I really want tempering to no longer brick items in Season 4

Tempering limit is good.

Tempering itself is not very good. Move the affixes back to when the item drops.
But as long as tempering exists, the limit also must exist.

Im talking about that right 3GA affixes with right tempering is more rare than shako drop, why cant you understand this?

Also if entire forum complains about this it means that something wrong with the tempering, you(13 people who like infinite farm for nothing) have already lost this battle, we just need to wait for tempering change

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Just reduce Shako droprate.

This is disingenuous when you are on the forums you are only seeing a very small bit of the player base. Most of the people playing the game don’t even come to the forums.

And on top of that most of the forum posters that come here only come here to complain.

I just started playing S4 a couple of days ago but I have been reading the forum and seeing a lot of complains about the tempering system. I thought that after a few tries, items become unusable. I only have a limited experience but for me there no such thing as bricking an item. You might not get exactly what you expect but you still end up with a decent item.

Prior to S4, one was looking for items with 3 good affixes. They were not easy to find, especially if you were expecting max rolls. I probably picked up thousands during S3. I don’t think I have a single one with close to perfect 4 affixes.

Now, we only need 2 good affixes. We can re-roll the 3rd one and have 2x 5 chance to get 2 additional affixes we want. So far, I think I managed to get each time at least one. In the end, you have a decent chance to get at least 4/5 good affixes. It is not bad especially if some are GA. I wouldn’t call that a brick.


how much white knights humans can be ))

The whole concept of you get a great drop and can brick it at the enchanter, is a stupid idea. The same idea was in the original release where the gold cost to replace one affix kept growing ridiculously higher. The whole obsession by someone on the design team to incorporate gambling concepts into the game, just stinks.


I am ok with having a limited number of rerolls. It is, however, very annoying when I get a bunch of ‘increased dodge chance’ (or whatever) and I run out of rerolls without actually getting one.

If you have have a 4/5 item and you just did 30 hours of gameplay trying to get an item that can be a 5/5 and you don’t get the temper roll, you have essentially made that new item useless. Or if you have a 5/5 item with lower rolls, and find a new item that has better rolls and can be a better 5/5 item, if you don’t get the temper stat, again the item is now useless.

Gen Z, Snowflake or dad gamer?

Actually they (kinda) should 

Spending over 100 hours a season means the game is solid and that the playerbase should have a word to say about 
 balance and stuff like 
 you are complaing about.

People who spend 20-30s hours a season should NEVER ever QQ about the game.

With this mindset, technically whenever you get a new item thats better, the old item is useless? So whats the difference? Lol

People here have the right to post their opinions and concerns and arguments within the terms of use WITHOUT enduring your juvenile insults and abuse.

We aren’t the ones on here rageposting and slinging insults at people for disagreeing with you on a VIDEO GAME mechanic.

What language even is that
? Public-housing-keyboard-warrior-gaming-all-day-ese?

No doubt there are stacks of monster energy drink empty cans sitting around
cheeto dust on fingers. Butt musk saturating the room.


With « Loot Reborn », Blizz has been selling the fact that you will have control on what you gear exactly is. The fact that the tempering shows you that you can is wrong. Getting perfect items or close to still requires 100s hours of gameplay. Maybe it is just more frustrating because the new system makes you believe it is going to be easy.


0 points to refute what i just said pretty much confirms that ur a babyrager with insta gratification issues.

theres nothing particularly wrong with it tho, unless u cant admit to it and try to fabricate made up stuff in ur mind to cope urself into oblivion with ur obvious issues

I got news for ya “bro”

NOTHING ANYONE says will refute anything in your mind.

Arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. Even if you lose, you’ll prance around knocking over the pieces and poop on the board as if you won anyway.

 .“babyrage” here
is yours from reading something you disagreed with on a forum.

Anyway I can tell you just need to have the last word, no matter what, so go ahead, have the last word.


The user above accused people of “babyrage” NINE TIMES on his activities page.



this forum is essentially a babyrgers nest, u wanna argue with that too? i mean ur the perfect example. this is not irony, this is sad

u just keep confirming what i said by flagging, hilarious. go whine and wimp some more

The tempering fails were meant to be there for reason. Bricking and failing is part of the gameplay and its better for overall economy. Risk and rewards.


So you’re not investing time into the game, you’re not playing it seriously, you’re just playing to have fun yet you want your gear to be perfect as a reward just for logging in.

Very cool but this is a personal issue not a game issue. If you were given everything just the way you wanted you’d be happy for the small amount of time spent playing the game and then you’d just go play/do something else. That’s fine and all but what about the rest of the community who want to feel and have a sense of character progression?

Maybe when expressing your thoughts and sharing feedback take into consideration the game problems not your problems. An individuals needs and wants should never be taken into consideration.

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