Inventory heats up my GPU

Unfortunate. Inventory management is pretty much what Diablo is.

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Yes there is some, but not that massive. If it’s an action game with fast movment for example, things are smoother. People who play competitively will want any advantage thry can. I don’t reallly miss it, nor do I think the average person will, but it is a individual thing. D4 for example doesn’t really need it.

i like the smoothness of animation you get over 60fps, 60fps has a lot more blur when things move fast

even in d4 you can tell when your character moves

I get sluggishness opening the Inventory and World Map.

I always turn off motion blur if given the option. I can’t stand it nor do I know why it is used. Is it for motion sickness or something?

It is kind of strange that nothing of this is communicated by Blizzard.

Sure we can improvise and use settings we would not use if this game were programmed correctly. But that should not the way to go for us and Blizz.

i’m not talking motion blur, 60fps just has more blur in motion.

Motion blur was developed for consoles at 30fps to make motion seem more natural because motion at 30 fps in gaming is janky

Ah okay thanks, so it’s mostly outdated then. Most games still have it as default for some reason. I have a 4080 and since I’ve heard frame rates above 60 fps are breaking some gpus. I’m too nervous to leave it uncapped. I don’t know how true any of it is.

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Is it a gigabyte gpu? probably no chance at breaking anything if not

and its not really outdated, most console games STILL run at 30fps

Thats some spicy loot. Ya going to share with the rest of the class?

I have a 4090 and it doesn’t even break a sweat at 119 fps which is where G-Sync caps it at since my monitor is a 120Hz LG C2. Temps low 60ish celsius no matter what game activity.

A 4080 has even better thermals than a 4090 since it has a lower TDP and power draw while having the same massive cooler.

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It’s a prebuilt machine. GPU says PNY.

you’re fine then, it was a defect in mostly gigabyte gpus

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I think anyone who hasn’t experienced a monitor with a higher then 60hz refresh rate really doesn’t know what they are missing.

120-144hz plus the matching FPS is a MASSIVE improvement in smoothness and gameplay experience. 60fps isn’t even on the same planet.

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I have, and yeah I do notice quite a difference when playing action and fps games no doubt. I tend to mostly play strategy and rpg games, so won’t notice much when playing those. Therefore, I conceed my previous statement about higher than 60 fps is incorrect. Just keep it between us though. I have a reputation to maintain about always being right. :shushing_face:

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it’s not a bug it’s a feature

when u have inventory open your character is using more of his attention (multitasking, so to speak) so your GPU is also using more of itself

d4 is so realistic

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Limit your frame rate to either 60 or 120 depending on your monitor.

The two biggest upgrades I’ve ever tangibly felt to my PC’s over the years as parts improved was swapping from a 7200rpm hhd to an SSD, and swapping from a 60hz 1080p to a 1440p 144hz Gsync monitor.

I’ve always kept my graphics cards 1 under the “best in slot” maximum over the years (4080 versus 4090 for example), but that just always feels like upgrading to get back to where I was before once newer games start to lag from additional demand that an older card is struggling with.

But yeah in your case playing slow paced games like RTS and RPG’s it probably wouldn’t warrant the extra cost & hardware :relaxed::+1:

you joke, but character models in the inventory are likely what is causing the spikes

If you watch the wattage, it almost doubles when in the inventory or any merchant. I don’t know why Blizzard claims this isn’t happening, I have it happening on both my 4090 desktop and my laptop. It is very easy to see if you set the wattage to show in afterburner.