Just cancelled my order

Already refunded, that’s the only thing they understand. Instead of an ARPG we got a crappy diablo theme park with lines to do events. I can’t wait to see how they monetize the heck out of this dung pile.


Well if it makes you feel any better, the beta made me pre-order the Ultimate Edition so I can play early and get the bonuses

Good luck missing out on the likely GOTY in Diablo 4.



Cool, go play something else then.


Exactly this. I wanna run around killing large hordes of demons. Thats why I play diablo, but the only time I felt like that in this was during the events and then some other player would run up and kill the monsters. Felt very frustrating, just make it so you can turn off seeing other players. (and maybe kick up the mob density).


online its fine,i dont want randoms in my games period.i dont like being forced to accept randoms to play and share experiences like events and nothing for that matter,also remake the f druid it looks awfull from a cosmetic side of view… also the fov is bad makes me puke i will play 2 hours on release and refound if nothing change


finding out at public beta that d4 is an mmo like arpg is a bit late. . .


bunch of numbers here

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Nobody cares. Nobody…

Blizz made brilient game , you don’t see it at the moment , D1, D2 hardcore players are so used to this game play ( 1000+ hours of farming to get 1 good item or doing Baal runs 24/7 ) sorry for you guys that you can’t see the new concept, I love the new concept looking forward to the full game. I played D1, D2 and D3 more then 10k hours total in D series. Finaly Bliz made open world , I see it as a new evolution of Diablo.I am sure the game will be imporved all the time, already seen that less items drop from Pre-Beta to the Beta.
Blizz is hearing us give them feedback then leaving if you love Diablo game!.


I cant see any way that they could give you a ‘private mode’ given some of the integrated game systems and mechanics. It was built from its core to be online social (in part).
They will lose some more hardline, classic players for sure, but they will gain a younger more social gaming audience too, this will have been factored in when developing.
Everything that you see and like or dislike they will be aware of and will have made decisions about knowing that they cannot cater to every audience, so an attempt has been made to make the game modern online social whilst still making the grand majority of the game entirely soloable.

I would have also liked a private mode, but I can see the compromises that have been made.


Social online mechanics, you mean world events? Could also be played alone by choice. If we find the necessity we can choose our own friends to play. Playing couch co-op with unknown players appearing in world is very bad…

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“My Quest NPCs”???
You mean OUR quest NPCs don’t you? Right?

I’ve seen quite a few negative feels on it.
So, here’s my 2 cents.

Offline play mode- no thank you. Go look at console leaderboards for D3, off line = cheaters and exploiters with modded gear.
Make your own lobby- yes, I can get behind this. You can then queue solo, or group with friends- win win.
I’m Rage Cancelling because XYZ- please do, that way we don’t have to run into you in a zone chat.
The games not ready- well, hopefully they fix it all.
Classes are weak or overpowered- max cap 25, max difficulties veteran. Steamrolling will happen. If you can’t do veteran, drop it down. Common sense.
Edit: the games too gory- I saw complaints that D3 was too cartoony, perhaps a B&G toggle for those who don’t want the extra crunch? Personally I feel it needs a little more punch :ok_hand:

Also on a brighter note: all those titles- yes I’d love to see more Trash- insert- titles, damn guys.


You guys need to understand is that in the game’s current itineration it’s impossible for them to give us an offline mode. This isn’t like back4blood or other games that gave us an offline after launch because they had peer-to-peer servers that they can just turn off authentication. This is game that relies on server-hosted files and cloud processing to even load the main menu. They’d basically have to recode the “core” of the game, which they have no incentive to do since no online - no MX.

Some of y’all are just gonna have to deal with the fact this ain’t the game for you and got back to D2. They’ve made it very clear from the outset how this was gonna be.

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Diablo 3 did good. d1 wasnt that hard with farming for a good “build” d2 sucked on farming.

A portion of hardcore diablo (both mode and veteran players) are ticked at the online only mode.

You’re gonna be farming for a F ton of hours on this one too. DROPS are INCREASED for BETA ONLY.

So it’s seeming far to many die hard Diablo fans didn’t keep up with production of the game. Example 1 it’s not D2 awe. They remade it. It’s not D2 so stop whining we knew back a year ago it wasn’t D2. Example 2 we were told online only. Tho I’d agree offline is nice they won’t go back on this. So either get online or don’t your choice. Every game changes over time including final fantasy etc. I hate to point this out but most all are going to online so good luck with couch co ops. I have kids in my home also but to be honest here’s the real decision do you like the game? If not ask for refund and move on. But blizzard does on occasion actually listen if your respectful and concise. But they don’t like 'its not D2 I want refund" it doesn’t help.


This is the way. I’m not into Destiny 2, imagine me heading to a Destiny 2 forum and crying about how it isn’t the game for me. Like, what? Madness. Absolute nonsense and madness hahaha. Like carnivores at a vegetarian restaurant complaining that there’s no meat on the menu.


I don’t mind the MMO stuff but you can kinda tell that the Diablo Immortal P2W system is lurking in the corner of D4 and it could be that Blizz plans to implement the worst stuff after they’ve soaked up initial sales.

No offline mode makes it seem like a bad-faith gesture that Blizz doesn’t believe it’s in their interests to give Diablo players what they’ve always had and may be grooming the game for the monetization of Immortal.

“Something moves in the shadows unseen, hidden from out sight, it will not show itself, not yet.”

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I think the mmo element should be toggleable


I agree with everything. I’m so incredibly disappointed. I Dislike the MMO part so imensely that I will not even consider buying it. I got Immortal, I played Immortal for what it was, but for the big release, the 10-years-in-the-making-release I don’t just want Immortal 2.0. I’m curious about the story, but I’ll just watch a playthrough on youtube for that.

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This version is deviating from what Diablo has always been, at the core.

Which is a good thing. If you don’t like it then go back to Diablo 2 and do your 10,000 mephisto runs.