I can't do this anymore

And also not showing played hours and player reviews on any of their products IS HUGE factor. Coming to steam showed that the same day.

I put DI on a laptop for use on an exercise bike. Used a controller and honestly…if I approached it as a “diablo themed” game…eh…it was ok. Not great…but to pass the time on the bike…you bet. Never spent a dime…and that feeling of progression and feeling powerful were absolutely there. That said, it’s all uninstalled now :wink: (Shadow of Mordor took it’s place).

Why do you care?
Just don’t buy anything or even click on the “Shop” button, simple as that.
I have zero interest in the Shop, and it does not affect my gameplay in the least.

…or stash space, which I hear is very much needed and costs lots of $$$.

You heard wrong, you can get all the stash space you’ll ever need for less than 70 euros.
Nice try though, troll.

Dramatic. Because there are skins in the shop? GTFO. Show them with your wallet, don’t buy them.

They’re actually making a solid point

Jokes on you, those cosmetics have been in ‘storage’ for months, if not years.

Seriously for 25 dollars you should be able to buy a skin and a mount. I think they should cut the price in half, or make one day a month where cosmetics are half off or platinum coin bundles are half off. Blizzard you made billions stop being so greedy if the game is going to have so many faults at least let us make our character look good while we are progressing through all this SHHHH*t

Eh…feels pretty DI to me…ironically the skin shop and battle pass are where that feeling comes from…for me at least. As for the wallet, I went a step further…uninstalled the battlenet launcher across all my gaming devices. If D4 ever gets decent, I’ll be the first to install…but until then, no nothing for blizz…not even telemetry off my devices.

If $2 is too much for a stash how do you afford a 70/140 $ game ?

And pretty sure you get more free stash space in Poe than D4 gives. Both give 4 but Poe has a bigger character cap for mules if you don’t wanna buy stash space.

I picked up Diablo Immortal again to check out the Blood Knight and get my Diablo fix in general. Holy heck, what an incredibly content filled, fun, and social game compared to D4. It’s almost like D4 and Immortal got mixed up at the Blizz office and they named the games wrong. Everything I want in D4, there is in Immortal.

I think D4 still has a chance to be a decent game within its own little space, ignoring other ARPG games.

I do not think they will be able to get D4 even close to what POE is doing…and that games free.

The internet is for attacking people and spreading hate. Social media causes depression.

Diablo immortal is just Pay2win junk :frowning:

It’s pay2win, but not junk. It’s got more content in the fishing minigame alone than all of D4. Immortal is the D4 we should have got in place of D4. Instead we got D4.

As soon as I saw the video of developers playing the dungeon for the first time, I already uninstalled the game, wouldn’t want my time to be wasted with a company or game that doesn’t understand/ignore players.

Wilfire, you sound like the kind of political movement activist that roam and start from US, the country of the sensible ones.

Cosmetics should be the last thing that should matter in a f game. All that should matter if its a good game or not and sadly Diablo 4 is not.

What matters is THIS: THIIIIIIIIISSSS and not f cosmetics

  • BORING loot
  • no endgame
  • no real challenges
  • potato UI
  • potato Social System
  • no trading

Potatos are delicious. Do not put them in the same discussion as d4. D4 is hot garbage.

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They are prioritizing cosmetics over all of those. Where do you think the entirety of the development budget went?