I leveled a WW Barb to 100- My journey, and why I feel scammed

Continuing to beta test a $70 “complete” game is unacceptable!

You tried a build and it didnt work… I thought people like d2 mechanics hahah… grow up.

Thanks for such a relative and articulate post that explains much of my frustration with the game. I’m waiting for the big patch that will either confirm the current direction of the game or be a positive indicator that the developers care about the customer and are willing to change.

D4 in many ways is a retro game using tired ideas and mechanics. Of the four Diablo games I’ve played it’s the first open world, looking more like a devolution from WOW than an evolution from Diablo.

On line nerfs, unless they are truly an emergency, are unacceptable. Live with it until the Season starts, then reset the improvemts and nerfs so people can make informed character choices, much like POE.

I’ve gotten my $100 worth. It was interesting but frustrating.

Maybe it will change ahd grow into a great game. Maybe.

Hey bro, you think Rend barb isnt viable in endgame? I just reach lvl 45 and im wonder rich path should i choose now. I leveled as rend.

It is inevitable for those plays to reach, it’s not about “if” but “when”.

Then add the fact this game is all about seasons.

I still don’t understand why this game is open world, anything past the campaign is wasted effort, when everything after campaign is wasted on ND push.

Blizzard really make 1 event around reroll stones?

Blizzards design philosophy must have been dreamt up on being your kid to work day. It makes no sense, yet is funny.

If with endgame you mean getting to 90 or 100, Rend would do it. But if you mean doing 80+ NM dungeons or Lilith, then I have serious doubts, more precisely I have not seen a Rend build clearing those. Although maybe a Thorns + Rend/Gushing Wounds build could do it, not tested.

devs are already said they are adding alot more content to the game with season 1 around the corner wait and see what happens. “13 pages” worth of something is coming, fixes changes and seasonal content.

Try another build or class in the meantime vary what activities you do. There is enough in the game currently while we wait for seasons.

Most people are not even 80+ yet think you need to relax abit about rushing the game.

Thats what the additional WTs are for. Think about it level 70 is suggested for WT4 so WT5 that is know is coming will be tuned for higher levels.

Seems like the game was fairly balanced and polished through the base game (A1-Lilith), as you can use and enjoy most builds on every class, but the end-game (WT3+) was not finished and they released it in a relatively broken state to get it out the door. Now they’re trying to balance things after the fact which is annoying a lot of people because there’s no clarity on what your build will end up being if you grind a lot.

Barb isn’t even the worst of the lot. Most necro abilities are just outright broken and many of the nodes don’t work as described. Druid minions do like 10% of the damage it says. Most of the sorc builds are unusuable late game. Rogue is really the only class that seems relatively well developed in the end game.

As a WW Barb this is a great post.

Yeah I feel this, as someone who has wanted to play Whirlwind since the first early access open beta, it’s pretty disheartening how weak the build is after nerfs, which sounds like the true reason is, it was never that strong to begin with outside of Gohr’s and Edgemaster bugs.

Giving back some of Gohr’s damage would help since it’s pretty mediocre after what they did to it, instead of a game changing and exciting unique, it’s only “okay”. That doesn’t solve all of the issues though, surviving high tier nightmare dungeons, shouts being only just barely capable of 100% uptime after the nerfs which makes it more cumbersome to play having to use trash unique chest Rage of Harrogath.

I got to about level 92 and have quit, what’s the incentive to keep going? It takes too long to get to level 100 but even then the build I want to play is weak comparatively and that’s a pretty big bummer.

What’s most frustrating though is that I don’t think these posts do anything, the Devs seem to only see and respond to stuff on Twitter.

It’s pretty bad when bugs/exploits are discovered and reported during the beta and dont get fixed until weeks after release…


Good post… FYI: you put the TL;DR at the beginning. Not after we read the whole damn thing! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! You have a great summary of a Druid.

Basically a summary of every class outside of TB Rogue.

Not really.

Druid doesn’t naturally generate resources, so playing whack-a-mole is standard.

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I understand your frustation, I was in a helltide a few days ago and noticed the roach walking around, went to fight it, I would say about 20 to 30 seconds later it was around 2/3 of his heltah when a druid 10 levels lower than me came around and decided to join, in 5 more seconds it was dead, and then I come here to see people say 1 shot builds are boring and annoying, yeah only if it comes from ww barb right? it is aways like this there is no mid term in regards to ww, you eighter love it or have all the arguments (always the same btw) to say it is trash and nobody should play it, oh but the nice build is that one where you just use basic attack.
If you has being around you know it, and I will say again, barbarians are NEVER a top tier class, no matter the game, you name it, barbs are always a mid class at most, it may make it to near the top at certain point but it absolutely WILL NOT last long, I said that way before launch barb is looking to good to be true, I hope it last for at least a month, well it turns out it did not, and now what you see is a necro demolishing echo Lilith in less than 2 minutes while he is stand still in the same position only moving when she go off screen to be able to hit her again, ignoring every single mechanic, but guess what? necro needs a buff because it is not strong enough.
Lets see what changes when this beta version of the game is over, after all a 13 pages update ready 2 weeks after “launch” does not sound like just an update.

Says the guy who didn’t spell Arkaine’s Valor correctly for a username, how original.

D2 mechanics and builds not working have zero correlation. If you’re bad at D2 your build didn’t work because it’s not strong enough - plain and simple. It wasn’t due to the devs looking at Battle Orders and going, that needs a 50% nerf and a cooldown so you can’t even spam it anymore for a buff on your char or group.

This game plays nothing like D2, it wishes it could, but it definitely does not.

These types of design changes and nerfs are what ruins games. D2 mechanics have nothing to do with terrible Diablo 4 design choices.

Grow up, lmao like the Barbarian can use any ability or have a wide change in builds when 3/4 usable skills have to be shouts. You grow up

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You can’t just pretend that “most people aren’t 80 yet” is an excuse.

Things that aren’t tuned right and fixed properly will affect everyone at some point of play. A level 100 getting there fastest and realizing these issues and warning everyone of it is exactly what this post is about.

Level 1 or level 100, those problems if not fixed, will still be there anyone above level 80 and beyond for the foreseeable future. You get what I’m saying? The problem will still EXIST entirely no matter the level of the “current player base average” if they don’t fix it at all.

I got 2 classes to 100 almost. 100 rogue, 89 Druid. It reminds me of grinding in D2. Takes literally over 10000 runs of baal with a party in D2 to even hit 99 from 89.