I really want tempering to no longer brick items in Season 4

Kids and basement-dwellers like you are cancer to the community. Just shush and let the grown-ups talk please.

Bad game in alpha state and they’re panicking by turning more it into diablo 3 and less like diablo 2 (bad move).

Blizzards dev team specializes in frustration, they can’t break this bad habit who knows why.

…whatever happened to runes anyway???

They’re probably saving that content for a “season” when it already should have been in the game before season 1.

Christ sake, its just bad.


Lol projecting much?

Real adult straight to the Ad hominem.

with the way the game is going, who can blame us for derping lol. Mastercrafting is also a big/hit miss but at least that is re-settable :roll_eyes:

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Mastercrafting was straight up rip off of Lost Ark Honing but you had to redo it before they realized that was the actual dumbest idea ever.

I don’t care what system they put in. The question should be:

  • Is it fun?

If the answer is no, then don’t implement it. The way Tempering works feels more like pulling the carpet out from under you and giving you false hope as opposed to it being a rewarding experience. RNG drops ARE rewarding. The problem is Blizzard has no idea how to make upgrading fun.


Just tired of trolling morons like yourself spewing out “lolol lrn2ply, gitgud, first taim arpg?” childish nonsense every time someone makes a post about problems and issues they have with the game, I guess.

It doesn’t contribute anything and fills up the thread with pointless garbage.


I didn’t see anything in the OP about being willing to give up on the idea that items only have 3 affixes and you only need 2 those to be correct because of enchanting.

Just as we see masterworking costs to get your desired outcomes remain extremely high after changing the failure mechanic, Blizzard isn’t just going to give everyone a free lunch here. The concession was it was easier to get 3 good affixes with the tradeoff being you’re not guaranteed to get the temperings you want.

Most of the proposed solutions, because they fail to recognize this core relationship, are probably non starters. We see the same thing with enchanting. Even when Blizzard lowers costs and caps costs and makes those concessions, they play around with the odds so they ultimately get the outcomes they want.


You cannot Enchant GAs. It is easy enough to find a 2/3 Base Item with the Affixes you want and no GAs, but you are still going to blow through Gold and Mats trying to even get the Tempers you want (this isn’t even taking into account getting a halfway decent values on those Tempers).

Finding items with 2 GAs you need is Rare. Finding one with 3 is exceptionally Rare.

I don’t think people really care about being able to put a starter Build together, the issue is past that is MIRED and it just is not fun.

So basically Blizzard took a couple steps forward, and 3 steps back.

You ever think the opposite of your stance? That people get tired of people like you complaining about small potatoes all the time?

Wow look at that I didn’t have to insult your character to get a point across i wonder who is more adult?

Like these threads?


I think the bigger problem is that some tempers are so good for a specific build mixed with others that are completely useless to that build. Also that the builds those affixes are useful for just aren’t very good.

I’d rather see an actual crafting system that you can pick what you want even if it requires a grind to do so. Also in said system, a ton of different affixes that are equally good with a ton of equally good builds.

The system in place is a good step in a good direction but I think the game needs a ton of viable builds with a bunch of creative affixes that are all good but can help shape some uniqueness to each class. Imagine the creative builds people could come up with that are all good instead of having a season where it’s bash barb type crazy for a few classes and the other classes and builds are left in the dust.

Balance the skills for every class so people can truly play the skills they want. The damage should come from that alone. Affixes should just augment those skills in cool ways but not make busted builds.


The problem is that you don’t actually discuss the topic at hand, instead making comments like

which is exceptionally disingenuous. Why don’t you make an attempt to be honest in your discussion around this issue?


That can be achieved fairly quickly. So then what? You solve all the puzzles before hitting lvl 100, than what?

Don’t aim for haveing a max roll with tempering, and you will brick way less items. I just changed several peices of gear, re-tempered them with all the correct affixes, with 1-2 durability left. You don’t need max rolls, since stat values are way higher than before, and with masterworking you can get realy high values, even if it’s a min roll.

Getting a maxroll in every slot should be something you can achieve in 3 weeks. I find it okay, it makes me want to play the game more, to hunt for more items, like ARPGs should. A seemingly infinite hunt for better loot.

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Here’s honesty you are going to have to get lucky and you are going to brick items.
It’s called RNG.

I’ve bricked countless bows rolling for heartseeker twice chance and i’m not here complaining about it. You find other bows and roll them until you get what you want.


Nowhere during my reading of this topic has the issue been about “I want max roll tempering”. It’s constantly been “I didn’t hit the temper I need for my build”.

That is not my experience, nor the experience of a lot of people. I’m not sure how many hours per day you play but I suspect it’s an extreme amount if you’re getting so many ‘correct’ and GA items if

I really want to know the secret of where these correct affix 2/3 GA items that I can have several to temper/re-temper. But nobody tells me.


It’s called RNG you are expecting an outcome that is random.

You are going to win some times and lose others get used to it.

Rolling a dice doesn’t mean you are going to land on 6’s every time.


Got any real input to the subject or are you just going to spew nonsense?


Lol real input is to stop acting like RNG is something that isn’t going to occur you are trolling yourself at this point.


You’re the only one here acting superior like we don’t know what RNG is.

Lol i’m not acting superior you are acting superior expecting a game mechanic to bend to your will just because you find it unfair.

Literally the essence of entitlement.

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Of course you are. Rather than discussing the issue you spew out RNG IS RNG IS RNG IS RNG. We know that. Everyone knows that. The problem is the RNG is laid on a bit thick with tempering and could do with a tweak.