I love this game. Hate me all you want, But this game is amazing

Always happy to hear some positivity on these forums.

D4 has some great things going for it, and it’s a shame the negativity overwhelms the front page.

I figure I’ll get a lot of fun out of it ultimately. I got a lot of fun out of D2, D3, and D2R. D4 is looking to be no different.

Definitely hope they keep fixing and updating though.

wow I thought the wow forums were cringe. When was the last time you got some sunlight bud?

Thank you! Im sick of all the complaining. Hopefully in a few months those folks will go elsewhere.

I don’t think the argument is that the game isn’t a clone of Diablo 2 or POE, it just doesn’t have an end game meta loop in place. There are lots of different ideas that could be put in place to install this but there is none.

I love posts like this which claim to speak for a majority of people without actually having an idea of the numbers involved.

This is called making things up and passing them off as factual reality.

You speak for yourself, and no one else.

Well I think it’s fairly well imply that this is his opinion. It’s shared by a lot of people, for a very substantive reasons, tho.

You’re allowed to have an opinion— no one has said otherwise. That being said, your opinion is awful and you have no taste nor standard.

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You will hit the same wall the rest did. Just taking you longer to get there.

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I don’t hate you, I just judge you for having the wrong opinion

Let me fix that:
it doesn’t have an end game loop that you appreciate or count as such

Which reaffirms the point I’ve made in a few threads:
A lot of people who hate on this game just aren’t self-aware or humble enough to recognize that the game isn’t bad… they’re just not its target audience.

I hate BotW - it was one of the least fun games I’ve ever played. Do I think it is a bad game? No. I am just not its target audience.

It is important to be able to take that self-aware step of ‘is the game the problem or is it just not trying to make me, individually, happy?’

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Objectively incorrect. A meta loop is a repeatable process with a constant carrot on a stick. This game does not posses that beyond leveling legendary gems… er glyphs. That doesn’t offer a loop. Successful ARPGs have an endgame meta loop. This one does not.

Subjectively incorrect.

Fixed that for you.

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I’ll quote this to explain what you seem to be missing.

Every single bit of that… is subjective. And I disagree with most of it on a personal level.

But you’re welcome to your OPINION that that is all accurate. And I won’t call that opinion incorrect - save your implication that that is objective not subjective.

So you’re saying this game does have the cycle described in the quote?

No, I’m saying that cycle is not the ONLY way to have an end-game loop. I’m saying you are implying your vision of what an end-game loop is is absolute, when it is really just the ‘type of end-game loop’ that is personally satisfying to you individually.

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Well said

20 characters

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I didn’t suggest it was. I said all successful ARPGs have that cycle, and that this objectively does not. To which you told me is subjective. Will it invent some new way to go about motivation in ARPG endgame? Probably not. They also don’t seem to have a clear vision for the game.

It is subjective that ‘all successful ARPGs have that cycle’. Because by many metrics Diablo 3 was successful, yet you claim it doesn’t have that cycle.

You can really enjoy this game and still understand it has bugs, issues, and overall room for serious improvement. Both of these things can be true at the same time. I am really enjoying the necromancer class despite the fact its the slowest/lowest in dps in terms of build diversity and bugs. Bone necros excluded but thats not my playstyle.

Just because people have criticisms about the game does not mean they don’t enjoy the game they just want it to be BETTER and over time the novelty starts to wear off a bit so the issues come to the forefront of our attention. Human beings are far more likely to notice, recall, and communicate things that don’t meet their expectations of reality. Most of the positive elements or aspects of the game that meet their expectations will be taken for granted because that just how our brains work. We identify and want to fix problems. If it ain’t broke… dont fix it.