Inventory heats up my GPU

For some reason when I open my inventory my GPU jumps over 20 Degrees C in temperature, which is concerning.

Thought you’d aught to know

Edit it only seems to happen in towns. Im in a dungeon now and its fine.


Did you turn off “reflex”, or something like that, in the graphics options?

Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately i have already turned that off. It did make the rest on the gam,e run great its just my inv.

cap your FPS in settings.


done. After the new world incident its the first thing i do in any game and my Nvidia experience also caps frame of games. Does help for some reason.

Make sure you set an FPS cap within reason.

its set to 60. WHat to you call within reason? and if you could why so I learn for the future :slight_smile:

Uncapped or very high FPS cap when vsync is off can result in super high FPS while in menus in some games causing GPU usage and temps to spike really high.

60 is well within reason :wink:


I would say 145 for a RTX 3080 and 1080p resolution is more than reasonable where my tempreatures are perfectly fine and only ramps up with Inventory window open.

There’s something wrong when your GPU overheats idling with your Inventory open and completely fine with large pack pulls with whole screen particle effects and spells going off.


thats not the problem.
there is another thread in the Tech Support with a lot of players who have the same problem. me included.
Open Bags +20% GPU
Open Blacksmith = 100% GPU use


Wow, I can concur that the FPS cap is the issue. I have an active monitor that shows my GPU Load and when I allow 144 fps (My monitor cap) I was at 99% GPU load IN THE GAME MENU’s. No “graphics” to really be even seen. I shifted the FPS cap 60, and saw it drop to 40%, shifted it all over from 30 - 100 and saw the cap move with each shift. But in the game with graphics running full screen, 60% - 70% load. Pop up menu’s such as the inventory and it spikes up higher… so strange and coding that really needs fixing.

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I dont get what this game is doing with my GPU, always under like 10% GPU use @ 75C. Are they just using shaders and VRAM, seems CPU heavy always.

Oh I turned off the awful “browser” based GPU or w/e in the launcher, and that has stopped a lot of in game hitching.

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put in medium the SSAO option, reflex OFF. That solved for me. Hace a nice day.

RTX 3060

Got the same in Inventory, Blacksmith, Transmog and Shop (Intro with the women) as well.

I don’t know, feels like that the rendering of the character and backround in menus is set to 4k ultra res even if you set anything lower in options menu. Your shiny Shop-Skins needs to flex your screen I guess.

My Laptop is going crazy in menus and so am I.

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My good old RTX 2060 runs pretty much constant 99% usage with the temps around 75-80(laptop). Haven’t seen a spike in the temps.

Yes, same here. You hear the GPU fan kick into max when you open inventory at blacksmith.

I was thinking it was the animated character window, but the open inventory anywhere has the same problem.
All this turning off “Reflex” and capping frame rate has nothing to do with it

I disabled the ai dynamic scaling and forces vsync to limit it to 60 fps. It’s my understanding that on average, our eyes don’t notice much beyond that anyways. Some people can, but I think the effect is minor.

your understanding is wrong, how many fps your eyes can distinguish depends a lot on training them, fighter pilots have been shown to be able to distinguish up into the 300 fps range for example.

That said you should cap your framerate at your monitors refresh rate.

But unless your card is going over 90c constantly or you bought a gigabyte product, your card is safe

As I said, the average person. Very few of us are fighter pilots and our eyes never had to adapt like that.

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if you ever have used a 144hz monitor running at 144fps you definitely notice a difference even as layman from 60fps