Infernal Horde is DoA!

First of all, dont get me wrong as this mode can be fun but in the current state its definetly not.
Let me explain why and how my experience went.

I farmed some Helltides and got the Compasses, the droprate could be a bit higher since 2 helltides i got 2 Compasses and in another i found 5. Its too random in my opinion but okay, this is the least of the problems this mode has.

I then befriended someone and we started doing Tier 3 Compasses and in the end the only way to get an Abyssmal Scroll was from the Materials chest, and it was either he got a scroll or me or none at all (happend twice).
So, in order to increase the ether rate by improving the compass we have to do Tier 3 over and over again just for a measly scroll that isnt even guaranteed to drop and if it drops its only for one player ?! So whoever is the lucky or fastest one on the chest wins ! (From the experience we had, only the first one to open the chest got a scroll, if).

Now to the event itself, if RNG Jesus is not on your side you can end up with 30% less ether in the end as the run before because the buffs/debuffs you can choose are to random and if you get just bad ones you are out of luck and time is wasted. Now imagine this happening on a higher tier (7/8) compass when you try to “Target farm GA items”. This in combination with the horrible tier 3 grind is a no go.

Now they specificly stated in the campfire chat that this is target farming, but to be honest the time investment and the return you get makes it less feasible to play at all for target farming as i can get way more loot and better loot in helltide/Pit/Uber Boss farming in a fraction of the time there, i mean you get 5 Obducite from a 25 ether material chest for 10 mins of time when i can get 60 neathiron in under 2 mins from the pit. Its just not worth it at all. The Weaponschest spits out one Legendary for the same costs, yeah but no thx.

Now back to the the mode, you want to play solo and target farm, forget it as its boring and really opens up when you play with more people which i like but there is no feeling of reward no matter how you spin it. I was under the impression that even lower level people could target farm uniques or GA items but no, you need higher sigils to get more ether and even then the 250 ether seems only possible at tier 7 or even only on 8 so target farming is only possible when you are allready geared up to the teeth which in return makes it worthless anyways.

This mode needs heavy adjustments to make it worthwhile or else after a week noone cares for it anymore apart from the people who want a challange, but why grind tier 3 to improve a compass when you can just go into a 150+ pit and have the same experience ?

Okay, now after a some scroll farming i made a tier 7 compass and we rolled with 4 geared up chars into the Horde. It wasnt challanging at all in the waves and we always used the +Ether ones to make it even harder. The Mob density was good and we reached wave 9 with no major issues as the mobs where just dying pretty fast.

Then the Council Members, not sure what to say but it seems you cant stagger them and their HP is ludacris high. We needed roughly 2 minutes to kill one of them and after we did all of that (with some deaths on our side) we had 130 ether each !!!
This was enough to open the material chest 2-3 times and the weaponchest 2 times.

Guess the result, 4 measly legendaries and no scroll at all for any of us.

Not gonna lie, it was fun with the randoms but its just not worth it to play at all. I have now 10 Compasses and no scroll at all. Blizzard, tell me how to get 250 Ether and how this is target farming for you. Its a blatant lie that you spread in your campfire chat to make people excited and then just absolutly underdeliver in the highest possible way.

My statement still stays, this mode is dead on arrival, none of the guys i was with are motivated to play another round of this mode at all.

The Bosses are just punching bags and waste our time.

Also why is it that inbetween waves anyone can choose the modifier, this can severly cripple the run when you have a random just clicking the first pylon that is in his range without checking it at all. IMHO only the one that used the Compass should be able to choose the modifer between waves or make it a vote atleast. Imagine having someone who just goes for the easiest route or the hardest without caring.

As of now im done with PTR, the stuff like the new uniques seem also to be now rarer than uber uniques and i did all tormented bosses a couple of times and the loot table was the same we have in live servers apart from Gregorie giving me an amulet that is new. Meantime i dropped 4 Ubers in the runs, so how are we supposed to test stuff if its nowhere to be found or so rare it may drop in 6 days from now on shortly before the servers go down.
This PTR is more worse than Season 1+3 combined in its current form and i could bite my bottom right now that i bought the expansion if this is what awaits us.

I have spoken, over and out !


man i cant wait for them people that have 5k post to defend this


I finally got my tier 3 compass after farming helltide and whispers, then cleared the waves over 10 minutes or whatever. I got 49 currency and killed the bosses.

My reward? ONE legendary and some gold…

Did they even test this?


This sums up how I feel about the infernal horde.


I used Compass teir 3, spent around 7 minutes in there to get reward of 2 ancestral items.

Is this what you call “Good health for long term and opening up for good game design”?

If I knew the reward was so junk like this, I would rather run Helltide.


Horde reward is trash comparing to time spent.
Horde lv6 still not enough to open chest 250.
Blizzard will pay soon if still keep these idiots touching their games.


Is there a reason to do Infernal horde content at all? PIT is required for masterworking, NMD is for glyphs, helltide for mats and GA gear. What does Infernal Horde give? Just alternate source of stuff, but worse drops or just a place to test high end gear?

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I’d like to actually test this but grinding for compasses in a PTR? No thanks!


According to Blizzards Campfire chat, “Target farming” !

But as of now it needs to be disclosed what the Target is here, from my gut feeling the Target seems to be “Wasting time for literally nothing”.


its season 1 and season 3 all over again.
Malignant Tunnels?
Vaults full of Traps? (before emergency patch)

They tested it on a functional level and on a design level, but not on a fun / systems level


Why the hell they dont make just run some scenario bosses and mini bosses depends on what you character need like D2. We have NMD, why we need more copy of this event with other “rewards”. Leaderboard = dungeon, Pit = dungeon, Infernal Horde = dungeon, Boss = dungeon. They made this huge map, and everything that we made there is Helltide. Put some random bosses with no timer to spawn in random location and make people to search them. There are so many ways to make people to play and they chouse the only boring ones.


and we know they will… I wonder if they think blizzard notices their efforts?

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That is incorrect. The materials chest at the end of the Abyssal dungeon drops masterworking materials. Please don’t think this is in defense of them - imho they are an unenjoyable waste of time. Period.

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Yeah like 5 Obducite after 10 mins, have fun upping your gear to 12 with the steady flow of materials you get there :wink:


Yeah they need serious tuning! i can see them being quite fun but once you pull those rewards, ughhhh.


Let’s be real. These clowns aren’t gonna fix a damn thing.


No, they don’t. They make PTR for you to test it.


30 Minutes Infernal

1 Yellow Item


Did any dev play this at all ?

Opening 1 Chest at helltide is MUCH BETTER reward than ANYTHING from Infernals


Comparing to The Pit and Helltide:

  1. Gameplay feeling: fail, too less monster, no joy, sometime you just stand and wait for monster, waste time chosing buff/debuff, you can’t feel how strong you are (by visible, blasting ton of enemies).
  2. Farming: damn bad, invest too much time, farming compass tier 3 at helltide, then find the sroll that only exit in material chest, and at least tier 7 to get enough Aether to open GA chest. Why do I have to do this intead of Helltide for GA, Whisper for gold and the Pit for masterworking mats?
  3. Pushing: people can spend about 10-15 mins for the Pit pushing to show how good their BD is but not for The Infernal Hordes.
    Dear Designer, you at least try playing others endgame contents before you design your own content.

I am on a quick 15 minute break while working (ha!) from home. Should I do this new infernal horde mode and get 1 or maybe 2 legendaries, or should I run tormented duriel 10 times and get 50 uniques, and maybe an uber (sorry, mythic) instead. Tough decisions ahead.