Invalid License Issues on PlayStation Consoles

Hmm then tell me why closed beta from preorder works fine with game sharing and me and my friend can play on separate accounts. And now you dont know how fix problem tell us this nonsense that game dont support game sharing early access. Fix this and dont tell us this pathetic answers.


How exactly are we supposed to do that with 1+ day response time?


Hi, I still can’t play Diablo IV on PS5. Remembering that I am a Journalist and received a key from Blizzard Brasil, but it still gives the same license error.

I can’t create a support ticket, because it asks for several files that I don’t have (Aka Trace rout, etc)


" I do want to remind everyone that if you are still seeing this a licensing issue and are game sharing, you should refer to our pinned post regarding game sharing during Early Access."

This statement does not address what people are wanting to know and you dont seem to want to answer the real question on this? maybe im wrong.
Why was there no clear information prior to release that the game was going to be unavailable to game sharing. There is 0 information on Sony or the PS store within the game purchase section that says anything about it being unavailble. Why did blizzard keep this from people? becuase i can only see this is mismarketing and a ploy to gain extra sales.

Can you also answer me what the difference to blizzard it makes if someone is COOP playing in the same room as someone or in separate rooms across the internet.


I don’t know where to fill it in either

Hello @PezRadar. This is great; you’ve fixed it. As a software architect, I can imagine what the problem might have been. I think it was an authentication and authorization issue. :slight_smile: Because when I manually override my license with a purchase in the store, I can log into the game. Great job!

Let’s make #Diablo4 better together.

By the way, we would appreciate it if you added world chat, private chat, etc. People need communication. This is the real issue now. Diablo Immortals has chat and it is ok (i was playing it for a while)

This is our conversation about: Playing on PC, haven't seen a single person type - #77 by Freelancer-21665

Encountering the same problem:
Unable to find a Valid License Error Code 315306

My experience is I had purchased a copy of the deluxe on PS5, which downloaded and played fine. I purchased another copy on PC as I wanted to play with my partner cross-platform. At first we tried to do this from the same account, but found that we can’t play from the same account on the two different platforms at the same time.

At this point, I disconnected the PSN account from my account (at “connections” settings in account settings) and my partner created a new account to link with the PSN account. We linked the new account with the PSN account and then the error started occurring and has been persistent for over an hour now.

“Game sharing” is not happening in my case, I have 2 copies of the game, why can’t I play 2 separate copies of the game on 2 separate accounts?

Please fix this!


Let us get a refund ! It’s been more than a day, this early access is a mess.


Is that your idea of getting support AFTER your post when things still do not work?

"Thanks for getting in touch with us and sorry to hear about the license troubles on Diablo IV.

We are aware of the issue, and this should have been resolved with one of the previous round of hotfixes. Do check again and it should work, if it doesn’t please do contact us back."


Still not working. Paying more than 100 EUR to have an early acces that is not working. You better refund us all


Heres a fix i found that worked for me. I own the game on ps5 and can play it with no issues. Gf on the other hand has that invalid license error when trying to log in. To fix it, i started a game with a new character on my psn account that was able to log in, made her join my game in local coop, then i left the game and she became player 1 and could play the game with no issues.

TLDR: use a psn account that can get in the game, make a mp game with new character, join game as p2 on same console, p1 leaves game. Fixed.

I hope it helped some of yall.


I have been using the same workaround, 100% works provided the servers are up

Psn: Yaboicisco

So I started getting the unable to find valid license error after linking my battlenet account to my Sony account. Tried EVERYTHING. Eventually got tired and wanted to play so I bought the game on my PC. After purchasing the game on my pc I was able to finally log in on my PS5.

ONE BIG ISSUE. The game deleted all my previous content. I had to create a new character and my in game currency (real money I spent on in game currency was all deleted. I already purchased skins and used 1000 silver to upgrade. All of this has now been deleted. Pls fix or refund me for the in game currency and progress I lost.

It does indeed appear that they have connected the purchase to the account linked to the PS account that purchased the game. I had to buy the game again under my kid’s Sony account to make it playable for him. I now had better be able to get a refund from Sony for the initial purchase.

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Is it fixed guys? Still 2 more days.

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Im stunned… a full day later… multiple posts from you on other topics and not a single response to what i can only describe as my fair and rational post with serious questions. Is it really that shady from yourself that you cant tell us a better reason than you just wanted more money?.

Shameful “community manager”


How can I login but my wife can’t. And we are using the same ps5


Sorry you haven’t fixed anything, nice try though

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Issue with license bug,
I have 2 ps5s in my house one for myself and one for my son I pre-ordered diablo 4 digital deluxe on his account and my own I had to buy the game currency for both accounts for us to be able to play.
My account has been fine since then but he was able to make it to level 20 then got booted and has been getting license error again I bought more currency hoping it would fix it didn’t then I seen the stuff about downloading a free Playstation store game didn’t work tried renewing licenses on the Playstation and uninstalled and reinstalled several times still nothing and I have seen no updates or new information regarding this for 2 days now only we are looking into this please provide more info. From a father that just wants to combat hell with his son.


I wanted to test so i bought the game on PC as well, suddenly my ps5 version works amazing.
Had to buy the game twice…