I can't do this anymore

I fought tooth and nail to defend D4 against unfair criticism and lay out how the game might be improved in the near future to be a 10/10 masterpiece but tbh… after seeing another MTX shop update, I’m about to throw in the towel.

Good gameplay or not, triple AAA or not, Blizzard or not, I can’t bring myself to play a game that is somehow managing to pump out a dozen or more new cosmetics a month at the cost of half of the base game. Blizzard if you are listening, you are on track to having the single largest MTX store in ANY game ever, including F2P gachas. Please reconsider. Opening up the cosmetics store and seeing hundreds of items being sold is going to drive away a lot of self-respecting players in the future.


We paid $70 to $100 for Diablo Immortal 2.0. Pretty sad really.


haha that’s really funny mate.


Anything good? I’ve got some platinum to spend.

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You got 666 platinum from the battlepass. If you just buy 1 platinum pack you can get a cosmetic and you’d basically be throwing away money if you didn’t.

For me all the skins are way way too expensive. Imo they should all be between $5 to $10 at most for each set so I’ll never buy anything, or very rarely.


I’d be happy if it was half as good as Diablo Immortal…


Bruh… Just go play something else. And then something else after that.
Come back after some time has past.

It’s really not that serious. Don’t you have better things to do?

But… why does this matter when cosmetics are optional and don’t affect gameplay?

Why do you care that they have an art team which is completely separate from the balance and gameplay team that consistently creates new stuff?

If you don’t want to buy it, don’t. If you do want to buy it, do.

Again… why?

They are cosmetics.

They are completely unnecessary, extra items that have zero impact on gameplay.


The game is good, but the greed is awful.
This is what happen to everything money-based. It’s only a question of time.
They will get away with the “free market ideology” saying “JuSt DoN’t BuY iT.”
Billionnaires corporations hire psychology experts so they can use manipulation tactics to bypass our brain protections. This is nothing new. Ponzi schemes, casinos, etc.
As long as people worship the ideology, it will only get worst as time prove over and over.

P.s : Gatcha games are by far the worst.


i mean, i understand ton of criticism on the game
and even the price of said MTX which should be a third or quarter of what it is (because the current price is…bad in multiple ways …i think even blizzard themselves would benefit from reducing it considering that the current price would make most players simply not buy anything outside of battle pass like D3)

but the update of the shop doesn’t change anything on the updates of the game itself.
Not the same team at all + the money gained from it allow the game to be supervised for a longer period of time.
Personally i think it’s not bad if you think about it that way : if they didn’t get any money from it, just like D2 vanilla, they might stop updating the game quiet quickly or rush the expansions.

that being said, yes , if the shop ever include anything stats or gameplay oriented (and not simply cosmetics) for real money and they go against their own vow of not making it P2W, then yes i would be VERY vocal about it.

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Quit whining and buy MOAR platinum and ballte passesss

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That’s a sunk cost fallacy if I’ve ever heard one.


Yeah, Blizzard setting up a lemonade stand in the front yard, while the backyard is on fire and they don’t do anything about it, really shows their priorities.

They want them moneyz from that lemonaaade. The house, on the other hand, can go F itself.


Why anyone feels the need to defend a game made by a multi billion $$ company is beyond me to begin with. They don’t give a crap about you. Just $$. The game will never be 10/10 either. But throwing in the towel over that? LOL just don’t open the cash shop.

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Yea, that is the whole point. They didn’t make the game with making a good game in mind. They made the game with the intention of bilking as much money from this dying IP as humanly possible.

This was their make or break for many of us. They knew they didn’t have a good game, so they threw in as many $$ transactions as they could to get us on the way out.


Quite honestly, prior to joining the forums, I was only watching vids criticizing the game.

Once I joined, I saw the actual people that defended the game and how mean and dismissive they can be. This really had me dumbfounded, because I couldn’t believe myself witnessing people developing more understanding and sympathy toward a greedy corporate company; but act like fierce beasts, devouring to pieces, the ordinary Joe that just wanted some good feelings for the 70-100$ he spent.

I was honestly dumbfounded at this sight. Especially the ferocity of some of the responses. It’s like very surprising seeing people defend and understand the scammer, but lack any understanding toward the scammed.


A beta of DI 2.0 mind you.

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It makes a lot more sense when you realize that Blizzard pays PR firms to post as regular users on their forums.


Can I buy anything for 666 platinum?