I beg you get rid of other random players

At the very least give us an option, sure its an MMO - but please let us enjoy it solo if we wanna run around and just enjoy ourself :frowning:


Realistically, its not a big issue. Even as someone who hates it, its a pretty minor issue. But its a feature with no upside and a few minor downsides that can have a moderate effect on peoplesā€™ experience, so it is perfectly reasonable to criticize it and wish it wasnā€™t there.


Iā€™m not going to say get rid of other players, Iā€™m saying give us a check box to enable/disable.


Do not lie pls, I, my friends, and all ppl I know, like Diablo MMO! When Blizzard said Diablo 4 will be Open World ARPG/MMO, this was extremaly positive for me! More MMO in Diablo!

I didnā€™t like running into other people and would prefer a single player mode. But I agree with you that it should not replace the things you like. It should be an option.

Thatā€™s just inappropriate and not helping your argument. People like different things for different reasons.


Why would anyone want to remove it? People are asking for an option to play solo like D3 had. Nothing should be removed.



These whine posts are so cringe.

Blizzard, I saw someone possibly doing more damage than me. It made me feel bad!

Blizzard, my sorc is cool, but all other sorcs are lame. I donā€™t want to see them!

Blizzard, I become confused with more than one player on the screen!

Yeah youā€™re right, pardon me. Though we do need a thicker skin as a society

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MMO Stalker ā€¦ theyā€™re everywhere these days

Yeah, I cant stand seeing people in the real world either lol.

Play Diablo 2 then. Or even Diablo 3. This is Diabwow.

Removing it ? Absolutely not.
Having the option to disable it, as a connectivity option , sure. :white_check_mark:

I personally love coming across real players, randomly, or under some events. Without having to queue up for minutes, waiting to get ā€œmatchedā€ or some other shenanigans.
It does seem a bit buggy tho, as I understand it, you shouldnā€™t cross anyone while in open field, adventuringā€¦ But it does happen once in a while.

Iā€™m not sure what others could impact on you. I played HC this beta and Iā€™ve been just fine, saw 3 or 4 randoms and thats all. D3 had an issue with some kind of players pulling mods and trying to kill you with them but D3 is just a one way lane, easy to get grouped and killed. Inside of an open world you can run any way easier, dont think that will be possible here but I agree Iā€™d prefer to play solo as HC player. I donā€™t mind walking around with randoms if Im playing normal tho.

Its not ā€œalmost impossibleā€ Its designed similar to wow with regards to shards. So long as there is thousands of people who want to play socially, you would never notice the difference if they allowed people to roam solo. As someone who doesnt mind the social run-ins, I think its highly hypocritical of you to enforce your desire onto others. There are valid concerns from those who donā€™t want to play with others.

If 10mil people bought and played this game, and 5mil wanted to play it solo, you would still have 5mil to shard with, which would then be divided amongst however many realm servers they had. I donā€™t even think this is a 50/50 matter either. So even if you were down to 100k people, youā€™ll only ever be sharded with sayā€¦ 20 or 30 of them tops. Most I ever saw was like 15 in town or during the world boss.


Iā€™m saying if we cannot maintain the density per local region in the MMO features should they allow SSF options.

Hoping Blizz listening. Again we ask for an option, towns are OK for trading and stuff but not for any other gameplay.


I kinda agree that Iā€™d like to have the option to run around alone, but I also know thatā€™s me being stubborn and wanting whatā€™s old and comfortable. I played a ton in the beta, and the only time other players being around bothered me was when I was trying to inspect someoneā€™s gear, but kept selecting someone else instead, lol.

In reality (due to power/level scaling), others players donā€™t do anything to hurt you, and can literally only potentially help you. Donā€™t want to interact with other players? Go into a dungeon (the bulk of the gameā€™s content), donā€™t join a clan (100% optional), donā€™t join any parties (again, optional), and donā€™t expect to kill a WB (you guessed it; OPTIONAL!)

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Agreed, I rarely saw anyone unless i was in town and even then it was mostly at the blacksmith.

Why ppl canā€™t enjoy a game always crying.

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