I leveled a WW Barb to 100- My journey, and why I feel scammed

lol, Sorc was nerfed first.

It’s good you got this off your chest.

I am a hota barb and they will be coming after me next.

This has happened to barb in every diablo. The meta was volatile despite streamers who tried who trend-setted barb to the detriment of the game and class.

Barbs will be screwed like they always do. Blizzard is still the same 10 years going on. They reactively nerf and out of pride never revert their mistakes.

why aren’t they buffing other classes ?

Sorcerer supposed to be good or something lmao?

Nah as soon as I hit lvl 50 and went to T3 I noticed something was way off. The xp grind was insane and gear upgrades sucked. I have made it to lvl 62 and like I’m kind of done… Im a necro and I can barely clear lvl 63 nightmare dungeons for my level. I felt way more powerful before I hit lvl 50 but it really tapered off around lvl 35-40. Like you get all this gear but you still weak as crap because the monsters scale with your level.

But I have many complaints about this game. For me the story was WAY TOO SHORT for a $70-$100 game. And the side quests are boring af. The game isnt even scary or ominous like the old games were. I feel cheated of my money because this game is way less than I hoped it would be.

Take Uncharted 4 for example, that game has like 4 hours of cut scenes just when you think its over theres another cliffhanger or bend in the story.

D4 is like maybe one hour of cutscenes. Maybe… And it still feels so linear. Like they could have made it so much more. Theres only like 5 big bosses in the campaign. you’d think Diablo IV would be so big that there would be 5 big bosses per Act or something but idk thats just me. The game is way smaller than I thought it was going to be.

I honestly thought that the map of the world, at first was only Fractured Peaks, like I honestly thought that whole map was just the first zone! When you think open world game you think BIG right? like WoW or something. Like that game is BIG. This game is like tiny compared to what I was expecting. So I stopped playing. I just went back to my other games cause this crap is boring AF. Campign too short nobody wants to replay a boring crap campaign.

Translation: “I know you think you bought a fun puppy, but here’s this bag of cow sh1t in it’s place, hope you learn to understand and be ok with being scammed”

World is too Small and the campaign is too short among other problems.

They can’t enjoy themselves. They have to play click click click click click instead.

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Bang on,

It seems like Blizzard is hellbent on sucking the life out of the game.

I mean how hard is it to release a blue post saying below outlines several builds that we have deemed to be problematic and will be looking into for our season 1 update and will keep you guys updated in the class changes before then since sucking the fun out of season 0 does nothing but drive away the players.

Maybe test these changes first in the backend and get it ready for Season 1 before implementing them and breaking something else every other day.

Currently there are no leaderboards, no public achievements and no armory so why do such drastic nerfs across the board killing the fun for a bunch of people?

A few players being able to kill Uber Lilith in 90 seconds makes 0 difference to the other 99% of the playerbase and this is coming from someone that is level 100 working on Lilith atm.

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Yup… This is pretty much my journey as a WW barb too. Endgame rainbow lead me to disillusionment.

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This goes beyond a different build for the same class. I’m discouraged from even rolling a new class because of this.

Them taking big swings at classes like this forcing even a partial gear reset makes it all feel pointless.

I think too many people expect too much from the game at launch and yet I under stand the frustration of the OP as I too have a Barbarian alt. Ideally the game would be balanced, all classes would have multiple builds with different play styles to conqueror the game and all be viable ( skill check ) for tier 100 … btw that is the dream and reality should tell you that it won’t happen until possibly the expansion.

I personally believe Blizzard will wait right up to the launch of Season 1 and drop a massive patch with buffs/nerfs/quality of life additions/changes as it will give the illusion that they are listening. I say Illusion as they wait till the Season 1 to drop all the changes to make it sound like Season 1 is adding so much and they are listening. Even after this big patch and Season 1 is launched there will still be a plethora of issues old and new that will string the player base hoping they get fixed in Season 2.

As to the OP hoping to see the WW Barb doing 100Mil+ crits with a permanent uptime of unstoppable and insane mitigation: are you serious? Every other class that is currently deleting uber Lilith or their numbers are out of line to what Blizzard wants will be nerfed or adjusted to what was intended.

Diablo 4 has great art, fairly stable launch, and a decent level one to fifty play through but lacks everything else. The classes are poorly designed, a terrible resource system ( does get better at much higher levels ), lack luster chase uniques which the developers hyped, and nightmare dungeons tiers really dont matter which their only purpose is to level your glyphs.

The good news is all of this can be be fixed, the bad news is its going to take time. I can tell you if I was the project lead designer that I would have all my employees playing Diablo 2 and PoE to understand why those games are so successful after many years and then hire the top streamers /players who made broken builds and have them be the play tester as the in house team has failed.

The thing is… I really want to see Diablo 4 do well or I ( and many others ) wouldn’t bother with a post and just walk away.

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I don’t think OP wants WW barb doing 100 M crits, I don’t think anyone does. It’s just difficult to see other classes clear content like uber lilith and NM 100 dungeons with relative ease compared to barb and just have to sit back and accept it. We feel a bit cheated, cause when barb was able to do the crazy stuff other classes are doing, they were met with an immediate nerf. However it’s taking till the beginning of season 1 for other classes to be given similar treatment. It’s just upsetting.


Blizzard has never mentioned they are going to nerf the other classes. When barb does it, it got nerf to the dirt like in few hours after a video is uploaded. When other classes does it, it’s working as intended :sweat_smile:


Unfortunately yeah, I don’t see a hotfix on necro’s bonespear nearly one shotting uber Lilith lol.

Rob Ferguson main is necro, so… I guess no one in the Blizzard team main a barb.

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That nerf is coming and most necro’s know it. I would assume from a design point of view that you never want a skill to do more then a certain percent of a boss’s life total: IE maybe 2-5% per use, maybe even less. Again you want to make the encounter feel epic, test the players ability to obey the mechanics and then make the fight feel epic for completing.

If you think Barbarian is still the best class in the game you’re living under a rock. Most players would also agree that Barb and Druid tend to struggle harder early game than the games other classes. Regardless, I was detailing my experience in the game. WW isn’t viable for uber lilith, and it isn’t viable for tier 80+ nm dungeons after the nerfs. Its been reduced to a speedfarming-only build in a game where speedfarming at level 100 is pretty pointless.

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Is there still a Barbarian in the Game or just a Barber?..xD

Im hitting this wall at 83 basicly same thing. I clear t40 no problem t50 1 shot by almost everything. Cant get the unique pants and my damage reduction ones havnot helped. Tried Hota hate the playstyle. Woder if i shoulda just played sorc nec or Rogue. That nerf they did really hurt barb, 2 least played class. Imo it was too extream. Even in pvp hota can still get 1 shot by necs and rogues.

I could not agree more tbh