I'm so confused with D4 & D2R

And wait till you find out that you can 1v1 in D4 the same way as in D2.

Your itemization complaint is opinion. How the damage formula works or how many points you put into skills. has nothing to do with ITEMS. You used that stupid bucket word so i am done talking to you because it is obvious you are just repeating streamer nonsense. Nothing you said has to do with itemization besides the using other off the wall weapons. Which I agree with.

I mean sure when comparing D4 to the greatest arpg of all time it absolutely is terrible.

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The main reasons starting to come out. Itemization seems to be the top reason on why one game feels better than the other with trading on second.

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You’re old and settled in your ways and you like how things used to be. Play D2R if that is what is fun. If they would modernize D2R (how potions are handled and the awful way you select skills and play with them) & lack of inventory space, lack of unlimited respec options, I would also enjoy D2R… but I enjoy D4 a lot. so yeh, different people different likes.

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It’s a design difference not an opinion. The games are vastly different and D2 does it better because it’s design created retention.

There’s no opinion here. I’m speaking on how the games coding work.

You’re acting like for example, “I’m trying to say Helltides exist in D2 as well as D4.” Sorry, that’s what you’re trying to convince with your opinions that D4 has everything D2 has. Which if anyone played both, would know they’re vastly different due to design, not opinion.


Could not put that better myself

D4 has issues with storage space to with aspects items and now hearts ect

I like the respec model in D2 3 FOC any more you have to work for them which I know I have had to do when messing up adding stat points and putting everything into strength by mistake

No it doesnt, i havent even bought a 2nd stash tab, because there is no reason to keep anything.

This is true, the dmg+ to core (or other) seems to be a must in all weapons together with crit dmg. And the enchanting is extremely prohibit after the 4th or 5th try.

well, sure but i’m talking about character inventory space. once you get your charms and potions and all the crap we carry around (recall scrolls, ID scrolls etc) we only have like 10 slots left to pick up loot with. I pick up EVERYTHING when I play my games, so I can vendor 99% of it for some cash or whatever… so yeah D2R… is like play 5 min, ack, bag is full… recall… sell, return… 3 min later… ack, full… etc etc.
Just my playstyle :slight_smile: At least with D4 I can finish a complete NM dungeon without having to portal back to town every 2 min.

Dude im itching for some D2R news… been thinking about it alot especially after week 1 season 1 for D4.

Hopefully we get a bigger patch for S5 than we did for S4


I do think it’s cool to be able to roll stats, but it’s extremely gimped to the insanely scaling cost of gold to roll plus the bugs with the urn of bargaining and affixes rolling the same ones.

Glad they fixed those bugs though with this patch

it’s not about thinking… you’re contradicting yourself.

if there was no rage, then it wasn’t laughed off. both can’t be true


This is also true, D2R skills have no cooldowns and are only hold back by mana, so play feels more fluid imho.


Which is fixed with gearing an A2 mercenary with a very easy to create runeword, Insight :slight_smile:

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D4 is still new. D2R had many years of refinement. That being said, D2R is still one of my favourite games of all time.

D4 needs

  1. Competitive Endgame content Leaderboards

2)Balanced PvP. D2R’s PvP is as balanced as it can get in an ARPG. D4 PVP are just barbs and rogues. PvP zones have no incentive as well, other than gambling.

  1. Stashtab Search function. Looking for aspects is just painful.

  2. More fluid gameplay. All the stuns from mobs just throws you off.

And many more, i think with time, it will get better.

I meant any complaining was laughed off in general

Feel free to build upon this post

Here is exactly were I’m. I feel more attracted to D2R than D4 but after so many runs it also feels a little repetitive.

Spot on. I’m lvl 55 in season d4, haven’t played in over a week. Went back to D2R ladder, playing ligthning fury javazon lvl 57 atm and it seriously beats D4 by miles. It’s the hunt for loot and the darkness in D2 that appeals to me, and others certainly. Itemization in d4 just isn’t good.


Explain to me how a one vs one duel takes place in Diablo 4 please.