Invalid License Issues on PlayStation Consoles

You share account on PS5? Or you are the main user?

im on ps4 and still not working im so mad been looking forward to this for months for nothing

Good to know Iā€™m wasting my day off to sit staring at my PS5 screen

Guess ill find out tomorrow when i can playā€¦im on PS4

Im so drained right now from this. 3 hours trying everything and nothing worked untill I bought a bundle from the store and then telling all my friends to see them buying things and one by one we all started to get in. I swear this has been the shadiest early access launch Iā€™ve ever been through. I paid a premium for the ultimate edition. Then have to buy an additional bundle to get in? wtf really? I was planning on playing this non stop but at this point Iā€™m just discouraged from delving into anything blizzard related from here on. I will play this for a bit finish the campaign then never touch another blizzard game ever again.


I Game share but im not the primary. Canā€™t login. Tried the download free game from store trick, still getting license error. Very disappointing, been gamesharing on Xbox and PlayStation for YEARS and never had an issue. Blizzard is just a crappy company who only cares about money unfortunately.


Exact same damn situation here. This is idiotic. I bought 2 deluxe editions so we could play today.

Iā€™m so mad. We have waited ALL DAY to play this.


FIX FOR GAMESHARE: Reddit - Dive into anything

Download literally any free game when your game is running and it will work. This seems to be a sony problem

Yeah, and Iā€™m not looking forward to dealing with Sony regarding my refund

Doesnā€™t, not if youā€™re in a situation like a lot of us where you purchased a second copy on console for someone else to play.

I can play on my account.

My wife cannot on hers.

And I canā€™t even get the damn game to run on my PC, no matter what I do.

Glad I spent over $200 to play early.

Thanks man, gg here. Playing now. But need 2 joystick. Good luck guys. Playing now lvl 5.

The real question is consoles that are filesharing, can they get early access or is it solely the account its purchased on?

I just posted a new topic for a game share fix titled no joke game share fix with step by step instructions I am not a troll and will set up a live stream if need be to walk fellow players through it

Sorry it didnā€™t work. Full list of things I tried:

  1. Power cycled PS5. Full turn off in case if was something internal. This helps with general PS5 issues.
  2. Reset licenses. Warning, this may take a bit if youā€™ve been in the PSN ecosystem for a while.
  3. Downloaded free game Astroā€™s Playroom. Downloading ANYTHING from the PS store should work, as long as PSN sees it as a purchase. (Free purchase something else if you already have Astros Playroom!)

This seems to bang on the side of PSN and shake loose the Diablo license. The key is any purchase, even a free one.

Follow my post to start playing


Been playing for several hours now after doing the free game download trick. It actually works!

Our teams and our partners have done some work to help mitigate this issue.

If youā€™re still experiencing the licensing issue, we ask that you provide as much detail as possible which leads to the error as we continue to work on this with our partners.


I am still having issues. I have a ps5 account, no game share, I have linked it to my bnet account, everything seems linked correctly. I purchased the game through playstation store. Originally I purchased the standard edition and upgraded later to ultimate to play early. I continually get ā€œUnable to find a valid license for Diablo IV. (Code 315306)ā€.

Hours ago, I was able to get in briefly after trying several of the tricks listed in this forum (I downloaded a free ps+ game). I got kicked out after 15 minutes stating the license could not be validated. Since then, nothing has worked. Iā€™ve tried:

  1. Power cycle.
  2. Reinstall multiple times.
  3. Restore licenses.
  4. Switch back and forth between offline play (currently off)
  5. Purchase in game currency (platinum twice via ps store, I can see the purchase in my txn history in linked bnet account)
  6. Download multiple free games that count as purchases.

Nothing is working, I just get the same license error.

FWIW, I think the unique thing vs. other people is buying standard, then upgrading to ultimate, then linking a bnet account. Perhaps the license is incorrect cause itā€™s trying to draw it from my bnet account thatā€™s linked vs. the ps5 purchased license? Or maybe itā€™s sending the ā€œstandardā€ edition license originally purchased vs. the upgraded ultimate?

If I look at my ps game collection I have two diablo versions ā€œstandardā€ and ā€œultimateā€.


I have the ultimate version of Diablo IV on my PS5.
Bought it since closed beta.

The game itself on PS5 - I launched on another PS5 account because I had previously linked my bnet account there.

Now, I always get a license error, although during all beta tests I played without problems according to this scheme