I can't do this anymore

I didn’t say that as a means of giving you permission. I said that so you would understand that I am not trying to tell you what to do with your money. Too many people get all uptight thinking that is what is being implied when it’s not. I guess I will figure out a better way to say that next time.

I spent a ridiculous amount of money on this game for what it’s worth. Not just on the game but other things that have to do with the game.

That’s most ridiculous looking armor :joy::flushed::joy::rofl::skull:

They don’t have to do any kind of psychological manipulation. Even if there was no in-game platinum shop there would still be people begging Blizzard to take their money for cosmetics and services in this game. The problem starts with the demand not the supply. There are too many people that simply want to earn cosmetics(and probably in-game power if they could) with their credit card and not with their time.

Casual dads with more debt than common sense :rofl:

Game sucks. Well stay here and complain if we want. Cope.


the amount of new cosmetics is not the problem, but the abusive prices are unnaceptable
some skins have lower quality than the standard ones and still cost 1400 platinum

Why can they add new content to the cash shop, maintain it and update it but cant do basic qol updates for the main game until “next season” or “in the future”?

The game is be design, meant to waste our time, so we spend more time in the game, increasing the potential we spend money in the cash shop. Are you starting to get it now or do you have another set of boots to lick?

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Completely different teams, dude.

Artists do not also do balance.

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Dude, this can be true and indicative of priorities. The cash shop appears to be a top priority while in game qol and technical issues are not. I won’t and can’t speak for anyone but myself and while I enjoy this game very much after yesterday’s disconnect fest I’m done until either they address that or PoE2 is released…

I just wish all the complainers, would just leave.
Seriously if they can’t get all they want first patch they whine even more.

I really get a good lol at the ones that come here and say fix this now or I quit attidude.
Like your the intitled Kens/Karens no one else matters…LMAO


They’ve become a mobile studio.

You should fully expect the monetization system to receive more love than the actual content you’re given, especially as things progress into the future.

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That make me laugh. 99% of the players that quit had good and fair reasons, just like you have now. You were defending it simply because you wanted it to be good instead of looking at the reality. Now, you did the only good thing to do by quitting.

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That’s what they do in WoW… “do what I want or I cancel my subscription or I won’t buy your new expansion, or I won’t buy your sparkly new cosmetic!” Blizzard caved into this childish behavior for years… sometimes you can’t even blame a child for being a child when they’ve been coddled for so long.

Haha don’t be a troll the game is amazing I love it

This describes how extremely subjective a user perceives the game. Just one random aspect has to strike a nerve and the world comes to an end.

I think Blizzard’s master plan is to make us just bored enough that rather than quit, we look for dopamine hits in the cash shop.

It’s clearly bad for you. One day you write 40 paragraphs on how you love it and the next is a hate post. That should be your first clue.

No, I save the money for one platinum pack

Its not about the game anymore but the attitude of Activision and whether u wanna reward that by continueing playing Activision games.

Im a developer and guess what, someone working on one section of an app can easily work in another section. My dude, sorry you dont get it, some of us want(ed) a better game while others (you), slurp up any trash they poop out and defend it to the death (weird).

Also, i think youre confused on what the difference between an artist and developer is