I love this game. Hate me all you want, But this game is amazing

In units shifted, yes. But not in player base. Casuals are game tourists. They’ll be onto the next thing after the first couple weeks of season 1. Then ARPG enthusiasts can get this game in working order.

Cool story. Go make Black Panther 2 starring Napoleon Dynamite as the lead character or you’re a bigot. I’ll wait.

I’m both. I don’t play obsessively, nor am I into endgame grind…But I’ve been playing top down ARPGs since D2.
My personal favorite is Grim Dawn, but I’ve played all of them. Except Nox. Can’t get it to run on my PC, and don’t care enough to keep trying.

There are a lot of people who will quit D4 soon, but there are also people like me who will be playing it for years, probably. Just not rushing to endgame or caring about seasons.

Had to post an agreement with You .
Story , Seanic Graphics , music , and battle effects Set mood So well , thumbs up Dev’s in Diablo 4 . patches and nerfs , we adapt and overcome , but new stuff i’m sure will give buffs in time .

those endowed with double digit IQ’s seem to enjoy this game


Always nice to see positivity in a cess pool of entitled complainers. Thank you.

The games not perfect by any means, but I got my monies worth in the first weekend and will continue to have fun. I look forward to “donating” more money by means of MTX purchases with the start of season one. I just hope they get better at their offerings in the shop.

nobody hates u for loving something…ppl think ur stupid for telling them how they should feel and for being condescending by not trying to understand how THEY feel…but u can love or hate something all u like.

But most ppl with enough gaming experience who have played better games know that this game is severely under-cooked - should have remained in development another 1.5 - 2 years to get itemization, balance & general design and endgame in order

why do you think the devs keep re-iterating “this is a live service game in development” or “its an ongoing iterative process”…cause they know they released it too early and we are paying full price for playing an early access beta they havent finished yet - it can be so much more than just another generic arpg.

but they want more money through battlepasses while they keep developing it so maybe in 2 years by season 6 it will be fixed/finished?

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I am still playing and coming off Diablo 3 also. At this stage level 68 so just shy of WT4. And I have put in a lot of hours. Not just grinding NM dungeons which got old real quick but working on renoun mostly and trying everything in the game.
My major concern is not hating the game, it is the leveling time not knowing if your character is going to get a nerf hit. We got that in D3 also but character leveling wasn’t such a steep thing.
Knowing we have seasons, if it was this much time to grind to 100 every quarter I wouldn’t do it. Just not enough game time to balance work and life/wife on top of.
Glad for the new patch notes and initial streamer testing on leveling in NM dungeons. Looking forward to experiencing the difference after work.

i love the game i have almost 2 level 100s :slight_smile:


I love this game, too. I love its potential even more.

Is that why you’re still here?

I’ve been 100 since week one and still play a ton daily. It’s ok if people don’t like the game, but I think it’s great.

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Get to 80 and then come back and post this.

Get to 80 and then come back and post this.

100 rogue here, i agree with OP. Great game so far

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As a “dad” which you claim to be, I hope you would understand and also teach your child/children:

  1. that everyone experiences things differently,

  2. to not assume people just hate others/you for having different subjective opinions (victimization mentality is not a good mindset)

  3. to not make broad generalizations in arguments because they are logical fallacies

  4. to respect the opinion of others and their individual agency to determine for themselves what they want out of a product

  5. and to always speak for yourself and not a “majority” you claim to represent w/o actual numbers

Have a good day dad.

Me too. I took some time off to go crazy after launch and it took about two weeks to get to lvl 100 on my Rogue and the game is still as fun as the first day. Today’s patch is really nice but I was fine with how it was before.

As an “RPG” its damn good. One of the better stories to follow.
As a looter, I just don’t see how you enjoy it. If the item doesn’t have 3 of the 4 stats you want it to have, its garbage. There’s no use for gold. There’s no use for the crafting materials you get from salvage. Why? Because the real gate is the forgotten souls, which you will get very few of if you’re not playing super efficiently in helltides. Even then, you get more gold and mats than you can use for the ratio of souls.

Those that are dunking in the game are the canary in the coal mine, and you are the coal miner. You’ll run into the same problems they did. When you do, you’ll know.

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I enjoy the game a lot too. It definitely has a lot of room for improvement, but its been a lot of fun.

I think a lot of D2 diehards and PoE fanboys are upset because its not a clone of D2/PoE with their boring gameplay and drab loot systems… and thus they complain. But as a game targeted at people who have stopped playing D2 and never got into PoE… its a pretty good experience.

D4 has good bones, just needs some more well developed muscles. A huge chunk of us are adults and realize that our patience will likely pay off if we find something in D4 we don’t like.

If anything I’m just a little disappointed in Blizzard for not letting us repeat the campaign with existing Eternal Realm characters. That felt like a super dumb decision.

Hate me all you want

do you have some kind of vicarious connection to the game where you feel that all the people who dislike the game also dislike you? well, they don’t hate you and if you think they do you probably need to see a therapist.

Complain all you want

feedback is good for blizzard. good feedback and negative feedback. the reason why, is because if people don’t leave feedback and just quit the game then they won’t know how to bring them back. the feedback may be upsetting to you, but it’s actually good for the company and the game.