I can't do this anymore

Why were you defending the game? I understand you like the gameplay, i like it A LOT also but you also uderstand how uncomplete and uncooked the game is. Rule of thumb Blizzard its such a greedy corporation that if you want something good to be created from them you need to BASH, BUSH, BASH until you and the community starts hurting their greedy corporative pockets and then good things will start happening. Look at diablo 3, IT TOOK 20 YEARS TO START LISTENING TO THE COMMUNITY.

There is also un underlying problem with devs mentality and i think some devs have no place in diablo team unless they were forced to introduce time wasting mechanics.

This game its the only chance Blizzard has, guys they get trashed the moment they show their head as they are known as greedy bas…

blizzards philosophy at the moment is
“Capture as much time from players with the least work possible”


It’s not the game, it’s the company. Any hope I had for the future is gone because this is what the company has become. Could it change in a few years after Microsoft gains a little more control? Sure, but they didn’t pay $70 billion to not make that money back tenfold.

This game is still hot garbage at the time of this writing


So, what got you to no longer defend dirty practices by this company was the cosmetics > incomplete game at full price? Not even the battle pass? Boy/Girl you are not only backwards and lost, but you really need to sit down and grasp situations well and learn. I don’t even want to know your real life circumstances. :confused:

A 70$ mistake ill never make with Blizzard again. I defended this game too. But this was the absolute last straw for me.

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Imagine knowing your game needs rapid development and improvement and instead of having more developers, designers, coders, scripters and testers you bloat the team with artists to pump out MTX.

To the crowd who think that art people can’t do dev work so its not impacting the game, it is, the budget goes on wages for MTX makers not on hiring or maintaining a team who can make the game better.

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It’s a video game. Before devs/publishers got greedy, PC games used to have tons of free skins and mods available to download online from thousands of players-turned-creators. At best, all of the trashy modern skins in video games should be $1. I get it, businesses exist to make money, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be reasonable about it.


It really is a shame to see how far Blizzard has fallen, but to be expected when acquired by Activision.

This is what they do.

Actually I think they’re being sincere. I felt that way for the first month or so after release. I thought the “bones” of the game were all there and just some tweeks and bug fixes would change things… then reality sunk in… the stash space is a direct port of D3 and hopelessly broken. Game decisions are built on lame metrics and not player feedback. And the bugs… every patch is followed by a hotfix, then another hotfix to disable something, then another to finally get it right. And they still haven’t fixed anything major. Horses still trip on pebbles, major quest lines are broken, and many players are still reporting frequent crashes and huge lag spikes.

Yea it’s getting pretty ridiculous. Who wants to buy cosmetics for a game that’s not fun? Put those cosmetics designers on something else like actual content for the game.

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I just checked and I don’t see anything new. What is the OP on about? looks like it’s the same junk that’s been in the shop for awhile.

Maybe 1 new horse armor that’s about it.

OMG dude no one on earth is forcing u to buy them!

At least its giving players some customization variety, relax. I dont think its a bad thing to have some exclusivity in the game to allow the freedom of not having to look like everyone else, isnt that the point?

I’m not really mad about cosmetics I mean if you want to be mad about something; its the lack of live-service and good endgame content. Cosmetic content people can buy should NEVER be limited, dude! Let people buy whatever they like!

For all I care who gives a sh*t if they release a new costume every 2 hours, you dont have to buy it! isnt it sort of a good thing that u can buy urself out of looking like everyone else? I mean if thats the ONLY effect these have then really WHO CARES?

I must say it may be strictly opinion but I don’t even like most of these costumes, but some are extremely well-done

Simple just dont buy them lol

The last 10 blocks of the season pass are a grind fest that feels like horrible to play. They purposely did it to try to force people to spend money on it. For a season pass you had already payed for by buying the special edition. Then they give you 666 store credits that can’t buy you noting. While half the skins also being the nice looking ones are all behind a paywall for a game you had payed full price for. When I hit that grind wall it ticked me enough that i cancelled my wow sub out of principle. Not coming back next season, not to be nickle and dime to death. Going instead save my sub money and spend on games Larion Studios have to offer. rather reward them as a company then one that tries to stick their hands in my pockets every second.

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Im have nothing against cosmetic and shop as long as its not P2W.

I just dont care caused im not spending a single penny on cosmetic. Why are you so trigger on whats the shop is selling?

It’d be nice if there was some cosmetic variety added to the game without people having to purchase it. :expressionless:

Sorry I decided to put it on ignore instead.
But you are right.

Maybe because we payed full price on it? or maybe cause then all the skin designs that actually look cool are behind the pay wall? Thus removing from the actual game on purpose just to sell it there. Then the skins you can actually earn in season have mechanics at the end to increase grind to try for force the player to buy it instead. They design their game around the store at this point and how to draw every penny from you. Please keep the 666 store credits in mind that cant buy you absolutely noting. As another incentive for a person to spend more money to have enough to buy one store item.

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Most of the stuff in the store looks on the same level as the in game stuff.
There are like a few that are cool, but even then if you look closely they are not that great, somewhat low effort.

Also I would like them better if they were not per class.

Let me get this right. You like to cosmetic, yet feel too expensive to pay for?

You bought the game, so you expect everything else to come free, the designer and coder working to add more into the game are suppose to work continuously free just because you paid that 1 time?

You bought a game, not a buy 1 free life time update fashion show.