I beg you get rid of other random players

what matters is loot, move on boi!

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The world does not need a solo experience, if anything needs bigger integration with other players.

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I had this as well. Playing with a controller made this extremely annoying, and i ended up joining the group despite trying to decline. You had to hold a button down to respond, then hold another button down to respond to that it was truly annoying.

The only reason I tried to respond was to decline, so they would get the message i didnt want to join group but they kept spamming.

Sadly i dont think they will have a solo mode to escape the mmo part because they are making it such a focus point. But everyone who keeps praising it will be right back on these forums at launch screaming about lag and all the griefing that conspire when it matters and its not beta.

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whole world ?? lol!! only 2% of you wants solo exp.

Regardless of a player’s preference, there is no harm in giving player’s the option of a closed or open world. I prefer chicken to beef, does not mean beef should not be an option.

I had no problems with other players during my time in game. I grouped up 1 time to help another player with a quest and then we cleared a stronghold together before disbanding. While it was less than 5% of my total play time, that time with in group was the most fun and memorable for me.

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Because the pool of old gamers is constantly diminishing and they want to bring in modern gamers as well, who are more prone enjoy online multiplayer games.

“Times change”

So what you are saying is other players showed up, helped clear an event for you easily, you won, and thats ‘messed up’ ?


Can you block them? I wasn’t harassed so I don’t know if this is even possible. The blocking I meant.

That’s not entirely true because the difficulty of a boss/area scales with the number of people present. If not all players are of the same quality, then the weaker person(s) is being carried of sorts/sped up and the stronger person(s) is carrying/slowed down relative to their normal. I experienced this when grouping up with some irl friends and plowing dungeons, but I didn’t mind it.

I really wanted to see how I handle solo vs Ashava, but that is impossible. I’m going to be stuck with random players. My first ashava clear was like 5-7 minutes, second was 3-5 minutes. The third one was like 12 minutes. At 33% of its hp, I stopped fighting and the bar practically stopped moving as I watched from my tombstone. Clearly I was the carry in that fight :stuck_out_tongue:

It almost seems like players have a rating of sorts and matchmaking will put a spread of players together, balancing out high with low. I must have been the top end in that last (4th spawn) Ashava.

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I was fortunate enough to fight Ashava 2 1/2 times, first time died a couple of times but we cleared it. Second time no deaths cleared. Third time got disconnected halfway through. Fun.

I missed the first run because I went to a company lunch with my gf, but fortunately the time zone snafu worked in my favor and I was just barely home in time to catch the 2nd spawn, took a nap and got up for #3 and #4. My only death was when I quit playing to watch how much progress everyone else was able to achieve without me, otherwise the fight was very easy for my build.

You can only get the Ashava cache once per week, but you still get normal drops for the kill, so basically I got 2x loot for 3 kills.

Yeah it was definitely fun. Even as a Barb, leaping to it negated the times it jumped away and I was able to maintain DPS and provide buffs to the team. Hopefully the other World Bosses will be better.

Yes and no. I never try to say that a player can take 10% boss hp per hit regardless of level. All I want to explain is that that’s how it appear on screen. If a level 10 deal 0.1% hp per hit (more like the case here with world boss) and the level 25 deals 1% per hit, both will do 10.1% hp.

Issue with lower level players is that their builds are all over the place with key skill nodes, passive and legendary missing here and there. That’s why you see low level people struggling with dungeon boss but level 25 can decimate it in 10s or ways less.

The whole game is about the quality of the player vs the level of the player against a given target, not simply player stats vs the targets stats. That’s how scaling works.

It doesnt matter if a level 10 fights a mob or a level 100, granted the 100 has more mechanics, utility, and likely quality gear and upgrades, but if the 10 is as beefed out as possible for a 10, then he can fight any boss/mob that scales down to 10 nearly as well as the 100 who sees the mob at 100 (assuming very wide range scaling).

I assume some areas/zones will have a lower level limit to where mobs will not scale down below X and possibly fractured peaks caps at level 25 or some parts/spawns 30, mobs will not scale up beyond Y. If any/some mobs stop scaling up, then an over-leveled character will have an advantage vs them.

I can do 10% boss hp/hit vs dungeon bosses, but not vs Ashava unless I was solo and the boss wasnt buffed for multilpayer. I’m curious to find out how I would do and if world bosses are exceptions to the normal rule of 1 to 4 player content.

Did you kids not read the description of the game? Did you not watch all the YT videos pertaining that D4 is a MMO-RPG? If you don’t like it, cry to mommy for not comprehending, not to Blizzard.

Bah! Game series need to evolve over time to meet the expectations of an ever changing playerbase. D4 is still mainly a single player affair with just the slightest amount of interaction with other players. The presence of others isn’t going to have any big effect on how you play the game unless you seek it out. I bet within the first week or two of playing the game you’d hardly bat an eye to random player interactions.

At least they should make our room separate or that whole inn instanced, so it shouldn’t look like there are 5 thieves trying to steal from my chest :sweat_smile:

The other thing is outside of town / safe zone, players can go through each other… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Why? Make them/us solid!


100% agreed. Outside of town, pvp zones or world bosses, the ‘having other people’ thing is purely a negative to the diablo experience. Other people(who aren’t in my party) never once created a positive contribution to my Diablo 4 experience during the beta. It was always either ‘oh there’s no enemies here, I guess someone else got here first’ or ‘ooh there’s a world event over the… oh someone else just did it and its over now. Yay.’


Well, clearly it’s not “the entire world” because I like the mix of shared world and solo dungeons. I don’t want to be forced into a solo world any more than you want to be forced into a shared one.

That said, I can’t see any harm in giving people the option of a solo world so long as people can also choose the shared one.

Entire time I played I can recall 2 instances where a rando and I did an event. Wasn’t a big deal at all. I don’t understand the issue here.