Infernal Horde is DoA!

Tier 7 wont give you the necessary Ether to open the GA chest at all currently, so tier 8 it is and when you can run this you are probably overgeared anyways. So where is the point in “target farming” when 95% of the playerbase arent even be able to do so in any way, shape or form.

It baffels me how you can advertise this as target farming specific things when the requirements are so high that you rather just got to helltide and invest your time there than here in this mode.

IMHO it should be like this:
Tier 3+4 guaranteed 1GA items, a unique and a chance of higher GA Items.
Material chest gives Obducite (atleast 60). (cost 50 Ether)
Tier 5+6 guaranteed 2GA items, a unique and a chance of higher GA Items.
Material chest gives Ingolith (atleast 60). (cost 75 Ether)
Tier 7+8 guaranteed 1x 3GA item, a unique and a chance for Uber unique.
Material chest gives Neathiron (atleast 60). (cost 100 Ether)

This is how you can Targetfarm to some degree.


Is someone test it in party. They say that they will make new co-op activity, so maybe the point is to play in party in higher tier of Infernal Horde.

So what I got from this was:

  1. Boss hp too high in the infernal hordes
  2. Not enough scrolls
  3. Sucks when people in your group can random click on things
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Yeah, exactly and the nature of the RNG you get with the buffs/debuffs and the waves coming afterwards.

For example on Wave 2 you can choose movement speed etc. and that the Ether Mass can spawn faster for more Ether and then the wave starts and there doesnt even spawn a Ether Mass. They maybe just start coming in Wave 3 or 4 and this way you increased the difficulty at Wave 2 but get no reward in return !

Its so many flaws this mode has, it needs either a complete overhaul or wont be touched apart from a small group of people as everyone else will just go for faster and easier activities to spent their free time on it.

You forgot:

  1. Rewards are abysmally bad.

This actually is the easiest to adjust so far and im sure they will make a change, question is if its enough on how much effort and time you spent.

For most people yes, this is Blizzard. IF this is what they thought was good, you aren’t the least bit concerned what they’ll consider a fix?

Simple solution is to add loot drop on trash and elite mobs while fighting waves.

True ^^

Also to add to it, a Tier 7 or Tier 8 run is not just 10 min run of this mode. Its more like 30-45 min run in addition to the grind in tier 3 to get the necessary scrolls for making a tier 7/8 compass, you need atleast 4+ runs for the scrolls if they stick to the old system if the people you play with wont share their scrolls with you (random grps).

In addition what bugs me is that this is clearly group play focused and yet we have to rely on external sources or the trade chat to get a group for it as the majority of the playerbase wont have 3 people ready at all times.

I’m more upset they’re abandoning cool temporary seasonal powers like in seasons 1-3 for just more loot. Was kinda fun getting seasonal themed affixes and mixing and matching with our gear. I guess they think the tempering affixes make this too hard to balance around but I don’t.

Don’t get me wrong though we need more uniques, aspects, and uber uniques too as well. Or they just didn’t do it this time cause of the infernal horde giving you unique buffs only in that, which again imo kinda sucks too.

Why couldn’t we earn unique roguelite powers in the infernal horde that we can also take into every other part of the game? Imo would be more interesting as a feature of the seasonal theme.

Given the level of dumbness of their defensive argument I seriously think at least half of them ARE blizzard in some way

It really looks like they didn’t put in any effort, just needed a way to waste people’s time for the 2 months that Season 5 is going to last.

So they went back to the good old multi-layered farming that we all hate: farm A in order to have access to B, then farm B in order to have access to C, then finally you can farm C for some measly reward.

Then call it content; while in reality the whole thing was designed toward the goal of wasting people’s time.


Ok here’s my take.
The compass drop rate is fine after the patch.
The Scrolls should drop from EVERY CHEST YOU OPEN in horde. One for each of the materials and weapons caches, one for every 20 spent on the gold chest and 10 for a 250 chest in addition to the other rewards.
Higher tier compasses should drop more loot. Point blank.
Because of how good helltide is, I see a GA stat every 3-5 minutes. The 250 chest shouldn’t even appear unless you are on a tier 7-8 and it should drop 10 one star items with some of those dropping 2-3 stars sometimes.
The 25 aether chests should drop 10x what they do now at tier 3 and scale upward.
If the game mode is a time investment, it should pay with INTEREST.

Mostly agree, although I think they really should have gone full out just dishing out rewards, seeing how it’s a short season and the last season before the expansion.

Meaning it is the last chance for Diablo IV to win over people who haven’t bought the expansion (e.g. me). Once we skip the expansion, there’s less and less reason to ever come back, and we will most likely simply ignore the game permanently going forward.

So they should have made the minimum reward in the mode a 1GA item, with a good chance at 2GA and regularly drop 3GA. People are going to get hooked on that and maybe even buy the expansion.

But as it stands, I don’t even think I’m going to bother playing Season 5.

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We don’t need you to lower the GA chest cost, keep it 250 Aether but shorter the time (about 5 mintunes each run) and PLEASE spawn more enemies, more Aether just like helltide, I wanna bust a tons of enemies before I get my reward. And pet can collect the Aether also.

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What you describe is the Maiden we allready have, im all in for an activity that lasts longer but the time investment needs to be honored !

I did some Hordegrinding the last night, Tier 6 all the time in solomode and when you dont get the right modifiers in the right order you are screwed. I got always around 130-150 Ether except once when the stars alligned and i got to 195 in a 8 wave tier 6 compass.

I even tried 3x tier 7 but coudnt get over the 140 Ether treshold.

I tried one run with increased spawning rate of events which was at 200% but its not worth it and still gives to few Ether. The best bet is to always go for Elitepack stuff and Etherlords and even these seem not to proc all the time even you killed a pack of them.

IMHO when the 3 pylons spawn, it should always be a normal, rare and legendary pylon which you can choose from. In a good run (really rare) i had rare pylons on each run, in the majority of bad runs it was mostly normal pylons apart from the last wave or two.

Right now it’s undertuned. But wait for the typical approach and it’s going to be ‘the’ way to farm gear. Cause it is buffed by 1000 times.

they NEVER want to you to run the content.

they want it to be a “carrot on a stick” in front of you, but the stick is a pole, and the carrot a cinder block.

they, for some reason, REALLY hate deterministic things and REALLY LOVE adding layers upon layers upon layer of RNG onto your every move.

Listen, I don’t want it to rain legendaries like in D3 or Borderlands. I don’t want to receive 40 items and insta salvage 39 of them.

It’s fine if the T8 compass gives 3 items… if they are 3 items of QUALITY.

Why that seems to be such a hard concept to grasp (other than the obvious forced played retention) I’ll never understand.

I think nowhere should you have guaranteed 3GA items. it should just be more pulls at a guaranteed GA.

I get WHY it sounds good but think how that would work. It would make it so there is no point in playing any other aspect of the game.

The Council deserves a better comback