Rework the itemization and make it like PD2.
- cursor when inventory screen is open so I can:
- manually sort my inventory
- hover over items/stats/etc and see info only available to PC players
- more tabs in stash
- ability to zoom out further on consoles
- ability to see possible affixes before rerolling, barring that, have it always reroll as the same type of stat, ie if you reroll a +skill affix it should return at least one other +skill affix
- LFG tool
- global or at least area-wide chat
- keyboard support for chat on consoles
- better level scaling - you should actually “feel” powerful at some point, especially if you drop to a lower tier
- better loot scaling
- fewer possible affixes on items - there’s just too many of them
- ability to tone down particle effects (ie spell/ability effects) - some effects just block too much screen
- better font/UI scaling
- combat log
- ability to turn off combat message clutter on screen (ie “vulnerable”)
- ability to set an auto decline group/clan invites
- more variation on mounts other than color, eg some mounts could be faster than others
- camel mount (could be faster in desert areas)
- hood without face mask transmog for rogues
I’m torn between fixes to make trading and item progression more fun and ones to improve the endgame content. I think endgame would be my choice, though, since they will be adding items. Concrete, 3-part suggestion:
- Triple mob density during helltide (adjusting cinder costs/drops so you earn chests at the same rate) and have a new helltide up 15-45 minutes later.
- Limit stronghold unlocks by tier and make each stronghold a fixed level. WT2 strongholds for every 2 levels from 22-50, WT3 strongholds for levels 56-70, WT4 ones for levels 76-90. They all give 100 renown.
- Have each NM sigil roll with an aspect that is guaranteed to drop on a legendary at the end, with a boosted roll on both the aspect and the item power (and sacred/ancestral like the sigil).
The person in charge of making the final decision on design, Rod Ferguson. I would fire his butt so quickly.
no leveling scaling/ all items tradeable/ Dual leach or %life leech/ more fights that require groups/ faster leveling 50+/ too many affixes(dumb the possible options)
i would change D4 by making it microtransaction based, and removing microtransactions from Diablo Immortal, so we can all go play a real game without spending 1000$/month
Trading. Everything is tradable now.
Slashing resource costs across the board, while reducing resource cost reduction where applicable.
Essentially, balancing the 90/10 Builder/Spender gameplay of the early game against the near infinite resource of the late game.
Something like the HotA build feels awful to use when you’re using 6-7-8-9 Lunging Strikes to do it. But it sure is fun when you can spam it without running a builder at all, by which point, you’re level 60+ in WT4 and basically done until Season 1. So more of that experience earlier for all classes so it doesn’t feel as sluggish.
Go back to how legendaries worked in d2 and d3. I’m not of fan of having to figure out if I should convert a pair of boots into a pair of gloves.
Uncapped increasing reward potential for higher NM sigils
If it were up to me, I’d get rid of the pesky always online DRM.
Ability to level up an item, especially for uniques
Nephalem Rift from Diablo 3 or Diablo Immortal for Brain-AFK chillin with you guys.
guaranteed unique
implement a vendor that sells a standard unique for you class once.
this vendor will only sell the unique once you have found 50 uniques.
so if you find a unique, you also get unique coin .
once you receive 50 coins you can cash it for the unique you need for your build.
that’s how dumb it is to get let’s say the crone staff or tempest roar, as these 2 uniques are on the ultra rare unique drop table.
One thing I would change would be either:
“Crafting” Overhaul (too many one-off resources; just overall boring/bland)
Better loot (having to carry around a piece of gear for 10+ levels feels bad; Possible affix rolls create too much variation and trash for the “sake of build diversity”)
Not worth it to then not be able to run dungeons despite level disparity with friends… imo. The scaling didnt have to big an impact on leveling as gearing could get you over a hurdle.
I’d add global chat immediately.
There’s a few things. One that really sticks out in my current place in the game is enchanting is not well thought out. Its a really really expensive gamble to replace a stat.
allow me to use my main to fund my alts like D2. alts to me are a change of pace, I dont want to regrind everything I wanna jump in and play