I beg you get rid of other random players

The entire world screams and wants a solo experience, why do we have to beg for it? I want to enjoy this game solo and only invite my friends to play, why is this so hard? What do I get by seeing random players who also join and mess things up during world events? It becomes confusing and ruins my gameplay.


cuz it makes it more realistic?
people exist in the world and mess up things all the time here too, why you wanna escape that in a game?


What the hell does realism and “people exist in the world” has to do with a demon slaying video game? Thats not a good reason to add crap into the gameplay.

Other players serve little to no benefit to the gameplay, if anything they confused me whole I was solo’ing a world event and then they joined and destroyed everything in one shot.


How exactly are ppl messing up your world events?


I’m guessing the real reason is that some suits at Activision said it needed to center around multiplayer. I agree that we should be able to close our games off and go solo as in previous Diablo games. One of the things I hate about Immortal is its insistance on pushing multiplayer as a necessary part of the game. Yes, some of us do want to escape that in a game. We’re talking about a world caught in a physical, real conflict between angels and demons. If I wanted realism, this wouldn’t be the vehicle for it.


You can’t sell transmogs in a solo player game.


Its very confusing when I am in the middle of a challenge and someone joins and messes it up. At least 3 times I was playing while suddenly 2-3 extra players joined up and become messed up. They one shot everything and won.


the open world is the only thing that has other players. everything else is instanced. after hitting 25 i rarely would see players except in town because i was in some kind of instance.

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I didn’t realize how anti-social diablo players are…


I liked seeing other players running around and joining my battle but I do understand what you’re saying. Perhaps there can be an offline option or a solo queue option? It does feel like some sort of MMO and I think having all the players around does sort of take away from the spooky/creepy factor but I also think it’s nice to meet new people to quest with.


For my part, a few hours before the server closed, a player harassed me for 20 minutes in town by inventing me in his group. I was LvL 25 and he (she) LvL 10. I would like to have a “Do Not Disturb” command that disables unwanted invitation requests.


This is one of the things I hate about MMOs that until now we could avoid in Diablo games. Toxic people you can’t eacape. Even blocking 1 toxic person, there’s another around every corner. I’ve made some great friends in MMOs, but there’s always one toxic douche every week in grouped content.

At least there’s no requirement to group for raids in Diablo 4. World bosses will be relatively quick.

I’m generally cool with the fact that there will be other players around throughout the game. Sometimes I’ll really miss the solo experience though. I’m curious how difficult it would be to give players their own instance if they wanted. I mean they did it for millions of players for years, so probably not THAT difficult.


I think you should have the option to do this. It doesn’t hurt anyone to allow solo instances. A lot of people will enjoy the MMO feel, a lot of people want an immersive solo Diablo story or some solo play at their own pace without intrusion on occasion.


During my playthrough it was 95% just me in the world. makes me wonder where all these supposed people in the queue were. All on world tier 1?

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I was tier 2 and many times scumbags would join in and one shot stuff while I was trying to be in the zone.

Boss fights are fine to be joinable by randoz perhaps.

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IMO, the pros outweigh the cons.

Running into other players felt like immediate solidarity, it was fun to meet strangers and team up on dungeons. Don’t punish the rest of us because you’re depressed, bitter, or lonely, please


Why are they scumbags? The world events are available to them as well.


please no, i love that there’s people around!


At least make it an option.


At what point does giving the rest of us an option to play solo serve as a punishment to you?
On the contrary making us play with you is a punishment to us. EVERYONE wins when we (solo players) don’t have to see you.