I can't do this anymore

Back in my day games came out complete. No DLC no cosmetics. Maybe an expansion or two.

Y’all got sucked into this manipulation game that you have to pay for pixels, not the full product. That somehow devs starve if you don’t buy the $30 skin. Instead of thinking hey if it was $3 they might get 10x the sales. Better if free Caz then game might stay relevant for more than two weeks.

PoE does it better. Free game, 100x the content. Want to support? Buy a skin or support pack.

Multi billion dollar company with most expensive cell phone game to possibly exist needs to profit off skins ? Drink more koolaide. $70/$140 game with a battle pass plus MTX store and stuck in love service just for the store. It’s almost a cellphone game / f2p Korean MMOs from the 2000s.


D3 is 11 years old.


So in 9 more years… :rofl:

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Don’t blame you tbh.

All of the “defenders” will follow the same path.

Inevitability. The game is substandard. One of many to come that will back track.

Personally, it’s worth sticking around for.

But it does affect the game in two ways. By introducing the mechanic of the grind and adding the choice to buy each season level you destroy the flow of the game and the enjoyment of the customer. By removing the cosmetics you remove the visual enjoyment as well of the user when he had already bought a game. That forced grind will make them loose season players over time, thus killing the future lifespan of it for short term a gain in revenue.
There should be a way to earn those cosmetics through the game in some sort of hard achievement. Another example is those tokens you can earn from the battle pass that you can only use at certain levels. Another tool used to slow down players from completing the season. I’m playing a 63 rogue, I am at the last 6 blocks of the season pass, yet most of those rewards are unusable due to the level restriction.

I might consider them for like $1. Anything over that is a nope.

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Case and point. You played yourself but needed 20 char too

no offence, but you sound like those entitled kids that want everything handed to them with a silver plater without moving a finger.

A game is complete if you beat it, bugs or not. If you want to speed run a game and it takes 3 seconds that’s on you.

Don’t tell me spend runners don’t play the game the longest for WR runs tho. 1000s of hours to shave off seconds or minutes depending on the run.

How long / many years for rainbow road skip for Mario Kart 64?

May sound like it, but i have been playing since diablo 1. My brother has four Guinness world record for largest video game collection and complete collections of entire systems. I have played last 40 years every type of game out there under the sun. Just my assessment as I see. You can see his videos in you tube under Antonio if you are curious. But over 1 1/2 ago I bought Baldur’s Gate 3 and finally again a game that everything comes included like the games I played growing up. Think you may be mistaking entitlement vs what was standard when i was a kid… sorry for being old.

Im sorry, being old is gold.

But game 20-30 years back are so difference from what they are now. Im not trying to defend D4, they have a lot of L. But cosmetics is really not 1 of those.

You should spend time enjoying BG3 instead of dwelling in the forum. We have plenty of blizzard basher here.

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Already in act 3 of bg3. 150 hours in. Bliz forums is like watching the Titanic sink, which I also got to enjoy, back in my day.

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As you can see this is my 5 post in probably years. I liked Blizzard a lot. I bought Diablo 1-2-expansion-3-exp, warcraft 1-2, starcraft 1-2, wow back at BE till now. I usually don’t talk in forums. Just feel sad how blizzard is now a days. It’s a good game, just that some of the mechanics are killing it. I bought it to play it with my brother that has a collection on the weekends. But, he quit the season when he saw those mechanics. We still play on non season. I know the point of a company is to make money. But they got to a point that its just ridiculous. Well have a good night. Got work in about 5 hrs.

What mechanics are you referring that make your brother quit playing?

Are we still talking about cosmetics here?

i cant to the same conclution 5 weeks ago this is not a game you can play longterm. its simply not is has no endgame there is No point grinding and the seasons are so freaking weak you kind of start to understand that this dev team has no idea what they are doing.

I’m all about that tugboat baby

But it does affect the game in two ways. By introducing the mechanic of the grind and adding the choice to buy each season level you destroy the flow of the game and the enjoyment of the customer. By removing the cosmetics you remove the visual enjoyment as well of the user when he had already bought a game. That forced grind will make them loose season players over time, thus killing the future lifespan of it for short term a gain in revenue.
There should be a way to earn those cosmetics through the game in some sort of hard achievement. Another example is those tokens you can earn from the battle pass that you can only use at certain levels. Another tool used to slow down players from completing the season. I’m playing a 63 rogue, I am at the last 6 blocks of the season pass, yet most of those rewards are unusable due to the level restriction. Last part of the things to complete to earn easier the season pass exp you are required level 75+, but you will long be done with it before completing those. Basically right now each block requires you to do 4-5 nightmares… so last 6 blocks means a grind of at least 30 more nightmares dungeons that need to be completed. That is if the grind doesn’t get worse than it currently already is.
It suffers from a bad case of flow, bet they didn’t test it since it was designed around the store. Or its done on purpose with a bad flow to force user to buy it. In ant case still a bad design.

That is not even fair, as much as I dislike how D4 went downhill from launch due to I do not know what they were thinking. D:I is beyond disgusting. At least with D4 you can play the game and have an action rpg experience without having to spend money.

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I thought they said seasons were going to keep well going and expacs were on the way to keep thing fresh and introduce new well everything.

As with almost every succsseful Company, they have changed their Formula of the Product.

They sell you the Brand Name. Don´t expect it to be anywhere near to what it was, when it was fun. Can´t blame em though. They be printin money.

It´s not the Product that matters anymore, it´s the advertisement.
When you guys learn this?

Forget D2 or anything related to the old days.

And the funny thing is. We was fooled and then we go on THEIR Forums to talk about, how they fooled us and beg them for changes…I just realized…They got us all guys. They got us.


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