I love this game. Hate me all you want, But this game is amazing

Now yes I am a casual Dad Gamer (Just made it to WT4) but I am playing the game with people who play way more than me and they feel just like I do. There is so much to experience in this game if you take your time. Side quests that are really fun to do, and add to the story. And most importantly I can play how I want when I do not have the stress of having to get to max level as soon as I can and min\Max my build

People talk about the renown grind but its not that bad if you enjoy doing quests and exploring. And yes I am a hard core ARPG fan and that is against the norm for ARPG’s but I really enjoy it.

You go around the forums and on reddit and its just people complaining and dunking on this game but these are all people who rushed to end game and mad the end game loop is not there cup of tea. But for majority of us playing the game we are not having the same experience. We are taking everything in. For my 3 hours a night of playtime, this is all I could ask for

I used to do the GR rush in D3, and Mapping in POE and pushing Corruption in Last Epoch, and thats all well and good, but I was never truly immersed in those game worlds as I am immersed with the game world they gave us in this game.

So complain all you want people. But the cold truth is for the majority of us, this is exactly what we wanted


I love the game too. I love that you get to end game far before max level.

I also love not replaying the campaign.


Agree. I wonder if all the whiners even enjoy arpgs or if half of them are bots. I just got to WT4 as a 66 Ice Sorc and for me this is where the real challenge begins. I still delete mobs but they delete me too.

There can and will be some fixes, but on the whole it’s a fantastic game. I rarely come here now because it’s so toxic - the discussions on Reddit are a lot more balanced.


no one’s judging u man, i know u want everyone to like it too, but we want it to be exceptional. :sob:


You will definitely receive hate but you won’t get it from me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Jesus Christ, dude. Relax


I’m level 100. I “suffered” through leveling a Fireball/Hydra Sorcerer from 50 to 100. It was fun. Some parts along the way were fantastic.

Hitting 100 was very anti climactic, but I was glad I did. The game certainly has problems to sort out. In the mean time, I have four other classes to try. Now I’m going to max a Necromancer. I genuinely enjoy playing this game. I’ll reserve using the word love for my family and best friends tho.


In the view of OP, it’s good, because he didnt need to grind all the stuff all over again.
I mean when you see everything for the 1st time, it’s good. But let him get into it and “enjoy” the endgame of Lilith 1 and maybe we get a proper feedback then.
Until then have fun with what ever you doing :slight_smile:
All the shi.t.st.orm which Lilith 1 have forced on it self is still justified and Blizzard needs to react


Here we go again…another clown…let see how long u will be active in the game…there wont be so much negative than the positive in this forum if the game reach at least our lowest expectation, like gem tabs?search option in stash?etc?


This kind of sh*t makes me sad. OP comes here to say he loves the game. The only thing he was guilty of was casting too wide a net with his assertions on why it’s great, and spoke for too many people. That’s understandable when someone is enthusiastic about an experience. It would be nice, however if people refrained from using the word “WE” when discussing their personal experiences and why they’re great or terrible. Whatever, it isn’t a huge deal.

Then you have the other side of the coin with these two posts that feel the OP’s enthusiasm, perhaps over-enthusiasm warrants enmity and scorn. A simple reminder that he doesn’t speak for everyone, or the majority, but just the people he knows first hand and that the game has flaws that need to be addressed would suffice.


Help Nyrelle a couple more time with all your level 20 char and u see whats up lol


All 10-20 of you? Just lol.

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”Dad gamer” is so cringe. I’m a dad too I don’t go around identifying myself as dad X for every hobby. What is it with Americans and having to make everything their personality.


So true. Im a dad gamer and i play like 60 hours a week xd

I agree. It has issues but it is great and a diamond in the rough.


I have lvl 100 blizzard sorc and 72 pulverize druid and still having blast the game is great, best arpg on the market.

Tho there is very long list what should be fixed and improved, but overall game is great.

303 hours played and still going.

Need more stash tabs to make third alt cant do it now, thats my biggest concern atm


The “soccer-mom” in the minivan with South Dakota tags and a Salt Life sticker in front of you says hi.

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Dude the game is great. Judjing the game by its forums isnt the way to do. A lot of people are happy with the game and just play it, not reading or writing the forums. I am here for one bug blizz cant fix and for patchnotes, and everytime I open general forums i laugh my a$$ off about how the game i am having a real blast with is “dead” “bad” and “boring”. Its a great game, let as all enjoy it.


I really do enjoy the game myself, not sure where the hate comes from outside of the bugs. if blizzard could focus their attention on those pieces, the games solid. I think a lot of people including myself are just upset with the cost of the game, and Blizzard’s action toward nerfing players instead of focusing on game-breaking bugs.

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This game is great if you don’t play it for a long time it starts to get boring after level 60-70.