I really want tempering to no longer brick items in Season 4

I discussed the issue currently there is nothing you can do other than roll the dice.
This thread isn’t going to change that.

Temper your expectations with reality.

You just don’t like people disagreeing with you because they have better luck than you or are more willing to reroll items than you are.

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Oh tempering will absolutely change. The precedent is there with the Codex. Tone the RNG down a bit, make a core part of the game that’s related to progression a bit smoother and simpler, then everyone has a good time.

Charlatans like you saying OMG THEY WILL HAVE ALL THE BEST GEAR IN 3 HOURS OMG is the true trolling.


Thinking there aren’t casual players who expect this is astounding at this point.
Then again 187 post count you haven’t been around long enough give it time you’ll change that opinion.

Oh I’ve been around since the beta I just tend to not engage with clowns, though in this case I seem to have gone against that. Keep on keeping on my guy! Fight the good fight!


Sure thing buddy have a good one.
Thanks for choosing to respond. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Okay. I might have word it like I’m extremely lucky. I have bricked items, but not as many times as others it seems. I also rarely swap gear, im squeezeing out as much progression as I can from what I’m currently have.

Not much realy. 4-6 hours if I’m lucky. The avarage comes out to 2-3 hours. But during that time I’m playing intensely. Not concentrateing on anythig else, just on gaining as much items as I can during that period. 3GA items is not something I found often, but 2GA with correct stats are not that hard to find. I’m not aiming for the best though. I still have time for sweaty min-maxing, I take my time, no rush. I have a more chill attitude nowadays towards games like this, as none of this will matter in the long run, and next season.

Helltides, Blood Maiden, Whispers. Occasionly NMDs and WBs.

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This is the case for my GA items.
Chain running her for over an 1 hour minimal time investment you will go to town quite a bit making nice ambient gold off selling trash uniques.

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ive been throwing a temper tantrum about tempering as well. 3 separate perfect 3ga items bricked and 300 hours of farming for them

That is good to know. I’m certainly playing less than that, really just doing one full helltide per day but trying to maximise the drops from it - profane mindcage and trying to click the Blood Maiden pedestal for every summon. If I (and other players) are simply not getting that throughput of BM spawns then the number of GA items is reduced, and the impact of a bricked item is felt more.

Yes I can understad that. My advice is to only concentrate on BM than. Even in an hour, you’ll be back several times in town to sell/salvage/store gear. You will also have enough Cinders to pop the 2 mystery and 2 living steel chests before the end of the HT.

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here their random system : better you item, more chance to brick it, so you need to farm another good one. Its really unfair.

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Adults don’t get triggered by someone else’s feedback, either offer advice or move along kid


Nobody is asking for all BIS items in 3 hours. Or even 24. Or even a week. Or even 3 weeks.

Nobody is asking for everything handed to them immediately. Stop LYING and assigning that mindset and position to people they don’t have and then acting all snarky and ridiculous as if you’re just “ROTFLMAO” on here over it.



People are just asking for a system that doesn’t have:

A layer of RNG for items to drop. Another layer of RNG to determine if it’s white, blue, yellow, orange, or tan. Another layer of RNG for the stats ON that item. Another layer of RNG to determine if it’s a Greater Affix. Another layer of RNG for the range OF the stats on that item. Another layer of RNG to enchant that item. Another layer of RNG to temper the item the first time. Another layer of RNG to temper it for the second time.

And then ANOTHER layer of RNG to get it masterworked up.

It’s too much. It’s not challenging. . It’s just gambling upon gambling.

It feels really garbo to get a 3 GA piece of gear, try to get it Tempered for the ideal stats, and have it roll “% Dodge Chance” literally 5 times in a row and be bricked.


Well you should be using swords, so it’s actually good that you did.

Ran out of swords, tempering bricked them all.


then up ur rng by farming more GA items. if time is not a factor to you (as u just said), then ull be swimming in GA items in 3 weeks and for sure ull get the right tempers on one of them.

you argument literally makes 0 sense. you just want to camouflage ur instant gratification babyrage with bullsharting. ye frikkin nutheads get dropped one GA item and expect to instantly be BiS. get the ferk outta here

let me know when you will get EXACT 3GA affixes you need and then temper it with EXACT 2 affixes you need, meanwhile I will get my 15th Shako…

oh these people…

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Tempering doesn’t suck.

Diablo 4 sucks.

There I fixed it. Now we wait for elden ring dlc.

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ya ever tried to farm high runes in d2?

oh these zoomers with 0 tolerance for frustration …

Lol low effort take.