Who says the character we play is special. Lilith is back, and has affected many, the players you come across are kindred nephalim/ humans, whom are searching for her as well.
So while you the player are playing a special character, so too are other players.
The world is sparse, townships have 6-30 NPCs from what we’ve seen in zone one (I can’t really be bothered trying to count).
Each player represents part of the 20% that survived, or descendants of those who did.
Good bye and good riddance.
You’ll be back.
i used to play with a few friends and the wife for a full 4 person group thats fine but this group would and still see others ingame which tbh to us does not make a diablo game WE are the heroes not everyone else we see and their friends it literally takes away the whole premise of the story me against the evil baddies etc IF i wanted an online game i would play wow / new world / eq any other real mmo game that is out thanks.
Blizzard said Diablo 4 was going to be an MMO and so it’s an MMO that we’re getting. You, me, everyone else on this forum–we don’t decide what makes a Diablo game. The owners of the IP get to decide what makes a Diablo game. Diablo 5 could be a space opera, it would still be a Diablo game. It doesn’t matter what YOU want. YOU don’t own the franchise and you’ve put literally no money or creative energy into the franchise. Also I wouldn’t trust you or anyone else on this forum anywhere near the creative decisions for this or any other game.
You’re deluaional if you don’t think blizzard is a company that relies on their products to make money, which is where us, the customer’s come into play witg GIVING THEM MONEY.
You also must have missed the posting from blizzard that said they want feedback and suggestion etc… which is why they have forums for such things. If they didn’t want it, they’d leave it for someone else, like reddit, or any other person who wants to host it.
You buy the product and you get to opine whether or not it runs smoothly. That’s the end of your input. Things like, oh I want it to not be an MMO, or feel it doesn’t feel like a true Diablo game, all irrelevant. This isn’t a Kickstarter. Your opinion’s actually pretty useless, thank god.
Anyhow, as someone else put it: go refund and also I’ll see you at launch.
You sure on that? How many games have you played?
I’ve played a few thousand in the last 30 some odd years, and in the last decade or two, the whiny [Removed] complain about anything that they feel is over powered/unfair, and companies cave in to them and change things that the majority of players never asked for…
Find ANY game with a forum, and search for “what’s the meta playstyle” and then look for what the “old meta” was… wondering why there’s a “new” meta and and “old” meta… its because developers make changes. Sometimes its just fixing something they didn’t playtest enough, or something is actually broken, but it’s also to nerf/buff items.
If you take some time to try D3 on a console, doesn’t matter which one, take a look at the leaderboard, plenty of hacked in gear with triple mod slots and legendary gems all over them. As well as broken affixes/ stats.
Where did they say that? My only information when I bought the game was from the store page and the cinematic video they released a few years ago and I totally missed that part and am having trouble finding it.
*I’m not saying they never said it, I’m just saying I never seen any information clearly stating it would be World of Diablo so that came as a huge surprise because its a shockingly huge deviation from the rest of the series.
So that is true in a literal sense but if they go right off the rails, such as Relics Dawn of War 3, No one will buy it and it will tank the company because even though it was literally named “Dawn of War 3” no one thought so. In that sense the fans do get to dictate if a game is part of the series and will vote with their wallets and with negative reviews.
So no, if they made Diablo in spaceeeee I don’t think anyone would feel its a true diablo game and vote with their wallets. When you hear “Video Game Called Diablo” you think dark, gritty, gory, gothic architecture, swords, shields, armor, magic and demons ect.
Clean, sterile space ships and laser blasters definitely don’t jump to mind when talking about Diablo
In every sense of the word it does matter what we (I) want because if myself and 100,000 (1 million? however many) other people feel its terrible it will be refunded and blizzard will go bankrupt, if you cant refund then people will always remember and never spend a dime on another one of their products again.
I get where you are coming from but Blizzard produces products to sell and we buy them. If they tank good will by producing over priced, sub-par products then people will move on.
