I love this game. Hate me all you want, But this game is amazing

I love it too! And I’m really excited about season 1 and the future of the game.

Yeah, but the scores that matter are high. Critics, writers, etc. People who actually have informed opinions about art and entertainment.

Besides, a 5.1 user score on Metacritic vs an 87 critic score says it all: Trolls be trollin’

im over lvl75 and im enjoying it too, speak for yourself … i know there is a lack of wt5, it will probably be released soon, as as a lot of other stuff like gem tabs, etc, they already confirmed this, ppl just need to chill the f up… if you don’t wanna play it anymore because you enjoyed it for a while, that’s fine, if you are still enjoying it that’s fine, but why tf are people acting like this is the worst betrayal in human history, its just a game man, have fun, or not.

This has to be a troll post. I refuse to believe that anyone could possibly be this out of touch.

You know the audience and critic score for 90% of movies released in the past 5 years have been basically polar opposite, right? Critic scores haven’t been relevant in over a decade, if they ever were to begin with.

Critics on Rotten Tomatoes gave Rings of Power an 83%. Audience gave it a 38%. Nuff said.

It is amazing, until you hit level 85 and you go splat against a wall.

Then you are grinding for so many hours you want to try a new build, now you can’t do that because rerolling your build is expensive, difficult with the paragon board, loadouts don’t exist, stash space is awful.

Oh and then the major wall is that only a select few builds are even viable even VIABLE in world tier 4.

Ez example: Mobs with chain CC, making unstoppable REQUIRED just being one simple example.

It is amazing, until level 85 then it drops HARD.

The more I play it the more I like it. When I first started I wasn’t sold yet but my play sessions are getting longer and longer lately.

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We love the game too.

The game is good, the campaign is great, the story telling is fantastic, along with the visuals.

I took my time to do all the quests, listen to all the dialogue, and enjoyed my time.

All we’re asking from Blizzard is to make the proper changes, quality of life implementations, and buffs where necessary.

It’s the kind of changes that would benefit everyone in the long run.

Just as more people are reaching higher levels, they’re starting to notice small problems here and there.

I don’t want this game to die, and I don’t want to not give feedback and just hope that the game will be better next year or the year after that.

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I’m speaking for the majority. Casual outliers certainly exist like you. I don’t deny that.

I like the game, but it has a few too many major issues that prevent me from loving it just yet.

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Yes, it is very good despite what you can read daily around here and it will get even better with time.

I am enjoying the game too but just baffled by some of the decisions by the current team… mainly lack of end game quests, anti-climatic main boss fights (small areas and D3 did it better), and simple dungeon grinding (no Kanai’s Cube or Horadric Cube for special dungeons). Part of the fun is being able to unlock epic items to do epic things!

C’mon Bliz! New Diablos DO NOT have to be dumbed down like app games!!! This mindset is driving the long time Diablo fans crazy!!!

There is a solid base game and I have faith Bliz will improve like they have before… funny how the same gaming cycle happens with each release since nothing is perfect but more intro/end game content than before at least… but never enough! lol

Nobody hates you, but for $70+ Im not settling for garbage

We are the same. I am so immersed in this game. Best Diablo for me. Good mix of action and rpg. Very enjoyable. So excited for the coming season 1.

It’s good in that I don’t regret buying it or anything.

I just want something besides bonespear to be good on the necro. Like a summoner. I bought the game for pretty much that one class (the crusader and monk that I also played in d3 are conspicuously absent).

I also realize that the game isn’t even out a month yet and there’s a much higher liklihood that the game will get better than, say, the current WoW expansion. I really just needed a serious break from that game and so far this game is doing what I want it to do. I’ll do the bonespear build until they actually make some balance changes, not optimal but not a dealbreaker either.

I have to agree, I have a lvl 100 barb and a level 88 necro and I think the game is pretty bad, I just play it because there isn’t any other games for me to play right now.

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I have critcisms but over-all good game.


You’re the troll.
It’s absolutely not a fact that “the audience and critic score for 90% of movies released in the past 5 years have been basically polar opposite”
Look it up anywhere. The opposite is true.
Also, when there is a huge gulf between what the critics say and what the “public” says, it’s usually due to bigotry. ie: people intentionally downvoting things they haven’t seen and aren’t really interested in because there’s a POC or LGBTQ+ person in them when they wanted a straight, white person.

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Ye the game is fine do t know why ppl are whinging :joy:

Nope, the “casuals” are the majority.

By far.

The people who’ve already beaten the story campaign are a small minority with a weird combination of butthurt and ego.

Found the AI bot, CCP shill.