Is Tempest Roar even a real drop?

I’m beginning to think Tempest Roar isn’t even real. I’m level 84 on my Druid and haven’t seen a single Tempest Roar! I’ve collected just about every single Barbarian unique weapon despite not even having a barbarian, but no Tempest Roars. Seems wrong to have ran over 150 nightmare dungeons level 31+ and not a single Tempest Roar


i’ve found 4 times the wrong unqiue helmet, tempest roar has yet to drop.
i wish i could trade for it, so that my abysmal rng doesnt feel as bad.

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12 year old nephew has 6 of them at level 73

damn i wish i could shower him in a bunch of gold for one of those. dont even care the rolls

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I was almost 80 before I saw it. Still haven’t seen a crone staff.

It is kinda nice because it gives you something to chase… And tornado-wolf was a significant improvement for me over pulv, so it was a nice change of pace.

I have found 4, one near perfect. I suggest doing hell tides and PVP zone.

I have 3 crone staves, 4 tempest roar, 3 vasily and had them all before level 82. PvP zone pays benefits man.

Try Lightning Storm, it rips.

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Got mine today… Lvl 80. It was a NM dungeon reward (tier 29/30).

Spent the next 2 hours fumbling in my storage trying to find all the legendary items I was saving.

This was the worst part of swapping lol. The cost of respeccing hurt, and the running back and forth between the blacksmith and occultist and the stash was annoying… but trying to find all my rolls on the different aspects across multiple mules was just a freaking chore…

I found 4 of the bear ones before I finally found it, but yes it actually drops… eventually.

He’s been taking them away from the rest of us lol

I have one and then got another on my druid the other day, lvl 82. confirmed real

Run NM as often as you can, both from there

Also… no reset all to paragon

does the PVP zone have high unique chances??

I doubt I’d use it even if it were an option unless they make the respec cost trivial. I usually try to reuse as much as possible. It’d be nice if they let you wipe out whole boards though.

Just good elite density.

I got mine, as well as 3 of my 4 bear helms, from event chest rewards.

It has one of the highest if not the highest chance in the game. I find like 2-3 a day there in about 4 hours. Great Elite density and respawn rate. If you also flag for PVP and you can loot boxes also for extra chances at it. From farming the PvP zone I have every MTX for my character and my horse that you can buy. Now I just buy loot boxes, because that is all that is left for me there.

Just bare in mind, you will get ganked, so don’t get all pissy about it. I find it usually pays off to leave the shards behind to slow the gankers down and if they gank me, I am worth nothing to them. They end up just leaving me alone because I am not worth the time to kill.


My caster Druid buddy has made two gifs now of him salvaging them =D

I didn’t get it from 100, nor an additional 100 hours or so past 100.


respec your skills and start using a build that doesn’t depend on tempest roar, after that, you’re going to get heaps of what you don’t need.

I haven’t seen first Temerity drop till level 97. I keep saying drop rates are too low… keep doing World bosses, they have best unique droprate/time investment