I leveled a WW Barb to 100- My journey, and why I feel scammed

I read the whole whiney thing. It was cringe.

I’m having fun with an Ice/fire sorc. Great build, at least for leveling.

The major issue for barbarian is Toughness/Recovery. Barb will be one shot by elemental dmg in >80 nightmare dungeons. This destroyed the dmg potential of WW. If you want to do some dmg using gohrs, you must stand in the center of mobs. However, the resistance mechanics seems not working good. The dmg reduction of elemental dmg scaling is different than armor.
To fix WW:

  1. Fix Resistance Mechanism, make resistance more effective!!!
  2. Fix Attack Speed Increase won’t affect WW tick rate, issue. The bug I submitted, plz fix it. High priority.
    After these two fixes, WW will be much better, then we can test the dmg potential.

Hey thinks iceshards doesn’t have resource issues? made me laugh.

Season 1 will be worth playing, either because they will sort some issues and have decent end game content. Or, it won’t and you can validate the decision to move on.

I don’t understand what gets a build nerfed and what doesn’t… so many builds can just melt everything they look at. What defines a build as overpowered when most builds can push a few buttons and delete a pack in WT4 once they come online?

I think a lot of people need to just wait to Season 3. Those that continue to play need to realize this game is going to be complicated to balance and is going to take many months, if not years, to get right.

my fresh barb is 51 now and i can say that 1-51 is a lot smoother on barb than it was on druid heh.

the trick to enjoy barb is to play a slow pulverize druid first :wink: (rip he died at 87)

meanwhile, rogues, sorcerers, and necros are 4 shotting uber lilith, the answer to this must be - nerf barbs-

I am certain that I won’t play seasons. Leveling is tedious, renown something I do not want to repeat and loot is lackluster.

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You found the secret cow level. It’s 100.

Amazingly summarized the barb class. I feel that blizzard hĂĄt it so much, it should be deleted. Druid just shreds and melt stuff in trash gears in comparison

If the game is not going to be ready till season 3 then maybe they should have delayed the launch.

All this has done is get them an advance pay day at the cost of losing the first impression on millions of players.

Did you lose everything to dc? THen meh

Where did I say Ice Shard sorcs aren’t resource starved? A lot of classes in the game have resource issues. My point was that after building resource, WW as a core skill brings little to the table in terms of damage because it can’t be maintained, and I was often a non-factor in my group EARLY IN THE GAME. I then listed the classes present in my party for context.

There is still a lot that hasn’t been discovered in regard to builds. My biggest complaint with the Barb is that shouts are mandatory for your damage and survivability. I hate having to spam 3 buttons every few seconds to ensure that I can DPS and not die. I am hopeful that as they continue to develop the game much of what annoys us now will be fixed. I do not for one-second think that they want people to have a bad experience playing the game but I do believe that the game is undercooked. Having the game in our hands and getting feedback to their team is ultimately what is best for the continued growth of the game. They could have kept the game in dev and had more testing but we would have probably wound up in the same place. We have played it and what launched is a solid base to build upon. The systems and gameplay loops need work and further iteration without a doubt. I am actually stoked that this is a live service game and as long as they stay away from P2W elements I will continue to support for the foreseeable future.

Sorc is the worst end game class by a mile.

It’s simple. You claim other classes are breezing through the game, which isn’t true so get that out of your head. Right now. We are all resource starved, especially sorc. We are the most stat needy, and resource cost intensive class and the weakest.

Your class, and your build is the most powerful in the game, so it really makes me laugh when you say this. Early game is fine, we are all in the same boat there. Only ones that don’t really have an ‘issue’ would be rogues.

I played a sorc and breezing through the game I think is a pretty good description. Sorcs don’t need any legendary powers to be good early on(maybe the barrier when you hit an elite), rogues need 1 legendary power to be good early on(right next to the first zone) and Barbs need a couple legendary powers to be good early and they’re not in the first zone so they still have to level a bunch before they can get them.

bro you dont have to type out a novel.

Just do what 95% of other people who have played this game have done.

D4 is not a good game because “insert”

They over nerf and over buff things as a STRATEGY to keep people re rolling and re gearing. It was discovered in world of warcraft that people wouldn’t quit if they nerfed their class into the dumpster that they would just flavor of the month re roll, thus born the hamsterwheel of nerfs and buffs.

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