It's not even fun for casual players

Seriously. I only have time to play a couple hours 2-3 nights a week. The amount of time and xp it takes to even get to 50 is ridiculous! So many abilities are clearly garbage and undertuned to the point of uselessness. What in the world is the point of leaving the game in such a state? Its literally a SINGLE PLAYER GAME! Who cares if some basement dwelling nerd with no life can hit max level in 2 days and get all the uber whatevers… It literally doesn’t affect anyone else.


Yeah this game is straight up trash. What a crap game.


It’s fun for this casual. You don’t speak for all of us. Sorry you’re not enjoying yourself. I hope you can find an activity you enjoy.


It’s because Blizzard thinks buffing abilities on uniques you can only get from basically 50+ is the right approach to itemization.

It’s not…

You end up making everything below 50 hit like a wet noodle because balance is based solely on powerful uniques they can’t tune properly.

It’s a scaling math problem really. All’s they’d have to do is tune the levels properly… So around 60+ monsters have an huge increase.

Instead they did it backwards and tuned the players not the monsters. It’s some real 3rd grade level s*.


The XP rate is not the issue. It is that the game isn’t fun to play behind it. There is nothing to do but gain XP, and so people focus on that as the problem. But they need to make the game fun to play, so gaining XP is seen as a bonus, not something you have to work towards.


im going to have to agree, getting to WT4 and NMD sigil 21 should be no more than 6 hours. getting to 100 should be like 200 hours played.


Its fun for this casual


Posted a very similar thing in here, has a little more words and covers a few more things, but yeah, EXP gain is not working in a good way right now…


Maybe ask for a leveling token like in WoW. Why play a game when you can just click a button to get to max level?

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Yep. They are reacting to mega sweat streamers who do nothing but play 20 hours per day because that’s the gamer they care about. That’s the gamer that provides them with free advertising and defends them rabidly in the hopes that their parasocial relationship with blizzard will pay off eventually.


Why design a game with mandatory leveling and 99% of the content is geared toward endgame?


All of the people at Blizzard who could have created something like this left long ago. The only way leveling is going to be improved is if the monetization team gets some analytics data that says people are not leveling fast enough to get ensnared in the cash shop.


plus the entire world is copy pasted, its incredeble boring, same bosses non stop, same few monsters, same dungeons.

gets boring super fast.

dont get me started baout the loot, its just not rewarding in any way :frowning:


Dont worry its not fun for grinders either.

Regardless if you play for 3 or 30 hours a week the end results are identical, zero meaningful upgrades of any kind found, and 3/4th of your time spent picking what to drop on the ground b/c you can only carry half of what naturally drops in any dungeon.

This is honestly only the second game ive ever played in my 43 years where I havent progressed AT ALL regardless of how hard I work, the other was Maplestory 2 and thank god that game literally died 6 months in b/c of its gear progression system.


You don’t like having legendaries that are somehow even less satisfying to get than late season d3? The aspect system is hot drippy garbage. It’d be tolerable if there was a way to strip aspects without destroying the item or vice-versa, but it’s just garbage now. Right aspect, wrong slot? too bad.

The codex should just hold all aspects and stripping aspects upgrades your codex version. It took me 4 seconds thinking about this system to come up with that. Do these guys not have phones?


Get ready for a bunch of “you dont speak for me” bull


News in Mastadon loves trash games. Everyone now knows that Mastadon loves games that suck.

Why play a season (the Devs #1 focus) when you don’t have enough time to grind for hundreds of hours before the season is over in just 3 months?

The point is Blizzard wants to sell a battlepass, but why would I waste money when I won’t be able to ever finish it? It’s literally not in the company’s financial interest…

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You like polluting forums with negativity, you win at life!

I mean im pretty casual, 1.5 hrs a weeknight although i can play for like 3 on a weekend and its easy for me to complete.

If your super casual and cant complete it thats too bad. But you can still benefit from season mechanics when you roll an alt, i love seasons.