I'm so confused with D4 & D2R

After leveling a Barb to 97 in Eternal and a Rogue to 70 in Season I feel more drawn to play D2R than D4…What!!! How is that a game that I have been playing for 20 years sounds more appealing that this new iteration? I have been question my self on…What if I start another class? The answer always is Mhe, I don’t really feel like it.
I’m just confused on what is dragging me to a game that I have put thousands of hours into, that over the course of 20+ years I played every class to at least level 90, I have farmed every boss and run every dungeon to exhaustion and it’s still more appealing than D4. Thoughts?
Thank you
Warm Regards.


You’re not alone…trust me.


Glad to hear. Still, I can seem to figure what the main drawn to D2R still is vs D4, we are still killing the same mobs over and over in both, but for whatever reason it feels better to do it in D2R even tho the D4 gfx are more appealing.


Good news! You can play all the D2R you want! /confetti


It’s confusing how a remake can be 10x better than a game with 10 years of development.

I agree.


Hi Jammur. I can assure you that this is not a D4 bash thread, I’m just curious to hear if any more Diablo players that have tried both are having the same view.


What makes it appealing is you know every item in the game is obtainable. Every repeat boss run or MF run you do something good can drop.

The dopamine slot machine was done perfectly in D2R along with satisfying builds and great overall balance of classes. Every class has an OP build, items are never the same and have sometimes 5, 6, 7+ affixes that can turn a random find into one of the most rare finds ever found in gaming history.

People say they can get bored with Baal runs, but at least it’s designed that he, his minions and any elite within the Worldstone Chamber levels/Throne of Destruction can drop any TC87 unique item in the game. That’s a prospect that this game doesn’t provide. Target farming

Build diversity in D2R is simple and yet it completely allows for more diverse builds than a 58 point skill tree + 225 paragon points from D4. Why is that? Well David Brevik designed the skill tree with the idea of how tech trees worked in games like Civ and Age of Empires. Then even later down the road, they added the simple fact that “maxing out certain skills added a buff to a main ability you’d use.” Even with that simple, simple change, the level 6 ability became a staple use ability (ice blast for example on Blizzard sorceress build) because it’s damage scaled properly due to the other skills you maxed out to make Blizzard the strongest in the arsenal.


D2 has soul, built with passion.


well D2 is a finished game for starters lol


Easy… you love that game so much that you’ve played it for 20 years.
And you’re comparing a newer version of Diablo to the one you’ve played for 2 decades. It never had a chance.


It’s the itemization. Both games have a pretty bland content loop, but D2R has genre defining itemization that has stood the test of times for decades, while Diablo 4’s itemization is about as impressive as Mother Theresa sword fighting.


I will agree with you on this point. D2R items are more exciting due to more useful and a larger number of mods in the items.


I’ve returned to D2R for the past few days. It’s quite odd. :sweat_smile:
Creating a game so weak that people have to return to a game from 20 years ago. :rofl:
I’ll play D2R until I find another interesting game. I’m looking forward to Final Fantasy 7 the most.


You are right. Even tho D4 skill tree + Paragon seem to give you more options this is not the case. In the other hand you still have the similar meta builds in D2R as you have in D4, so each class has 2 (Give or take depending in the class) viable builds.

Because Diablo 4 is a reskin of Diablo 3, and even D3 feel better, why? I don´t know.

D2LoD pro here.


Nostalgia is a big factor for me but also the item stats feel more varied and interesting. In D4 I felt like after a certain point I was just trying to find marginally higher % numbers of item stats I already had for the past 20 levels.

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One game has soul, one does not.
It can’t really be explained using words, but it is obvious to those who experience it.


Leveling was ok before they "fixed"i t. Now it’s faster to level doing tree quests than nm’s (15 lvls higher than me), but the gear from tree quests is so bad that with it when i try to farm better gear in nm dungeons i die instantly to almost enything.

I would have already decent gear if i could level up doing content that drop it, but NO i guess it’d be too fun that way so they nerfed it…

Also from lvl50 on it’s so slow and boring it physically hurts… But hey, @topic, maybe in 20 years from now d4 will be good like d2r ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Its fun because it has awesome loot and itemization plus there’s an actual reason for you to grind like:
gearing alts
trading in a robust economy
getting high on the ladder
dueling with your newfound gear
bragging to people in chats
having fun grouping up with ease

Diablo 4 has NONE of that.


I just started back up.

  1. Itemization is 100% better. Drops are excitin.
  2. Multiple class builds that are not reliant on gear. Some are… but i can take my naked sorc and clear Andy to MF.
  3. Trading… you find a GG item you dont want. You can trade for GG item you do want.
  4. Im not zoomed in so far that i cant see anything in the game.
  5. Quests and Story dont suck