World is way too small and campaign is too short

Not many people are bringing this up but when you think of an open world game, the first thing you normally think is like a big story, right? Lots of twists and turns in the story and cliffhangers, you should feel immersed like your part in the game matters somehow. It should be mysterious and ominous kind of and it should make you curious and daring… Right?

TBH when I first played the beta, I opened up the map and saw the other two quests that we couldn’t do yet and I thought WOW this is a big first zone! Fractured Peaks is Gigantic!!

But then I was let down to find out that those were 2 other zones and that the world was much smaller than I realized… I cant believe people are saying the campaign is S tier… I would give it a B at best but its more like a C to be honest. The campaign is so short as you are progressing all the sudden you are in Act IV before you do Act III and I think I completed Act V before Act IV I was like wtf. This game is short!

Take Uncharted 4 for example and I’m sure many, many other games. The campaign takes literally days or weeks to complete. In Uncharted 4, there are like 4-5 hours of cutscenes alone! In D4 there might be like one hour of actual cutscenes total.

I mean this game has been supposedly in production for years and years now and I feel like we just got sold a shareware version at best. The campaign feels like it was kind of insignificant to the world. It has you running all over the place but then you realize its over. Like its over so fast.

Also, side quests: why does my necro always say the same 3 lines when I pick up side quests? How many times does he say “Do you require aid?” in the same voice lol probably like 100 times. It gets old. Everybody that loves the game is defending it with the same reason too - “Well what did you guys expect, it’s an ARPG” - they are literally defending the genre type. I’m like bro, this game was like a dream it could have been amazing, but it is so much less than I thought it was going to be.

Maybe if I felt like my character was getting stronger when I got good gear that would be nice too. But instead monster scaling just makes me feel weak. And I don’t want to feel weak until I hit lvl 95 because I’m not going to play 2 hours just to get from lvl 60 to 61. It literally takes as long to go from lvl 49 to 50 as it does to get 1 paragon point. So you can get +5 to stats. WHOOPIE.

I know I’m rambling now but seriously this game is maybe a 6/10 for me just because of the graphics and the fighting but cant go higher because the story is lame and short and theres a lot of QoL issues I agree with that people are saying about the game.