Just cancelled my order

It’s not an MMO. It’s an ARPG still with MMO features just like D3.

While I do prefer animation over menus when it comes to how multiplayer is implemented in Diablo, I agree that there should be a solo play option. Can’t imagine it would be all that difficult to implement.

You hit on a lot of points I also have concerns about.

I definitely didn’t want to get stuck with asymmetrical aspect in something that feels like it’s taking the cheap, lazy route to being a MMO.

Same sentiments about an online environment with trollish players i never wanted to share game space with either. I did run into people exactly as you described, deliberately following me around and racing ahead to kill mobs before I could get to them.

There are just too many unanswered variables that i wasn’t expecting to see during the beta weekends, some things that didn’t sit right with me like poor class balance and skills, questionable map/mob/gear scaling, and i don’t feel like plunking $110 down on a gamble where I’ll probably be waiting for fixes and meaningful changes for several years, just like D3.

It would be something else if there were solid answers and reassurances about the state of the game upon release but I feel like everything is in limbo while Activision-Blizzard waits for the Microsoft acquisition to complete. I just don’t trust that I’ll be able to play at all without a GamePass account. The answers around that topic seem vague.

To top it all off… no Deluxe Edition physical copy? For that price? I expect that from some other crap developers/publishers but not Blizzard.

I canceled as well.

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Pre-ordering in general for most games is really unnecessary.
There’s no good reason to do so, the game may be absolutely broken at launch (not likely but still a possibility) and unless you are addicted enough to want to play a beta at launch, don’t pre-order. (personally I think there will be massive queues and over 1 million players…Blizzard won’t be able to handle it).

Wait for review, stay calm, play something else, read the forums, and wait for patches.
Then, 1-5 weeks in, consider purchasing the game based on all feedback.

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Speaking of demons in space, BoltGun (I think that’s what they’re calling it), basically WH40k reskin on doom.

Totally agree, for the game being online only and 90 dollar price tag…I dont think so.
I wanted to play together with my kids on the couch. With artists working from home now, studio is saving money on office space, etc etc. This trend of raising costs because of Covid, cost of gas, etc etc etc. is becoming a bit much. I’m an ex VFX artist and most of my friends all work from home, its cheaper for studios and more convenient for the artists. Also, the artists who choose to work from home get paid less. So, whats the justification for raising costs for games? its all BS and greed.

Instead of many dungeons requiring players to travel down hallways to reach a side room, activate an objective, and retread the same path to return to the critical path, Blizzard writes that many objectives have now been repositioned along main dungeon pathways. Some objectives required players to interact with various objects or carry an object to a specific location. All those kinds of interactions have now been sped up, with players now moving faster when carrying objective objects and it taking less time to activate objectives. In addition, the “kill all monsters” objective will now have the last few monsters remaining seek out players, which should dramatically improve dungeon clear times. Events are now much more likely to happen in dungeons as well, with Blizzard increasing the event chance from 10% in the beta up to 60% in the full release.

“While our dungeons offer a variety of objectives to complete, player feedback stated that the action of completing each objective felt tedious,” Blizzard writes. “We hope that providing bonuses, such as the increase to mobility while carrying certain objective items, will streamline and vary the experience of completing objectives. This adjustment is merely a starting point, and we intend to extend this philosophy to keys in a future update.”

Just read this and i think i will be joining you now D4 r.i.p gonna be a arpg for toddlers with money.

Dungeons took me about 6 to 10mins roughly to clear. There changes will only cut that time down by a couple mins or less. That honestly isn’t that much of a difference.

Pre-ordering was a way to “save a place in line” back in the day, maybe score some swag, but mostly now it is just a way for companies to realize revenue early. At least to put it down as expected earnings. Of course the worker-bees get all fired and stuff when things they had no control over go sideways, while the VP of over-marketing gets a huge bonus no matter what happens.

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For sure, d4 is not going to be for everyone, they are trying to modernise it and the newer gen of players loves this faux social stuff. I tried the beta, I listened to the streams, It isn’t for me. If it had a proper traditional mode option (online and choose grouping but not mmo style) I would be on board, also many other reasons I just cant get on board but yea, it will sell well but also it will shed many of the old school Diablo lovers because I just don’t think it was designed for us.

To be fair that’s not Blizzards fault, they have to move with the times, although stubbornness to not give people choice in some areas is only pointlessly alienating (such as forcing console players to use controller when M+K is used in other console titles, stubbornness or laziness, I don’t know which).

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Apart from the fact that according to Blizzard staff they don’t fully support WFO, enforcing RTO and losing talent because of it.

TLDR - Tired and cranky from moving…no excuse to be a jerk to other people

Hi, what is the acronyms WFO and RTO?
Thx in advance

Erm, well you got the wrong end of the stick. I was just correcting a response about price whinging.
I’m not cancelling, I wasn’t picking it up until I played the beta, loved it, will now purchase for early access first of June.

Way to Overreact

WFO - Working from home
RTO - Return to Office

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GOD.IM.DUMB sorry spelk

Also you don’t need to pre-order to post, only in the PC forum.
I’m picking it up 1st of June

Haha, no worries. All good

I fixed it Spelk. Sorry. I should have left the dumb post up to remind myself to always think before attacking someone

I saw that. Just now! Not sure how I feel about it. A lot of my “feelings” are turning out to be the other f-word…