You buy the game/game’s and try to create unique characters, experience the interactive story to the best of your liking.
Unless you are talking about pirates that download the game for the sake of downloading and never tried to run it then that’s a false statement.
Holy jeeze. This is like standing out side of wal-mart and screaming about their low, low prices and how no-one has a right to complain about their dirty bathrooms, average shopper or the general bad smell.
Blizzard is just a company, they neither love nor hate you. They only want to sell things at you. Their products are worthy of criticism just like every other product on the planet.
Diablo in space exists already, it’s called inquisitor.
You know, I was re reading my comment to make sure It actually made some sense and that’s what came to mind.
Unfortunately I’ve never even looked at the leaderboard because I’ve only played with my friends and not competitively.
I don’t understand the concept of cheating to become the best out of everyone. Like, you didn’t actually achieve anything because you cheated. Its like playing CoD and having an aim bot. Why even play? Just yell that you are the greatest ever and play something else because you know you already won.
That’s so depressing and bogus haha
Some people…holy moley.
Yeah, console leaderboards filled with hacked stuff. It’s why most console players group with friends only, or keep the game closed. Avoids one of those jokers coming in and slapping a GR in 30 seconds….
It’s also why, when people want offline mode, i knee jerk it, too much can go bad with that. Sure, I’m all for a lobby for friends (keep it as a 4-12 players to make it worthwhile), a solo lobby- must connect to net, and game will periodically talk to servers while you play to ensure fair play and no exploits. These things I’m fine with. A little something for everyone.
I’m also fine with running into “Mr rando the irritating” or “rare trash”, as it’s not removing any of my immersion, I see these other players as being survivors, off on their own thing, sometimes helping, other times hindering (yes, you lot who kite mobs into other people )
It’s not the end of the world (well, for the NPCs in Diablo 4 it was when malthael popped 80% like balloons).
With one single comment my entire perspective of the forever shared overworld was changed…huhaUHAHhah MUAHAH
Seriously, I actively welcome that over world now. Only have to wait something like 62 more days until I can help players earn XP. Like a good online friend
“Here, Hold this” *runs past
This right here is the best attitude, a sense of fun, adventure and mischief. I’m keen for the release day, might even take a week off work just so I can grind though the story and get some quests done.
One thing I’m hoping gets worked on is clans, grouping up for a clan raid on world boss or something. I know clans can get to absurd sizes, so even high chance of finding clan mates would be great.
I get why people don’t like the current iteration of Diablo 4 but ARPG’S are changing with the times, Lost Ark was and is successful. To say this is not what ARPG’s are about is trying to say they can’t evolve. Even Path of Exile has everyone in town together.
They can’t just keep making the exact same game from 20 years ago in Diablo 2. You are asking developers to not try and be innovative. This is like telling people you liked them better when they were 18 years old, now that you are in your late 20’s like you don’t want that person or people to evolve and grow.
I hate to say it, either come along for the ride or the video games are passing you by. Stop clutching onto games of the past and move forward with technology or find something else.
I get what they are complaining about but its not a gme breaker i mean seeing random people makes u feel less like a hero. Its a game not real life its a wonder why this world where its at if u get immersed in a arpg game that has a very paper thin story at best.
I honestly love it when people make these topics, the absurdity of them is funny.
theres nothing good about lost ark its a typical p2w… do daily all day and use your credit card if you wanna be faster then other players… and its not exactly a popular game anymore theres some ppl playing and a ton of bots. it lasted 4-5 months and ppl walk away bored of doing the same thing everyday
I would definitely appreciate a “private lobby” feature in retail. I’d prefer to only see me and my friends in towns, not least because the performance got pretty rough at times when there were a bunch of other players all crowded into the same location.
You somehow managed to build up a vitriolic hate of the game, cancel your preorder, tell friends how much it sucked, and you did it all without ever really playing the game by your own admission.
I’m not even mad. That is an impressive level of salt.