I beg you get rid of other random players

Why some players don’t want to see other players?

I think it is very immersive looking at “XXCOOLPOTATO93” running around in circles and spamming emotes. It really helps the Diablo immersion!


I do not understand the concern here either. I did a multitude of random events where other players came and I received my rewards anyway. I don’t mind the open world, as long as everyone has their rewards or is the worry? :thinking:

Heres a mindbender… In my game world YOU’RE the rando!!!



im quite the solo player my self, but i ddnt mind to see people in the “open world”, i hope at high end there will b enough solo content… still going to b nice to have an open world to go for events and world boss’s with randoms or a team of my own, once in a while… so having options is great, and even tho its not perfect i think its better then what we had in d3

This was my ‘shared world’ portion of my feedback post - it explains my reasoning for disliking it.

  • Seeing an event on your map, working your way there, arriving only to find someone else just finished it creates an absolutely garbage experience.
  • Running through a region and finding no enemies because someone else you ‘share the world’ with is like two steps ahead of you and respawns haven’t kicked in yet was terrible.
  • In terms of pure feel, it really hurts the Diablo feeling. I want my Diablo world to feel bleak and threatening. I want it to feel desolate and hostile. Having other players who aren’t in my party appear in my game outside of town just makes it feel like any MMO, not the dark, hostile Diablo world I hope for.
  • It increases lag, although I do acknowledge this is likely a simple result of this being a stress test, but it was definitely noticeable. Entering and exiting town frequently resulted in rubberbanding/being unable to actually leave town and enemies often jerked around the environment.
  • This is a bit forward-looking, but I have some fear that this is going to make it very frustrating to do world quests - having to search for enemies because other people have cleared them for you is bad enough in an mmo, but it may end up being game breaking for a diablo-style loot action rpg.

I noticed this on the souls quest. Even worse when they killed the mobs 2-3 screens away it showed me I HAD DROPS with the little blue/white dots, but when I get there the dots are there but no essense to pickup.


Because the real world is not being invaded by a demonic army, nor am I the hero of the story trying to combat all of them. Like it is in a Diablo game.

Also, some people want to attempt escaping real life bs, after they’re done with a long annoying work shift, hard studying day, or even care taking of a family, by having some quality self time on their own without much interactions or interruptions. Who are you to tell them otherwise? Nobody.

And yes. Right now the biggest and most missed aspect of Diablo 4 is the lack of a solo/singleplayer mode or private lobby. Especially seeing the amount of Beta feedback for it here on the forums.


yeh i kinda agree with what you wrote above sometimes can b meh! but can b easy solved by using game phasing system, and i wouldnt deslike to have a “private map” option either! but if we dont get it, its not the end of world. also its all comming down to how seasons are going to work, and we dont know quite yet.

The person you responded to was clearly being facetious…

-Events respawn fairly quickly, kinda sucks to miss out, but there are better things to do anyway, the events are kinda repetitive and only a few of them matter like the Kor legion event or world boss, both of which show an ‘upcoming event’ timer

-Yay free path for me? Fighting trash is worthless anyway, you don’t want empty exp, skip through the junk and get to the objectives, elites, and loot

-The most ‘desolate’ contributing factor to my diablo experience ever has to be that lonely strumming guitar bgm in d2, but sure any other person in the world with me makes it far less lonely. It’s part of the games lore though, you are not the only survival in the war between good and evil with humans of sanctuary caught in the middle.

-did not have any lag issues, performance issues and other oddities were minimal and expected during test, experience with this may vary

-world quest targets are lit up with red dots on minimap within quest area, no issues hunting them, in fact other people nearby killed some and caused quest drops for me

Ah. Possibly… I’m just honestly tired of the amount of people acting very aggressive and toxic towards this request in general, that I consider most such responses as trolly or hostile. But maybe you’re right.

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Happy that it doesn’t effect you, but it not effecting you doesn’t mean it won’t effect me.

This is like someone who is allergic to dogs telling you ‘being around dogs gives me rashes’ and you going ‘I pet dogs and its a great experience!’. It being fun for you doesn’t change that its not fun for them and nothing can change that part.


does it really? How many people are in contact with the main story characters? Is that girl in a loop of looking for her mother, and her mom dying over and over?


I really want an offline separate mode. I don’t like to play with strangers.

And even if I’m going to play with a friend or family member, I’d rather we play on landline.


Not entire world.
I guess not even 50% - there are plenty who enjoy it

If you are that anti social, you don’t have to play with anybody. Just play solo and dont talk to anybody.

This is a live service game, deal with it.

I’m not antisocial. I spend a lot of time with friends and family, and I’m a psychologist… my job is literally to talk to people (or rather, to listen to them).

It is because I have real social interactions IRL that I despise these transactional relationships in games where you are only “friends” with people as long as you can provide a service for each other (items, power, etc.).

It is a live service game because Blizzard wants to make more money off of it, not because having a separate offline mode would be detrimental to the player.

Yes, I’m dealing with it; that doesn’t mean I won’t show my disapproval.


“If you want to play a game entirely solo, then you must be anti social”.

What a dense and oblivious argument… because some people want to play solo for immersion. Some also want the extra challenge or feeling isolated in a dark universe. Some want to be able to instantly pause when they please. Just because people want these things don’t make them “anti social”. Honestly cringe take.

Also you know what, lets say that somebody IS anti social. So what? Maybe they indeed just want to play a game without having to run into the likes of you for example. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Having the option to do so is sensible. :slight_smile:


What’s the big deal? It’s just people you see on your screen for a minute. Most of the time you are alone and when the full world is released you’ll see even less of them.

Look, I don’t know if this online thing is good or bad, that remains to be seen after the game launches, if it’s a bad idea it’s gonna get capped, if not, it stays. Don’t want to see it busted before it gets a chance to prove it’s good or bad.