I had tons of fun in EQ and made many friends along the way.
UO x10 better then WoW. if you were wanting to be a archer/heavy armor dude. you could you had a max skill points that you can develop (train) as towards those skills. want to be a miner go out and mine and earn mining skills. then turn around a smelt that ore and turn it into armor to sell to those pesky reds. they did a lot for that game till Lord british and EA had a fight about its future.
Dear god… dont get me started on mining… >…< was hell in fel. Mining skill, magic, stealth. weapon/armorsmith Think I even took up tailoring on that char too… lol… 700 skill points… and forget how many ya could get with scrolls. know you could get skills up to 120.
Man it sounds like I missed out on Ultima Online.
Yeah it’s definitely a game that defined pvp. atleast IMO. Epic battles for sure.