I leveled a WW Barb to 100- My journey, and why I feel scammed

Ironically, if you want the best investment of time, it might be better to play 5 characters every day, each for only 30 minutes to an hour. There you can get the increased chance of legendary (aka aspect rolls and also money for selling) for the first few ten minutes of gameplay. Exp for everything is similar and it’s rather static without any forms of exp boost.

So you really have to pause playing the game, in order to play the game efficiently hehehehe.

What is? What the op described was a very typical process for playing a highly anticipated game on release, and it sounds as though they had a good social experience to boot. What the op gave was a detailed guide on why playing this game after achieving what they have is an utter waste of time.

/e I see who you replied to now and agree with you. That makes no sense lmao

I believe it’s more about a post of what OP does NOT get after levelling the char to 100, lol. Put simply it’s a dissatisfied ceiling for the Barb Class.

Cool story -) But didn’t you know that we all here are $70 beta-testers?

Why do people care so much about what people play and how much damage they do? Just play what you want to play and have fun. Everyone should be supporting each other, honestly. WW barbs got nerfed to hell and people cheer saying “they were broken” but dont say anything about Sorcs/Necros destroying Uber lillith in 10secs.

The irony is that HoTA only works so well because of an unintended bug with an aspect. Take that away and barb literally has nothing for endgame lol. Laughable state of barb :confused:

I can see the patch notes now: “Fixed a bug that caused Ancestral Force to deal unintended amounts of damage to enemies standing behind the player.”

I honestly hope they fix it so they can see how laughable barbarian is right now for endgame content, and that maybe fixing a bug along with nerfing a class isn’t the best idea. Maybe fix the bug first, then see how it performs, then see if you need to nerf.

TLDR: you played to much too fast and then got bored

TLDR: You didn’t read a single word of his post.


I have over 300 hours in on the Barbarian, it felt good to switch it up with a different class. Looking forward to the season for sure.

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As for sorcs being op. I’ve seen other classes smash their way through dungeons I can’t even touch as a sorc. Many classes have a build or a couple that are viable but can actually work well through later NM tiers. This is generally on the player and lack of build diversity in general.

Will I try to spec into ice-shards? Probably because hydra was nerfed into the ground after beta and my only other options are firewall (meh), blizz/hybrid, or arc lash which is what I’m currently using. Every class needs buffs regarding the dozens of useless skills or resource intensive skills.

patch might fix all the problems

I loled so hard rofl

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when is it expected?

My 2 favorite classes in D2 have always been: Barbs for the lore & sheer fun of it and Pallys for the incredible diversity of auras. Considering there is no pally in D4 yet, I’m forced to play Barb and am 100% with you w.r.t. to the gaming experience & nerfs, from a tiny different perspective: my main is a 100 Hota, and my WW is at 70. Yes, I completely understand why Gohr’s is nerfed, because it was clearly not tested fully by Blizzard, but Bold Chieftain’s hurt my soul.

Basically, every endgame-viable barb build (which are basically only WW & Hota) has to use at least 3 shouts, and use them at all times: War Cry, Rallying Cry, Challenging Shout. And to keep them up, basically you have to use CDR helm & amulet, one of Umbral or Echoing Fury and Bold Chieftain’s. So your amulet, helm & 2 ring slots are dictated!

In the super-endgame, 70+ tier dungeons, you even have to drop your Wrath of the Berserker for Iron Skin, which reduces all Barb builds to Basic-Core combo, because the other 4 are basically mandatory.

People whined and cried about barbs having 4 aspect slots, but often neglected that a. Fury doesn’t regen but depletes b. Barb is melee by definition, whereas all other classes have at least other options. Barb must go out front. Melee is hugely disadvantaged vs casters in D2, and D4 is on a speedy collision course towards the same path.

If you paid attention I described 2 huge problems:

  • Bold Chieftain’s nerf was a huge blow in an already handicapped class (100% melee)
  • Diversity within barb builds are very limited, because of the total dependency on shouts

I guess seeing Rob2628 WWing and Hotaing his way to Lilith and 100 dungeons went too much into Blizzard devs’ heads, meanwhile blizz sorcs, bone necros, psn rogues, wind druids are clearing Lilith at least 10x times faster :confused: But Blizzard keeps nerfing and nerfing Barbs. I’m afraid I will lose the interest in D4 at this pace.


Thx for your 100, and please buy our next class DLC for 25, too.

Stay tuned.

I thought they were here so that Blizzard could see which opinions are held by manipulative crybabies and can be easily ignored as the caterwauling of nincompoops.

I’m personally one of those people that get annoyed by all the complains that this forum is full of. But this one is honestly fair. This forum needs more of this kind of feedback, that can be useful even for new players who are curious about the full leveling experience.

That beeing sad, my HOTA Barb is at 70 now and I also struggled during the game. Like OP, I used a WW build and I switched to HOTA when I started to feel weeker. I was and I’m still having fun, don’t get me wrong, but it’s undeniable that barb is being treated poorly by Blizzard, with nerfs and changes. I’m currently struggling to clear level 25 nightmare dungeons and I don’t even want to think about trying to kill Uber Lilith when I reach 100.

I think that Barbarian needs to be deeply optimised to function well at high levels, otherwise you just feel week. This is too punishing for casuals (like me) that cannot spend more than a couple of hours a day on the build. I will try, but I have the feeling that I will hit a wall at some point and I will not be able to go past a certain level of ND. That’s something that Blizzard should consider if they want to maintain a solid player base.

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I leveled WW barb to 100 as well. Around 70 my character became absurdly OP compared to my friends but as you said it falls off trying to push high NM or uber-Lillith once you are 100. You really can’t run uniques in the chest or legs slot in high end content because so much of your survivability comes from those gear slots. Also Gohr’s for some reason has attack speed as a modifier…and WW isnt effected by attack speed…Strange decision by blizzard on that unique. As it is, WW is good for speed farming easy to mid-difficulty content. It falls off beyond that, although there may be some clever ways to squeeze more dps from it that people haven’t found yet.

I full swapped to Hota and its much better for high end content. You wont be killing Lillith as fast as other classes but you can get enough DPS to do the fight. The issue with Hota is that to maximize DPS you basically need to exploit what appears to be a bug with the Ancestral Force aspect, that gives you much higher damage if you hit the target with the Hota AOE and intentionally miss the direct hit. It appears to do more damage the further away from the center the target is, so you are trying to find the sweet spot that gives the largest damage multiplier. Blizzard accidently fixed this a few days ago and Hota was completely unplayable with laughable damage, but they undid the unintentional fix. So it seems that Blizzard is happy to allow this strange interaction to remain in the game for now, since its the only usuable spec for high end content on Barb currently.