I'm so confused with D4 & D2R

Literally everything you said is in d4

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It has all of that actually, minus the ladder. Which will be in D4 eventually, though i dont know why a ladder matters to people unless they no life the game.

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Stop Rod. D4 is trash. You got my $ tho so joke is on me.


it’s been refined over almost a quarter century…

launch d2 was pretty rough. plenty of community angering nerfs and game changing updates in that time.

I have played D2R, D3, and D4. I am ONLY playing D4 right now. But when the next D3 season starts, I will probably check it out. I have no interest in playing D2R again.

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Nah, people werent little piss ants back then.

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Items are bound to your level so thats a nogo for alts basically

itemization sucks in d4

loot sucks in d4

poorly designed crap pvp in one zone works crappy

no one on one dueling

no real trading due to item bound to level plus you only find same class items mostly, not that it matters because trading very limited

no chats

Did you even play Diablo 2 or 4?


You didn’t play Diablo 2 and if you did, wow that went over your head. Diablo 4 has nothing close to target farming, there’s no NM dungeon that has higher drop rates for items. Bone splinters doesn’t boost bone spear damage and every item only has 4 affixes.

You’re comparing a jet ski to a semi truck here brother. Sorry, not sorry


That’s rich… the absolute rage over the 1.04 firewall sorc nerf…

Point was the game itself has changed… sets and uniques used to be good… now only a few are and runewords are king.

I member when Silks of the Victor was BiS armor.


Ya i forgot about the items dropping your lvl. Which is the stupidest thing in the game. But the worst thing that does is make you wait, its not like you dont need to meet requirements in d2.

Why does itemization suck exactly?

The pvp zone is fine, you can 1v1 there.

Ive played D2 for 25 years, so yes I have. Did you notice how there is no 1v1 dueling in D2?

The game is new, more loot will be added. D4 is no more bare bones now than D2 was at release. Which you all seem to forget.

There was no rage, complainers were laughed off the forums

there was no rage… it was laughed off… do you even understand the words you’re using?

have fun with your euphoric recall… :v:

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Lol you made so many incorrect statements in that wall.

Your very first sentence completely contradicts itself.

Synergies were added later and made the game worse.

4 affixes? Oh i wonder why that is, probably because of the hundreds of aspects to choose from. Which would be another affix

If you played for 25 years, boy, you’re missing everything. You just can’t admit D2 had things D4 doesn’t.

1v1 dueling was always a thing. There were literal coordinated dueling 1v1 tournaments due to actually having a community and community mechanics.

Itemization sucks in D4 cuz there’s only two damage types that make your damage good because there’s 2 multiplicative damage buckets and everything is based off “weapon damage” and not hard skill points. Cutting off skill points at 5 instead of 20 and getting rid of synergy skills needing 20 points in exchange for random passives that you can only put 3 points into? Please.

D2s skill system was better because it was simpler and direct which allowed a sorceress to use a weapon that did 12-48 weapon damage because it had +3 sorceress skills and 40% FCR which coordinated directly to teleport speed and pace of the game + dps output of skills.


If you could actually think it is not hard to understand.

No one went to the forums to complain and if they did it was ridiculed.

There was no mass rage over firewall lol

To the OP I’m in the same boat I jumped on to D2R when the ladder launched as I had some connections issue and a couple of buddy’s did too as we wanted to start again as a group with in 15mins we where all saying how good it felt to play

I am confident D4 will get there but I’m like a spoiled child and I want it now :crazy_face:

I have definitely had to wait to equip an item in D2 when I need more strength to use it so needed to lvl to get the stat points

Now I would have paid to see her sword fight

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I supposed it’s because we can’t redo the campaign and/or fight the bosses, such as Duriel/Andariel/Azeroth.

Had it been the case and the 3 bosses above were farmable in a Open World fassion or a dungeon, things would be different. At least for me! :slight_smile:

I seriously think these bosses should be added as a challenge during Helltides… such a missed opportunity.


No thoughts, go play D2 then if you enjoy it more. I enjoyed BF3 more than BF4 or 5… guess what I did? Uninstalled 4 and 5, and just played 3. It’s not rocket science.

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I played D2 and LoD for about 10 years and then off and on every few years, now on D2R.

For me its the skills. They feel good, you dont need 3-5 conditional modifiers to actually kill a white mob. There are also almost no cooldowns which are the bane of ARPGs. Playing a seasonal sorceress right now and unstable currents is so frustrating with its ridiculous 70 second base cooldown, 20-25 seconds would be more reasonable as all the long cooldown does is make me sit and wait - it sucks.

The last part is itemization. In D2R even white weapons were useful. Playing a new zon? Slot some rubies in a 3 socket bow and murder everything in Act1-3 no prob.


Im having the same experience and wishing I didn’t. I don’t want to play another D2R char… I made like 15 of them (and loved it).

But the other night I was grinding my sorc on season, and the motivation and enjoyment just bottomed out like I fell through a trap door. Can’t explain it - but as of today so have massive boredom from D4.

Ironically I think the season actually killed it for me. I have a lvl 60 hardcore Druid in eternal and I stopped playing while they were jarringly patching and patching their patches. It’s just not fun and I can’t say exactly why…

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