It's not even fun for casual players

Sure a “casual” is lurking in the forum all the time with almost 450 posts.

I dont think you do even know what a casual is.


1 to 50 is the main reason I don’t play

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You will discover how crappy it is you just havent played it long enough.

OP – you’re not wrong. The game feels directionless. The systems and amount of time required to just level in D4 screams “hardcore only” but the loot system screams “casual af”.

I don’t know who this game is aimed at, but it’s neither casuals nor hardcore players.


They are fixing all that with even XP buffs to the open world. Do some fraking research instead of whine posting.

If you skip the story you have to do your own XP farm to where with the story it does it for you, If you skipped the campaign and think its ruff leveling thats a you thing not the games thing lol.

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I agree. That’s why I quit. I hold on to the hope it will be some day.

Ahh so it’s my fault it takes me 2 hours to get a single level after 50. Good to know, I’ll remember that next time and maybe it won’t take two hours. Good to know it’s not xp/hr as designed, but more an imaginary problem in my head.

Thank you for the insightful comment.

Imo the game is fine for casuals. And i told it as a casual player, that now playing around 1h per day for my coffe time :slight_smile:

they are gonnas change it. because in the next weeks nobody is going to play the game anymore. only the

stay and thats not enough for Activion/Blizzard.
Mark my words the game is getting the Loot 2.0 as Diablo 3 in the next 6 month or with the next expansion. in this state normal player wont stay, wont buy battle passes and/or overpriced cosmetics.


It 100 % is at 50 you can get 2-3 Paragon Pints in 1 helltide. 2 from NM dungeons list goes on. But then again the are raising XP all across the game on the 8th. Season is 3 months. Youll live.

Ahh so you’re falling back to the typical D4 defender stance: It’s bad now, but maybe it won’t be in the future.

Cool, does nothing for me now.

Again, thanks for the insightful comment. lmao.


I agree.

They do not however, and they are making the most noise.

on streams, forums, YT Discord.

My average player takes are mostly tramples with this as a excuse.

It was fun for casuals, the updates have made it a little of a mess, depending how far you got.

, just find the activities you can do or change WT until your buid works.

Even my druid high T2 level got one shot, by a monster in the open world, he was always tough, and a nice challenge, now he is a dirty one Shotter.

I know because i fought him many times before the all the updates, back when the game played better.

I truly hope you are wrong

This game is beta busted.

I have been putting this to the test, my xp gains are actually slower fighting 10 levels higher.

My best XP comes from TOW open world and SH, i also group trash in the open world or dungeon if i can handle it and my XP is better.

But it does slow down, but it is a odd system and like the whole game feels all over the place.

I also think the game gives multi-xp to mob clear like D3, with the burning rope.
but it doesn’t tell you.

Just do Stuff and watch the XP bar, it jumps really weird.

Pointless grinding levels that do not work. I tested this in the 46 to a T2 capstone 50.

Got no benefit trying to far XP.

PS why can i say word SH#$ :rofl:

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Casual player understand all this affixes on their stuff ?

you have read 26,000 posts in this forum and liked 1,100 of them. all that within six weeks. you’re not a casual. you’re a core gamer.


Ditto. I play about the same amount as u. Getting to lvl 70 was really hard earned. Helps if friends can power level u but blizz nerfed xp and party power leveling.

With those numbers, he’s a staff lol.

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If only they did not keep us resource starved all the time, the leveling would not feel nearly as terrible.

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