I'm so confused with D4 & D2R

Comments like this make no sense…Diablo 4 is part of an established SERIES: they should have LEARNED from past mistakes and built off the previous successes and core mechanics/gameplay of previous Diablo games.

Instead they tried to reinvent the wheel and made all the exact same mistakes again.


WoW, this is a surprise for me but I understand where u coming from. I guess I prolly do have many items in the stash that I don’t need. In the other hand, the fact that is not worth keeping any items also tells a story on how the itemization is not interesting/useful imho.

Fair point
I only keep one square free for a HR or unique rings or amu got to get them soj’s

It’s doesn’t have to be D2R versus D4. Each game has its own strengths and weaknesses. I appreciate both games.

It’s partially because the graphics aren’t more appealing. Everyone thought d4 was going to be a world. Not a bunch of interconnected sidewinding passages. They were thinking a world where you could walk through and interact with sanctuary. There are cart paths with no moving carts. No physics like wind to blow you around or water to push you downstream. There is no -z- direction at all on the maps. The game is completely 2d still. The zoomed in version of this game lets you see less than the previous games. You can’t see across a road in this game. I am disappointed. There is no backgrounds. There is barely any foregrounds. This was lazy.

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He is doing it wrong. In D2 you knew what armor types to pick up. What rares had the possibilities of rolling gg stats.

D4 is all 100% trash you have to pick up with no rhyme or reason.

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When I went back and played D2R a bit, I had to learn to avoid picking up crappy items that had no real gold value.

Why do I go back to playing final fantasy 6 for the snes instead of feeling compelled to keep playing final fantasy 15 or 16? They are newer so I should prefer those and ff6 came out nearly 30 years ago.

If you’ve been playing d2 for 20 years it’s because it’s what you grew up with and it’s what you prefer. There are mechanics that just draw you in and D4 went in a different direction. There’s nothing wrong with preferring an older game over the new one. And, not just gamers but a majority of people so similar things with either how they dress or the music they listen to.

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What are your thoughts? Why are you asking the forum why you like D2 more than D4?

what is it with players comparing a game made 20 years ago to a new one comparing D2 to D IV is like comparing BG to BG III there is no point to it

PS i add my issues with the original D 2

How is it “Target Farming” if these mobs drop every item in the game? Wouldn’t that be the exact opposite of target farming?

What this sounds like to me is you can just do 1 ‘activity’ over and over and over and not have to bother to travel to other areas of the game.

Is that appealing because it is a convenience?

I heard that Devs were looking into adding a tab for charms or an extra inventory like Last Epoch. This would def be a game changer.

Well by today’s standart D2 is lacking end-game content for sure. It’s not even arguable.

But there is a HUGE but:

Itemization - it’s a core for ARPG, D4 trash itemization is not even comparable to godlike D2.
Real economy - you can trade whatever you want and whenever you want. It’s a huge thing for the game longevity. You don’t even care if you get smthing in D4, cuz you’ll never want to trade it. items are boring, trading via discord is laughable.

And let’s be real, no one rly cares about end-game in ARPG. I think like 5% at most(maybe way lower numbers) do any end-game content in PoE except maps and poe is a good example, cuz it literally has the most end-game content in ARPG. And way better itemization than D4.

ARPG is always about loot find. You should never forget it. This devs just don’t know about it. Nobody interesting in GR150 in D3 or NMD 100 in D4 or even Uber lilith in D4(what’s the point she doesn’t even has her own loot table, not real uber boss, a joke).

Why do you need to farm ubers in PoE or D2? Loot. Then you trade it.
In D4 you literally have infinite attempts(LMAO) on uber and she doesn’t drop anything special. Just how bad you should be at game dev to design such a chore?

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They forgot to put the funnest part of Diablo games in D4 finding exciting loot. D2R finding loot was such a good feeling. Finding loot in D4 is more annoying than exciting. Having to stop for 5 minutes to scan rares to see if anything is good like come on. If this game just copied D2 loot to a tee it would have been a 7/10.


Just had urges last night to play my D2 druid lol.

Been a couple weeks since I’ve played. I think the reason is because I enjoy finding things that give me a slight bump in excitement. High runes, good uniques, etc.

There’s nothing you can find in D4 that does that.


Most fun was rushing acts with new people… how does this game not have a global chat?

They are 85+ which is target farming for the best items in the game. I should’ve clarified “every item” meant more “every item, including items like Fathom TC86 or treasure class 86”

Same reason some people prefer old cars to new cars.

Comfort in familiar, the game hits the right sweet spot, new game teases this but doesn’t hit it.

Old game has a character about it, you enjoy despite the limitations of tech back then.

Just like the car, it lacks safety features , technology .luxury of modern systems, but people enjoy the character of the old car no less and even more than the new.

I would say something like this is part of it, maybe in the future D4 updates or content will flip it around, for you…it’s fine to prefer previous iterations.

except that D4 as a “modern car” have no wheels and tiny engine from it’s bad predecessor.

I doubt that you can compare even old car with garbage.

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Because they had the map to the holy grail. Instead they used it to whipe after a massive dump.

They took none of the good aspects of a vetted 20 year old game.